Status: in progress

A Supernatural Sister

Chapter 1

Lawrence, Kansas year 1988. (17 years ago)

Mary Winchester carries her son Sam with the older Dean by her side holding her hand. She walks into her daughter's nursery where she is 6 months old today.

"Come on; let's say good night to your little sister." Mary says flicking the lights on. Dean the infants brother runs over to the crib and jumps on the railing he places a kiss on his little sisters forehead.

Mary leans down and does the same.

"Goodnight love." Her mother says to her soothingly.

"Hey Kids." John Winchester calls from the doorway.

"Daddy!" Dean tells running over to their father and jumping into his arms.

"So what do you think? Lutessa ready to toss around the football yet?"

"No daddy!" Dean says with a laugh and a shake of his head.

"Goodnight daddy." Sam calls leaving the room with his mother.

"Goodnight Sammy." Dean and John call back to the exiting boy and mother together.

"Sweets dreams, Lutessa." John whispers to his infant daughter before carrying dean out of the room and turning out the light.


Later that night Mary is asleep in her bed when she hers the baby monitor going off. Lutessa is crying and you can hear static. She goes into the nursery still half asleep and sees a man's shape standing over the crib. She assumes that he is her husband.

"John is she hungry?" Mary calls from the doorway.

John shushes her so she leaves the room. As she is heading into the doorway back to the bedroom she notices the lights flickering. She hears the Television on and comes downstairs and finds her husband John snoring on the couch. She runs back upstairs to Lutessas room.


John Winchester awakened by Mary's scream comes running into Lutessas nursery he rushes into the room where Lutessa is seemingly alone.

"Hey Tessa. You okay?" John asked his daughter coming over to the crib and leaning his hands on the railing.

Something falls down by his daughters head from above. He moves his hand towards it and it then something falls on the back of his hand. He looks to the ceiling and sees Mary with her abdomen cut open and pinned there. Startled he jumps back and falls to the floor. Suddenly the ceiling catches fire engulfing Mary in it. John grabs his daughter and runs out of the room, he pumps into his two sons who had awakened only moments earlier by the comotion came to investigate, John on his way there to wake them is relieved to see Dean is coming outward. He tells his son to take his brother and sister outside as fast as he can. He does so and they escape the house just in time to see the windows blow out. Fire trucks and ambulances arrive on the scene.


Lutessa "Lucy. "Or "Tess." Jane Winchester. Age 17. Looks just like her mom with a few differences. She has pin straight white blonde hair and has her mother's eyes except hers have more blue. Well that's what people would say to describe her if they asked. She doesn't remember her mother, having only seen pictures. Compared to the real thing she has no way to know.


17 years later

I opened my eyes and looked around rubbing the sleep from them, I stretch my arms up. I looked to my left and dean is still asleep. I look over at the clock on the nightstand in between the bed's. Its no surprise Dean isnt awake yet it's only 8:06 am no way he would be up yet. My father has been missing for two weeks now. at first dean and I thought it was his usual "Radio silence." that usually lasts for 2 days and any longer he would call Dean or I and give us a heads up to wait. Another clue he was missing was that he left his journal. He takes it with him wherever he goes.

I got off the bed, grabbed my duffel bag and headed inside the bathroom. I opened my beauty bag and took out my face wash and tooth brush and put it on the side of the bathtub. I reached in and put the shower on while waiting for it to heat up I set my clothes for the day on the sink counter.

I got out of the shower and dried myself off with a towel. I put my pants on and my shirt then I put on some mascara. I didn't really need make up. People always tell me how beautiful I am. I don't mean to sound vain. I like the way I look. I have never had time for thinking about it much I'm not a normal teenager. Normal teenagers go to high school and have homework and boyfriends and Proms and graduations. Well not me. I hunt Monsters. Ghosts. Beasts, Demons Etc. You catch my drift? I exited the bathroom with my hairbrush in hand and Dean was gone. I went over to the TV where there was a sticky note on it. I grabbed my stuff from the bathroom and put it on the floor.

Gone to get food. - Dean

I pulled the sticky note off the television and put it in the waste basket. I straightened my bed and sat on the edge and flicked through the channels. Nothing interesting was on. I hardly had time for television anyways. So I put on a talk show. I wasn't really getting that into it. I brushed my hair out and then let it air dry straight. About half an hour later I heard the impala park outside the hotel. Dean came into the room with breakfast a minute later.

"Hey." He said setting the food and his keys down on the table.

"Hey." I say back with a smile getting up an taking a seat at the table with him.

I opened up the bag to find sausage and hash browns. I ate them eagerly because I was starving. I didn't even complain to Dean how unhealthy this was. I hadn't done that since dad went missing on a hunt.

"Sooo... How did you sleep?" I asked Dean trying to break the silence.

"Fantastic. You?" He replied through a mouthful of pancakes.

"Very well." I replied. Okay this is getting more awkward by the second.

I was going to say something about Dad when Dean stood up abruptly. "I'm going to have a shower. Pack your stuff up!" He says to me with a Grin.

"Where are we going? Did you find Dad?" I asked confused that we would be leaving.

"We're going to California. No I didn't hear from Dad, were going looking for him." He said walking into the bathroom and closing the door.

I sat there un-amused for a good five minutes before throwing all my clothes and stuff into my Duffel bag. I put my Leather Jacket on and zipped it up. Putting my lock pick set into the hidden pocket inside. I grabbed my boots and put them on taking my two knives and sticking one in each boot. You never know when you will need those.

Dean came out of the bathroom dressed already. I had cleaned the room up a bit and put all his clothes into his duffel for him.

"Ready to go?" I asked him

"Yep. Let's get on the road." He says while walking towards me he grabs his Duffel and gets his keys. On his left i start alking Then with his free hand he puts it on the Middle of my back pushing me out the door confusing me all the more.


We had been in Deans "Baby" as he liked to call the Impala for what seems like a million years now. We had driven all day yesterday and halfway through the night. I hadn't noticed until now when I saw a sign that we were near Stanford University. He said California, I cant believe i didnt make the connection until now.

"Dean... Where are we going?" I asked looking away from the window to my brother not really believing conclusion.

"I thought we would go pay Sammy a visit." Dean said with a mischievous grin on his face as we pulled up to a student apartment building.

"Right... You do realize that it's like the middle of the night?"

"Then it's a good thing my little sister is the world's best lock picker!" Dean says back to me.

"Flattery will get you everywhere." I say with a very Dean like Smirk on my face.

Before we got out of the car my cell phone beeps I look down at it and it says I have one new voicemail. Deans about to get out of the car but I grab his arm to stop him.

"Wait, I have a new voicemail. It could be from dad. "I say holding up my phone.

"Well what are you waiting for? Press play. "Dean says

I press play and put it on speaker we hear our father's voice.

-Kids...something big is starting to happen...I need to try and figure out what's going on. It may... Be very careful, we're all in danger.-

The recording is staticy and the signal is clearly breaking up.

"There's EVP on it. I'm going to try and see what's there. "I say

I slow it down and run it through a gold wave and I get something off of it. I press play for Dean.

A woman's voice is heard saying- I can never go home…

We give each other a look before getting out of the car and walking towards the door. I unzip my leather jacket and get the lock pick ready as we stop at the door. I unlock it in a matter of minutes, before pushing the door in.

"Lady's first." Dean says


Sam is lying in bed with his girlfriend Jessica when he hears a clattering noise from down stairs. He gets up to investigate it.


We walk into the house and look around Dean moves over to some candle sticks and accidentally knocks them on the floor.

"Nice going!" I whisper yell at Dean annoyed at his incompetence. If they were really here robbing stuff we would be screwed now.

Dean just shrugs.


Sam looks around and sees the window is open. He sees a shadow pass and then a man. He goes after him.


"Would you please stop touching everything?" I whisper yells at him again.

"Sorry. Can't help it." Dean whispers back going into another room.

I just scoff at him and stay where I am.


Sam comes into the room where the intruder is looking at a cabinet. He jumps Dean from behind and the two start a fight. Moving into the room where Tess is she jumps out of the way watching them. While they throw punches at each other. Dean gets the upper hand and pushes Sam down landing on top of him.


"Whoa! Easy Tiger." Dean says

"Dean?" Sam asks surprise in his voice and face.

Dean chuckles at him.

"You scared the Crap out of me." Sam says exasperated.

"That's because you're out of practice." Dean says with a smirk.

Sam and he tussle again with same on top this time.

"Or not. Get off of me." Dean says laughing again.

Sam stands up and gives Dean a hand.

"Dean what the hell is you doing here?"

"Well I was looking for a beer." Dean says not even kidding.

I sneak up behind Sam while he isn't paying attention.

"Boo!" Sam jumps and Turns around.

"Tess?" Sam asks not really recognizing me it seems.

"Sammy! I always could give you a good scare. You could never get me though." I say with a chuckle.

"Wow, I hardly recognize you." Sam says eyeing her.

"Well we haven't seen each other in 4 years Sam. People change I happened to grow up." I say with a smirk. I squeeze his shoulder on my way walking over to stand beside Dean.

"What the hell, are you two doing here?" Sam asks not thinking this is funny.

"Okay, all right. We got to talk." Dean says becoming serious now.

"Uh, The phone?" Sam says clearly annoyed

"If we'd had called, would you have picked up?" Dean asks.

Before Sam can answer a girl comes in the room and flicks the light on we all turn our heads in unison.

"Sam?" She asks confused.

"Jess, Hey. Dean, Tess. This is my girlfriend Jessica." Sam says looking between us and her.

"Wait your siblings, Dean and Tess?" Jessica asks giving us a smile.

I smile back at her. It's nice that Sam has a girlfriend. I wonder if she knows about hunting. I doubt it.

Dean grins and moves closer to her. "Oh, I love the Smurfs." Dean says gesturing to her cropped smurfs shirt that she is wearing. "You know, I got to tell you. You are completely out of my Brothers league."

I walk over to Dean who is staring at Jess. "Okay Dean. That's enough. We don't want to creep out Sammy's Girlfriend right?"

"Just let me go put something on." Jess says turning to go. Dean's voice stops her.

"No, no, no. I wouldn't dream of it. Seriously." Dean says going back to Sam without taking his eyes of Jess. Sam watches him with a stony expression.

"Anyways, we got to borrow your boyfriend here, talk about some private family business." Dean says patting Sam on the shoulder and gesturing to me who had just walked over to them again, and himself.

"But, it was so great to meet you Jess!" I say giving her a sincere smile.

Sam goes over to Jess and puts an arm around her

"No, no whatever you want to say. You can say in front of her."

Dean and I turn to face them straight on.

"Okay dad hasn't been home in a few days." Dean says

Jess looks up at Sam who just wants them to leave.

"So he's working overtime on a Miller Time Shift. Hell stumbles back in sooner or later."

Dean Ducks his head and brings it back up. I roll my eyes before looking at Sam again.

"Dads on a hunting trip and He hasn't been home in a few days Sam." I say giving him an understand-now-look.

"Jess, Excuse us. We have to go outside." Sam says.


We walked outside of the apartment to the Stairwell. We head downstairs. Sam had just put on jeans and a hoodie.

"I mean come on; you can't just break in, Middle of the night, and expect me to hit the road with you." Sam says

"Well Technically. Tess was the one that broke in." Dean says patting me on the head trying to lighten the mood but not helping it. I just smack his arm awaywith the back off my hand. A clear sign he isn't helping himself either.

"That doesn't matter." Sam said not appreciating Dean's attempts.

"You're not hearing me, Sammy. Dads missing, we need your help to find him." Dean says

"You remember the poltergeist in Amherst? Or the Devils Gates in Clifton? He was missing then, too. He's always missing, and he's always fine." Sam says

Dean and I stop and Give each other a glance before turning around to face a stopped Sam.

"Not for this long. Now are you going to come with us or not?" Dean asks

"I'm not." Sam says giving him a sincere look.

"Why not?" I say scoffing at him.

"I swore I was done hunting. For good." Sam answers

"Come on, It wasn't easy, But it wasn't that bad." Dean says

Dean and I turn around and continue down the stairs again with Sam following us.

"Yeah? When I told dad I was scared of the thing in my closet he gave me a .45" Sam says stopping with them at the building exit.

"Well, what was he supposed to do?" Dean asks

"I was nine years old! He was supposed to say, don't be afraid of the dark." Sam says

Dean was about to say something in return I spoke up raising my voice at Sam.

"Don't be afraid of the dark. What are you kidding me? Of course you should be afraid of the dark. You know what's out there."

"Yeah, I know but still. The way we grew up, after Mom was killed, and Dads obsession to find the thing that killed her. But we still haven't found the damn thing. So we kill everything we can find."

Sam was right. My father was obsessed with whatever killed her that night. He never even talked about Mom. I asked once and He gave me a scary look and ignored me the rest of the day. I was 10 at the time and never asked about her ever again.

"We save a lot of people doing it Sam. "I say my expression having softened again.

"You think Mom would have wanted this for us? Sam asks us. Dean rolls his eyes and Slams the door opening with me and Sam following

We walk up the short flight of stairs from the door going to the parking lot.

"The weapon training. Melting the silver into bullets? Come on. We were raised like warriors." Sam says walking over to the Impala with me leading now.

"So what are you going to do? You're just going to live some normal, apple pie life? Is that it?" Dean asked Sam.

"No. Not normal. Safe." Sam says while we all stop at the trunk and face each other.

"So that's why you ran away?" I ask him and then look away from him shaking my head.

Sam was the only one who wanted a normal Life? Before Sam left for Stanford I was still a sweet innocent little girl who always needed her big brother Sammy to take care of her when I was afraid. When I was left with Dean and there Dad. Something inside died and something was awoken. I couldn't be the innocent sweet girl anymore. I knew all the hunting skills by heart. Most times I was left in hotel rooms worrying about them. I had to do something with my time. I learned all I could about hunting. I just wanted my father to look at me and not be seen as burden he was stuck with after Sam was gone I found my true potential. Maybe I should thank him. I'm a good Hunter. Not as great as my Dad; but Iliked to think maybe one day.

I was brought out of my thoughts by Dean and Sam's continued Bickering.

"I was just going to college. It was dad who said if I was going to go I should stay gone. And that's what I'm doing." Sam says

"Yeah, we'll, dads in real trouble right now. If he's not dead already. I can feel it." Dean says.

"We can't do this alone." Dean says with both him and me looking away.

We were both alike that way. We didn't like admitting we needed help. We didn't even like showing emotion. I'm like Sam and dean in different ways. They basically raised me. They were more of a father than my actual father was.

"Yes you can." Sam says looking between us

"Yeah, we'll we don't want to." Dean declares.

Sam sighs and then looks down thinking. Then up again.

"What was he hunting?" Sam questions

I open the trunk of the Impala. Then the sparer-tire compartment as it serves the purpose of an arsenal. I prop the compartment open with a shotgun and start looking through the clutter.

"Alright, let's see..." I say more to myself than them while looking through it.

"Where the hell did you put that thing?" Dean says waiting.

"So when Dad left, why didn't you go with him?" Sam asks us

"We were working are own gig. This, uh, voodoo thing down in New Orleans. "Dean Answers for us while I keep looking for papers in the trunk.

"Wait, Dad let you go on a hunt alone? With just Dean?" Sam asks turning to me now. I stop looking and glare at him before answering.

"I'm not a little kid anymore Sam. I'm 17. I don't need Dad to protect me every minute." I say angrily before I turn back around to keep looking then I finally spots the papers I put in the folder. So I take them out and give them to dean.

He takes them from me and I turn back around to Sam.

"Alright. Here we go. So Dad was checking out this two-lane blacktop just outside of Jericho California. About a month ago, this guy." Dean says handing the printout of an article to Sam. "They found his car, but he vanished. Completely MIA."

The printout is a newspaper article from the Jericho Herald, The headline is "Centennial Highway Disappearance" it's dated September 19th 2005; it has a picture of this missing man "Andrew Carey"

"So maybe he was kidnapped." Sam says to us.

"Yeah, well here's another one in April." Dean puts down another Jericho Article for each date he mentions. "Another one in December 'oh-four, 'oh-three, 'ninety-eight, 'ninety-two, ten of them over the past twenty years."

Dean takes the article back from Sam and picks up the rest of the stack, putting them back in the folder He gives it to me and I put it back into the trunk.

"All men, all the same five-mile stretch of road." I say to him.

"It starts happening more and more, so Dad went to go dig around. That was about three weeks ago. We haven't heard from him since, which is bad enough." Dean says to Sam.

I pull out a tape recorder from my jeans pocket that I made of the voicemail to show Sam.

"We just got this voicemail Sammy." I say looking him in the eyes. My expression was probably sad because his expression became sad too.

I press play on the message and Dads voice is there again.

Kids...something big is starting to happen... I need to try and figure out what's going on... It may...Be very careful... Were all in danger...

I press stop on the recorder.

"You know there's EVP on that?" Sam says to us in a tone that's saying- I'm super smart now because I'm in university.

"Not bad Sammy. Kinda like riding a bike, isn't it?" Dean says.

"Alright. Tess here slowed it down, did her little technical magic thing and tada!" Dean says looking at me with a grin.

I press play again. Not in the mood for mine and Deans Banter.

I can never go home...

The woman's voice says. I press stop again and look at Sam.

"Never go home." Sam whispers but loud enough that we hear him.

I toss the recorder into the still open trunk and take down the shot gun. I stand straight and shut the trunk before leaning on it behind Dean.

"You know, in almost 3 years. We have never bothered you. Never asked you for a thing." Dean says

Sam looks away and sighs before looking back to us.

"All right. I'll go. I'll help you find him."

I smile at him. Dean just nods.

"But I have to get back first thing Monday. Just wait here."

Sam turns to go back into the apartment. He turns back around when I speak.

"What's first thing Monday?" I ask

I and Dean both have an almost identical questioning look.

"I have this. I have this interview." Sam says.

"What, a job interview? Skip it." Dean says.

"It's a law school interview. It's my whole future on a plate." Sam says.

I was taken aback by that. I never thought that Sam would just quit hunting. I always thought he would come back.

"Law School?" Dean says with a smirk.

"So we got a deal or not?" Sam says expectantly.

I look over to Dean and he doesn't say anything.

"Don't worry Sam well be back here by Monday for your Interview." I say with a smirk


Sam went back into the apartment and into the bedroom. He pulled out a large hook shaped knife and slides it inside. He looks up as Jess enters the room.

"Wait, you're taking off?" She asks.

Sam looks up

"Is this about your dad? Is he alright?"

Sam goes over to the dresser and turns on the Lamp that's on top of it.

"Yeah, you know. Just a little family drama."

Jess comes in and sits on the bed.

"Your sister said he was on some kind of a hunting trip."

Sam looks through one of the drawers and comes out with a couple shirts, he puts them into the duffel "OH yeah, he's deer hunting up at the Cabin, he's probably got Jim, Jack and Jose along with him. I'm just going to go bring him back."

Jess looks over to him. "What about the interview?"

Sam grabs the duffel and goes around the bed. "I'll make the interview. This is only for a couple of days."

Jessica gets and follows him. "Sam. I mean, please."

Sam stops and turns. Jess stops too. "Just stop for a second. You sure you're okay?"

Sam chuckles a little bit." I'm fine."

"It's just... you won't even talk about your family. And now you're taking off in the middle of the night to spend a weekend with them? And with Monday coming up, which is kind of a huge deal."

"Hey. Everything's going to be okay. I will be back in time, I promise." Sam kisses her on the cheek and leaves.

"At least tell me where you're going!" Jessica calls after him.


Dean and I were leaning on the hood of the Impala waiting for Sam for 5 minutes in silence. Dean decided to break it for us. He knew I never would.

"So Sammy the Lawyer? Has a nice ring to it don't you think." Dean says nodding his head and glancing at me.

"Yeah, I think Sam will be a great Lawyer." I say back not meaning it at all.

Truthfully I hope the car breaks down when we bring Sam back or He fails his interview I want something to go wrong just so that we can spend time together. I love Dean and My father more than anything they are my family; but I miss Sam.

"What do you think happened to Dad?" I ask Dean while looking at the ground and imagining the worst possible way for him to die.

"I don't know. It's dad." He answers.

After that we stay silent again. 5 minutes later Sam comes out with a duffel bag ready.

I gave him a smirk and a nod before I went over to the car and opened the backseat door and slid in. I took out my iPod from my duffel on the other seat and turned the volume up high. I put my bag on the seat and put my head on it as a makeshift pillow and pull my legs up onto the seat then close my eyes and fall asleep.


I woke up when Dean threw a paper wrapper at me from the front. I sat up and glared at him while he just gave me a smirk. I gave a sarcastic smile back to him.

I looked out the window where we are parked in front of a gas pump with a shack for a store.

"I'm going into the convenience store. Fill up the tank for me." He says flicking a credit card at me.

"Sure thing. Will you get me a bottle of Pepsi?" I say picking up the card from the floor of the car where it landed. Dean just rolls his eyes and goes inside. I look up and see Sam with the door open rifling through a box of tapes.

I open the door and step out stretching my arms and legs hearing a few joints crack from the stiffness of sleeping curled up in the back. I step towards the gas tank in the car and open up the lid. I move to the gas pump and put the credit card in picking up the nozzle and then going back to the car I squeeze the trigger holding it in place and watching the meter. I glance at Sam who is still going through the box and not seeming happy with the choices. I look back to the meter before speaking. "You may want to invest in an IPod."

He turns and looks at me before going through it again. "I won't be on the road with you for long so I don't see the point."

"Right. I forgot law school." I say with a sad smirk.

"Like I told you and Dean yesterday I quit hunting for good."

"I know Sam, I just forgot." I say.

I pull the gas pump out of the car and put it back in the holder. I close the lid on the car and look over at the store for Dean who has just come out of the store holding a bag of chips and my Pepsi and some other junky food we like to call 'Breakfast'.

"Hey!" He calls to us. Sam leans out and looks at him. I just tilt my head in his direction. "You want breakfast?" He asks Sam shaking the bag of chips. He tosses me the bottle of Pepsi. "I would wait a couple minutes before opening that." He says to me and pointing to the Pepsi. He turns to Sam again

"No Thanks. So how did you pay for that stuff?" He asks Dean. "You guys still running credit card scams?"

I open up the car door and climb in the middle front seat so I can be between them.

"Yeah we'll, Hunting isn't exactly a pro ball career." Dean says walking over to the driver's door.

"All we do is apply. It's not our fault they send us the cards." I say to Sam. Dean puts his hand up in a high-five for me to slap. I do it and Sam looks at me like I just robbed a bank.

"Yeah? And what names did you write on the application this time?" Sam says swinging his legs back into the car and closes the door.

Dean gets into the driver's seat and puts his soda and chips down."Uh, Burt Aframian and his son Hector and daughter Shelly. Scored three cards out of the deal." He closes the door.

"That sounds about right. I swear, man, you've gotta update your cassette tape collection." Sam says looking through the box with at least a dozen cassettes, some have album art, others are hand-labeled.

"Why?" Dean asks looking over to him.

"Well for one, there cassette tapes. And two. "He holds ups a tape for every band he names "Black Sabbath? Motor head? Metallica?" Dean takes the Metallica tape from Sam "It's the greatest hits of mullet rock."

"Well, House rules Sammy. "Dean says while putting the tape in the player. "Driver picks the music; shotgun shuts his or her cake hole." He says while glancing at me. I just roll my eyes at him. I seem to be doing that a lot lately.

"You know, Sammy is a chubby twelve-year-old. It's Sam okay?"

The music begins the play. More like bursting are eardrums. "Sorry I can't hear you. The music's too loud." Dean says gesturing to his ears.

Sam turns to look at me and I just shrug my shoulders. Dean starts the engine and we drive off.


We were driving on the Centennial Highway

We drive past a sign that says "Jericho 7"

Sam is talking on his cell phone. I'm looking out the window watching trees go by when Sam hangs up.

"Thank you." He says before closing the phone."Alright so there's no one matching Dad at the hospital or the morgue. So that's something I guess."

I glance at Sam and then stare out the windshield. At a bridge ahead of us, there are two police cars and several officers.

"Hey, check it out." I say to them

Dean pulls over. We have a long look before I reach over Sam and open up the glove box compartment. Inside is a box with fake Ids with Mine, Deans and Dads face on them. "So. FBI? DEA? Federal marshals? What will it be today?" I say completely seriously while looking through the box. I look up and Sam is just staring at me with a completely shocked look on his face. Dean pulls the box from my hands and Picks two out and gives me one.

"Let's go." He says grinning at Sam, before getting out of the car.

On the bridge I started listening to what the Officers are saying. The Deputy I assume is the Lead is leaning over the bridge and yelling down to two men in wetsuits who are poking around the river. "You guys find anything?"

One of the men calls back to him. "No! Nothing!"

The Deputy turns back to the abandoned car in the middle of the bridge. Another Deputy is at the driver's side looking around inside the car. "No sign of struggle, no footprints, no fingerprints. Spotless. It's almost too clean." He says

Dean and I walk in front of Sam looking like we belong at a crime scene.

"So this kid Troy. He's dating your daughter, isn't he?" The deputy from the bridge says.


"How's Amy doing?" He asks.

"She's putting up missing posters downtown." He answers

"You fellas had another one like this just last month, didn't you?" Dean asks them

One of them looks up when Dean starts talking and he straightens up to talk to us.

"And who are you?" He asks us.

We flash our badges at him

"Federal Marshall's. Do you have a name Deputy?" I ask looking at him. I have gotten tired of calling him the one from the bridge.

"Deputy. Jaffe. You're a little young for Marshals, aren't you?" Jaffe asks us. He looks me up and down.

Dean laughs. "Thanks that's awfully kind of you."

Dean walks over to the car pretending to be investigating it. I move a little closer to the car but still close to the deputy.

"So, This victim did you know him?" I ask looking back over to the deputy.

Deputy Jaffe nods his head. "Town like this. Everybody knows everybody."

I look over at Dean who is still circling the car and looking around. "Any connections between the victims, besides that they're all men?"

"No. Not so far as we can tell." The deputy answers turning in mine and Dean's direction.

He looks back at Sam who is walking towards us. "So what's your theory?"

"Honestly. We don't know. Serial Murder? Kidnapping ring?"

"Well that is exactly the kind of crack police work I'd expect out of you guys." Dean says to him. I hear Sam stomp on his foot. I would have done it harder. I look at Deputy Jaffe and give him a smile.

"Thank you so much for your time." I say then we all start to walk away. I walk slower than Sam and Dean so that they can catch up to me.

Dean smacks Sam on the back of the head. "Ow! What was that for?" Sam asks

"Why'd you have to step on my foot?" He asks him.

"Why do you have to talk to the police like that?" Sam says.

Dean looks at Sam and move in front of us making us stop walking.

"Hey, you should just be thankfully that Sam was the one standing next to you. I would have stopped on your foot a lot harder." I say with a teasing smirk.

Dean just scoffs at me and looks at Sam "Come on. They don't really know what's going on. Were all alone on this. I mean, if we're going to find Dad we've got to get to the bottom of this thing ourselves."

I look behind Dean and I see the sheriff and two very real looking agents approaching us. I clear my throat and use my head to gesture behind us Dean turns and Sam follows my gaze.

"Can I help you folks?" The sheriff asks

"No sir, we were just leaving." I say to him.

As the FBI agents walk past us Dean nods at each of them. "Agent Mulder. Agent Scully."

We walk past the sheriff who I give a smile to as I walk past him he turns to watch us go suspiciously.


We got back into the car and drove away. We entered Jericho and stopped at a street.

"Well, what do we do now?" Sam asked us.

"I honestly don't know." Dean says back.

"Well, we should probably go talk to the girlfriend." I say from the middle.

"Great idea Tess. Why didn't I think of that? Oh right I did. We have no idea where she is." Dean says mocking me.

"I'm guessing your both deaf then right?" I ask looking between them. "I know where she is." I say with a smug smirk on my lips. Geez It's a wonder we get anything done with the men in my family.

"Sharing is caring." Dean says looking to me with a smile.

I lift my hand and point out the window to a young woman who is putting up posters with Troy's face on them up on the walls. They follow my gaze and Dean just scoffs at me before we all get out of the car and walk towards her.

"You must be Amy." I say when we approach her.

"Yeah." She says glancing at us quickly before continuing to put posters up.

"Yeah, Troy told us about you. Were his cousins. I'm Dean, This is Sammy and Tess."

"He never mentioned you to me." She says before she walks away. We walk with her now.

"Well that's Troy, I guess. We're not around much, we're up in Modesto." Dean says.

"We're looking for him too, we're kind of asking around." I say to her with a reassuring smile.

Another women comes up to Amy and puts a hand on her arm."Hey are you okay?" she questions.

"Yeah." Amy answers.

"You mind if we ask you a couple of questions?" Sammy asks them.

We walked over to a diner and sat down at a booth with Amy and Rachel I'm sitting in between Sam and Dean on the opposite side. Dean has his arm stretched on the booth behind me.

"I was on the phone with Troy. He was driving home. He said he would call me right back, and...He never did." Amy tells us. I can tell she is holding her sobs in.

"He didn't say anything strange, or out of the ordinary?" Sam asks

She shakes her head from side to side before she answers. "No. Nothing I can remember."

I notice she has a pentagram in a circle for a necklace.

"I like your necklace." I say to her looking down at it.

She holds the pendant she's wearing attentively in her hand and looks down at it "Troy gave it to me. Mostly to scare my parents. "She laughs a little. "With all that devil stuff."

I giggle a little bit as does Sam "Actually, it means just the opposite. A pentagram is protection against evil. Really powerful. I mean, if you believe in that kind of thing." Sam explains to them sounding like he knows everything.

"Okay. Thank you, unsolved mysteries." Dean cuts in taking his arm from behind my head and leaning forward on the table. "Here's the deal ladies . The way Troy disappeared, something's not right. So if you've heard anything..."

Amy and Rachel look at each other then turn back to us

"What is it?" I question them.

"Well it's just... I mean, with all these guys going missing, people talk." Rachel answers me

"What do they talk about?" We say at the same time.

"It's kind of this local legend. This one girl? She got murdered out on Centennial, like decades ago."

Dean and I look at each other with raised eyebrows then we turn our attention back to Amy and Rachel. I look over to Sam who is nodding at them to continue.

"Well, supposedly she's still out there." Rachel adds. "She hitchhikes, and whoever picks her up? Well, they disappear forever."

"Thank you so much for your time." I say looking between the too an giving them a sad smile. They give me a smile and a nod back while they get out of the booth and leave us.


We decide to go to the local library and try to find the name of a women who was murdered.

Inside the library the three of us are sitting around a computer where Dean is searching the archives of the Jericho Herald. He types in the words "Female Murder Hitchhiking" in the search box. He clicks GO; the search tells us there are" (0) results " I push Dean out of the way and replace the word "Hitchhiking" with "Centennial Highway" I press Go and get the same response. I sigh really hoping we won't have to go hard copy and go through hundreds of newspaper articles. Sam is sitting next to Dean and he pushes us both out of the way.

"Dude!" Dean says slapping Sam on the shoulder.

"Your such a control freak Sammy, I would have had it eventually." I say giving him a pissed off glare.

He ignores my comments. "So angry spirits are born out of violent death, right?"

"Yeah." Yes." Dean and I say and that same time

"Well maybe it's not murder." He replies. He replaces "Murder" with "Suicide" and an article entitled "Suicide on Centennial" pops up. He opens the article which is dated April 25, 1981.

I read the Article over.

A local woman's drowning death was ruled a suicide, the county Sheriff's Department said earlier today. Constance Welch, 24, of 4636 Breckenridge Road, leapt off Sylvania Bridge, at mile 33 of Centennial Highway, and subsequently drowned last night.

Deputy J. Pierce told reporters that, hours before her death, Ms. Welch logged a call with 911 emergency services. In a panicked tone, Ms. Welch described how she found her two young children, 5 and 6, in the bathtub, after leaving them alone for several [minutes]. She reported that their complex-[...]

What happened to my children was a terrible accident. And it must have been too much for my wife. Our babies were gone, and Constance just couldn't bear it," said husband Joseph Welch. "Now I ask that you all please respect my privacy during this trying time."

At the time of the children's death and Ms. Welch's subsequent suicide, Mr. Welch was at the Frontier auto salvage yard, where he works the graveyard shift as associate manager.

"Connie might have been quiet, but she was the sweetest, most caring girl I ever knew," said Deanna Kripke, a neighbor. "She just doted on those children."

"This was 1981. Constance Welch, twenty-four years old, jumps off Sylvania Bridge, drowns in the river. " Sam says to Dean more than me. Sam probably knows that Dean most likely didn't read any of that article.

"Does it say why she did it?" Dean says

"Yeah." Sam replies

"What?" Dean asks in a demanding tone.

"An hour before they found her, she calls 911. Apparently her two little kids are in the bathtub. She leaves them alone for a minute, and when she comes back, they aren't breathing. Both die. "I say

"'Our babies were gone, and Constance just couldn't bear it,' said husband Joseph Welch." Sam adds

"The bridge looks familiar to you?" Dean says pointing to a picture of Sylvania Bridge where Constance died and Troy's car was found abandoned


Once it was dark out that night we went to the bridge.

Dean, Sam and I walk along the bridge and then we stop to and lean on the railing and look down at the river.

"So this is where Constance took the swan dive." Dean says

"It's not funny Dean. I happen to think that it's horrible. Her kids just drowned I can see why she would want to die too." I say shoving him a little

"So you think Dad would have been here?" Sam asks looking over to us. I look at Dean. I always feel like he has all the answers.

"Well, he's chasing the same story and we're chasing him."

Dean continues to walk along the bridge Sam and I follow.

"Okay, so now what?" Sam says

"Now we keep digging until we find him. Might take a while." Dean says. I can't help but smirk a little. Sam will have to stay for longer then. My smirk falls when Sam stops walking

"I told you both, I've gotta get back by Monday—" Sam says

Dean and I turn around I just look around the bridge not meeting Sam's eye.

"Monday. Right. The interview." Dean says


"Yeah, I forgot. You're really serious about this, aren't you? You think you're just going to become some lawyer? Marry your girl?"

"Maybe. Why not?"

"Does Jessica know the truth about you? I mean, does she know about the things you've done?" Dean argues. I know I'm not the only one who hopes that Sam will stay with us for good now.

Sam steps closer moving into Dean's face

"No, and she's not ever going to know." He says sounding angry.

"Well, that's healthy. You can pretend all you want, Sammy. But sooner or later you're going to have to face up to who you really are." Dean says. He is really not helping the situation.

Dean turns around and keeps walking. Sam follows him. I stay where I am eavesdropping on the argument. This happens every time

Sam and Dean are together. They fight.

"And who's that?" Sam asks

"You're one of us." Dean says. I see him gesturing to himself and pointing to me out of the corner of my eye.

Sam hurries to get in front of Dean

"No. I'm not like you. This is not going to be my life." Sam shouts.

"You have a responsibility to—." Dean tries to explain.

Sam cuts him off mid- speech.

"To Dad? And his crusade? If it weren't for pictures I wouldn't even know what Mom looks like. And what difference would it make? Even if we do find the thing that killed her, Mom's gone. And she isn't coming back."

Dean grabs Sam by the collar of his shirt and shoves him up against the railing of the bridge. I turn around now gapping at them.

"Don't talk about her like that."

Dean says before he releases Sam and walks away. I look over by the car and I see Constance standing on the railing.

"Guys. Look." I say pointing at her they look over at me and follow my finger and see Constance look over at us, and then she steps forward off the edge. We run to the railing and look over! And look down, nothing is down there.

"Where'd she go?" Dean exclaims.

"I don't know." Sam and I say.

Behind us I hear the Impala's engine start and its headlights shine on us. We all turn to look.

"What the—" Dean starts

"Who's driving the car?" I state looking at the car.

Dean pulls the keys out of his pocket and jingles them. Sam and I glance at them. The car jerks into motion, heading straight for us. We turn around and run.

"Go! Go!" Sam Yells.

I look back at the car its moving faster than we are; when it gets too close, we all dive over the railing. I catch my hands on the ledge and hold on waiting. I hear the car come to a stop. I look to my right where Sam has caught himself on the edge of the bridge and is hanging on the same as me. He pulls himself up onto the bridge and I do the he leans down and helps me the rest of the way up. Once im up I look around and there is no sign of Constance or Dean anywhere

"Dean? Dean!" I yell cupping my hands around my mouth.

"What!" I hear Dean yell from below the bridge. I run over to the rail and look down at a filthy and annoyed looking Dean crawling out of the water and onto the muddy bank, panting.

"Hey! Are you all right?" I yell down at him.

He holds up one hand in an A-OK sign "I'm super."

Sam and I laugh, me laughing much harder than him. It's not every day I get to see this. Sam and I make are way down and help a soaking Dean to the Car

He opens up the hood to look at the engine and make sure it's okay after looking around for about 5 minutes He shuts the hood of his car and leans on it. I sit beside him and lean my head on his shoulder.

"Your car all right?" Sam asks not sounding concerned at all.

"Yeah, whatever she did to it seems all right now. That Constance chick, what a bitch!" Dean yells around angrily

"Well, she doesn't want us digging around, that's for sure. So where's the job go from here, genius?"

Sam says settling on the hood next to Me. Dean Throws up his arms in frustration, and then flicks mud off his hands. I breathe-deeply through my nose and regretted it instantly. I then look at Dean. Who is still sitting next to me

"You smell like a toilet." I say looking at him. I can't help it I start going into a fit of laughter.

Dean looks at me. "I'm glad you're okay little Sis, Come on. Give your older brother a hug." He says smirking at me. Before I have a chance to run away Dean pulls me into a fierce hug.


We went to the nearest motel we could find so Dean could shower and we could finally get some sleep. We walked into the lobby and Dean put down A Versa Bank MasterCard with the name of Hector Aframian, He slaps it down on a handwritten guest ledger.

"One room, please." Dean says standing at the motel check-in desk, still filthy, with Sam and I right behind him. Me still trying to stifle my laughs. The clerk raises an eyebrow at Dean's appearance and then picks up the card and looks at it.

"You guys having a reunion or something?" The clerk asks

"What do you mean?" Sam asks the older man.

"I had another guy, Burt Aframian. He came and bought out a room for the whole month." He says. Shocking the giggles away.

Dean looks back at Sam and me before we head to that room.

We arrived at the right door and Dean just looks at me expectantly. "Well do your thing! We will stand guard." He says shoving me forward to the door. I get to work on the door. Sam and Dean face away from the door trying to look casual and failing at it. I swing open the door silently then hide the lock picks again then I walk inside. I look out the door where Sam and Dean are still standing there outside, playing lookout, until I reach out of the room and grab the back of each of the shirts and yank them inside the room. I close the door behind us. We start to look around—every surface has papers pinned to it: maps, newspaper clippings, pictures, notes. I look at the desk where there is a pile of books and assorted junk on the floor and bed, including something with a hazardous-materials symbol.

"Whoa." Sam says.

Dean turns on the light by the bed and picks up a half-eaten hamburger sitting there. I just scoff at him disgusted.

Sam and I both step over a line of salt on the floor. I look over to Dean again and catch him sniff the burger and recoil. "I don't think he's been here for a couple days at least." He says

Sam fingers the salt on the floor and looks up. "Salt, cats-eye shells...he was worried. Trying to keep something from coming in."

I look at the papers covering one wall with Dean coming over to look at it with me.

"What have you got here?" Sam says

I look at the wall and read all the papers about the "Centennial Highway victims."

I look over the wall and read them.

"I don't get it. I mean different men, different jobs, ages, ethnicities. There's always a connection, right? What do these guys have in common?" Dean states.

While Dean is talking I notice Sam move across the room and he starts looking at the papers taped to the other walls. I follow him and have a look for myself There's something about the Bell Witch, two people being burned alive, a skeletal person blowing a horn at several scared people with the note "MORTIS DANSE", a column about "Devils + Demons", another about "Sirens, Witches, the possessed", a wooden pentacle, and a note that says "Woman in White" above a printout of the Jericho Herald article on Constance's suicide.

Sam turns on another lamp.

"Dad figured it out." I whisper

Dean turns to look. Apparently hearing me.

"What do you mean?" He asks standing beside me now.

"He found the same article we did. Constance Welch. She's a woman in white." Sam answers.

"You sly dogs." he says

Dean turns back to us from looking the wall. "All right, so if we're dealing with a woman in white, Dad would have found the corpse and destroyed it."

"She might have another weakness." Sam says

"Well, Dad would want to make sure. He'd dig her up. Does it say where she's buried?" He says looking between us.

"Not that I can tell. If I were Dad, though, I'd go ask her husband."

I tap a picture of Joseph Welch with my finger. The caption says he's thirty in the photo; the article dates to 1981, so he must be around sixty-four now

"If he's still alive." Sam says going to look at something else.

"All right. Why don't you guys, uh, see if you can find an address, I'm going to get cleaned up." Dean says glancing down at himself and walking away to the bathroom.

I just nod my head at him taking in all this information that dad had gathered around the room.

"Hey, Dean?" I hear Sam say. "What I said earlier, about Mom and Dad, I'm sorry."

"No chick-flick moments." Dean answers

Sam laughs "All right. Jerk."


"Morons." I say to them. We all quirk a smile and laugh. Then dean continues to the bathroom.

I look over to Sam again who seems to notice something, his smile disappearing, and crosses over to the wall for a closer look. I follow him. He stops in front of a large mirror, and stuck into the mirror frame is a photo of Dad sitting on the hood of the Impala, next to a Dean in a baseball cap and Sam with me on his Lap between them. Sam takes the photo off the mirror and holds it, smiling sadly. I put my hand on his shoulder and squeeze it gently before walking away and looking at the walls again.

The next day I was laying on the bed watching TV while

Sam paces, holding his phone, and then he stops and sits down on the bed. My phone is in my pocket and I start to fiddle with it.

Dean clean again, comes out of the bathroom and grabs his jacket. He puts it on as he crosses the room.

"Hey, guys, I'm starving, I'm going to grab a little something to eat in that diner down the street. You want anything?" He asks looking at us.

"I would like a burger and fries." I say looking to him before turning my attention back to my phone.

"No." Sam says.

"Aframians buying." He says looking over to him from the door

Sam just shakes his head "Mm-mm."

Sam is sitting on the bed, with his phone to his ear. I stand up and drop my phone on the floor. When I pick it up its ringing with the Caller ID being Dean

I answer it and look at Sam who just hung up.

"You just left." I say into it sitting down on a chair.

"Five-oh, take off." Dean says. I stand up with wide eyes, catching Sam's attention

Sam stands up also

"What about you?" I ask him

"Uh, they kind of spotted and Sam. Go find Dad."

Then Dean hangs up. I look up at Sam. "We gotta go. Now!" I say moving over to the window and peeking outside I see Deputy Hein

Approaching and dart away from the window. Sam and I climb out the back window carrying our bags with us. We decide to go to the welch house.


Sam and I came up to the Welch house door, I knock . An old man come to the door and opens it. I recognize an older version of the Joseph Welch from the photo.

"Hi. Are you Joseph Welch?" Sam asks

"Yeah." he replies. I just give him a smirk and we go for a walk down the junk-filled driveway, Sam gives him the photo he found on The motel room mirror of our father asking if he had seen him.

"Yeah, he was older, but that's him." He says handing the photo back to Sam."He came by three or four days ago. Said he was a reporter."

"That's right. We're working on a story together." I say to him smiling

"Well, I don't know what the hell kind of story you're working on. The questions he asked me?"

"About your wife Constance?" Sam asks

"He asked me where she was buried." He said sounding like he thought we were weirdoes

"And where is that again?" I ask sweetly

"What, I gotta go through this twice?" he says sounding appalled.

"It's fact-checking. If you don't mind." Sam covers

"In a plot. Behind my old place over on Breckenridge."

"And why did you move?" Sam asks

"I'm not going to live in the house where my children died."

Sam and I stop walking. Joseph stops walking too.

"Mr. Welch, did you ever marry again?" Sam asks.

"No way. Constance, she was the love of my life. Prettiest woman I ever known." He says while looking at me in a way I really don't like.

Sam clears his throat. "So you had a happy marriage?"

I notice Joseph hesitates before answering. "Definitely."

"Well, that should do it. Thanks for your time

Sam and I turn toward the Impala. Joseph walks away from us. I think of something then I look back at Joseph. Sam stopping too now looking at me confused.

"Mr. Welch, did you ever hear of a woman in white?" I ask

Joseph stops and turns around. "A what?"

"A woman in white. Or sometimes weeping woman?" I explain to him

He just stares at me.

"It's a ghost story. Well, it's more of a phenomenon, really." I say walking back over to him. "Um, they're spirits. They've been sighted for hundreds of years, dozens of places, in Hawaii, Mexico, lately Arizona, and Indiana. All these are different women." I say stopping in front of him. "You understand. But all share the same story."

"Look, Girly. I don't care much for nonsense." Joseph says before he walks away. I follow him with Dam silently following me

"See, when they were alive, their husbands were unfaithful to them. "Joseph stops when I say this so I continue. "These women, basically suffering from temporary insanity, murdered their own children." He turns around and looks at me."Then once they have realized what they have done, they take their own lives. So now their spirits are cursed, walking back roads, waterways. And if they find an unfaithful man, they kill him. And that man is never seen again."

"You think that has something to do with...Constance? You Bitch!" He yells at me.

"You tell me." I say unfazed by his rude remark.

"I mean, maybe...maybe I made some mistakes. But no matter what I did, Constance, she never would have killed her own children. Now, you get the hell out of here! And you don't come back!" He yells his face shakes, whether from anger or grief I can't tell. Them he walks away and Sam and I go back to the Impala

Once inside I sit in the passenger seat while Sam gets in the drivers. . I look up at Sam who is giving me an appraising look.

"What? Why do you keep looking at me like that?" I say with humor in my tone.

"I just noticed. You have really changed in the last 4 years." He says looking at me then starting the car. I nod my head and my humor leaves me instantly. I put on another fake smile "Get to the police station and park by the fire escape." I tell him with a devilish grin on my face.

"Why?" Sam asks.

"Stop asking questions Sammy... Sometimes you just have to go with it." I say.

Sam drives off and we don't talk. When we arrive at the station he parks by the fire escape again. "Now what."

"Now we wait." I answer.

Sam and I had been in the car for a little over 4 hours waiting for dark. We had been playing cards for the whole time. I look outside and the street lights are on it seems dark enough so I pull out my phone from my pocket. Sam gives me a questioning look and I just shush him before calling 911

"911, what is your Emergency?" The operator says.

I make my voice sound all panicky "Hello? Yes I would like to Report gunshots on Whiteford road. Please send the Police."

"Can I have your name please?"

"Yea, of course. My name is..." I say before hanging up.

Sam just stares at me and I shrug my shoulders


20 minutes later Dean came down the fire escape carrying something with him. He knocks on Sam's window making him jump.

He relaxes when he realizes its Dean. He gets out of the car and goes into the backseat while Dean slides in the drivers.

"Fake 911 phone call? Tessie, I don't know if you know this, that's pretty illegal." He says making a fist for me to bump.

"You're welcome." I say grinning at him.

Then he starts up the car and we drive down the highway.

"Listen, we gotta talk." He says

"Tell me about it. So the husband was unfaithful. We are dealing with a woman in white. And she's buried behind her old house, so that should have been Dad's next stop." Sam says

"Sammy, would you shut up for a second?" Dean says looking into the backseat. He stops the car and pulls over on the side of the road.

"I just can't figure out why Dad hasn't destroyed the corpse yet." Sam keeps talking ignoring Dean.

"Well, that's what I'm trying to tell you. He's gone. Dad left Jericho."

"What? How do you know? When did he leave?" I shout in his face.

"I've got his journal." Dean says holding it up.

"He doesn't go anywhere without that thing." Sam says looking at it

"Yeah, well, he did this time." Dean replies looking between us.

"What's it say?" Sam asks

"Ah, the same old ex-Marine crap, when he wants to let us know where he's going." He says flipping to the pages and stopping at one with Deans name and the numbers "35-111" on it.

"Coordinates. Where do they lead?" I ask looking up from the page to Dean's face.

"I'm not sure yet." He answers

"I don't understand. I mean, what could be so important that Dad would just skip out in the middle of a job? Dean, what the hell is going on?" Sam asks.

Dean shrugs and starts the engine and we begin driving again. I look over to Sam and back to the front where Constance has appeared on the road in front of us. Dean doesn't have time to stop and the car goes right through her as Dean brings it to a halt. I turn around to see if Sam is okay and see Constance sitting beside him.

"Take me home...Take me home!"

She yells to us.

"No." I say to her.

She just glares at me and then I hear the doors lock them. I move over to the lock on the door and it won't open. The car lurches foreword and begins to drive itself. Dean tries to steer, but Constance is controlling everything. We all continue to try and get out of Car then Constance starts flickering in and out. The car pulls up in front of Constance's old house the engine shuts off and so do the headlights. I keep pushing on my door and the next thing I know I'm being thrown out of the car onto the dirt drive way. I land on my hands and knees. She threw me really hard. I stand up and wipe the dirt off of my hands I hold them palm up close to my face I can't tell because it's too dark but I'm sure by the stinging feeling that they are scraped up and bleeding. I run back over to the car and try and open it up. I can hear them inside the car.

"I can never go home." Constance says with a very sad voice that makes me feel like crying.

"You're scared to go home." Sam says Then Constance flickers away and she is gone. I look through the window and she appears in the shotgun seat. I watch her climbs into Deans lap she shoves him back hard enough to recline the seat back.

"Get of him you sick ghost!" I yell at her banging at the window. My attempts to help go unnoticed

"Hold me. I'm so cold." She says snuggling into him. Dean doesn't move then all of a sudden she is sitting on Sam's lap in the back.

"You can't kill me. I'm not unfaithful. I've never been!" He yells at her.

"You will be. Just hold me." She says before she starts to kiss Sam as he struggles. I look at Dean but he is in the front reaching for the keys. Suddenly she pulls back and disappears; I see a flash of something horrible behind her face as just she vanishes. I turn around and look outside and don't see anything. Then Sam yells out in pain and I whip back to the car. I watch him yank his hoodie open. I see five holes burned through the fabric, matching where Constance's fingers were. I try the car and it's still locked. I run over to the trunk and pick the lock, I reach inside and grab a shot gun and load it. I shut the trunk and go to the side of the car. Constance flickers back and she reaches to Sam's chest. I shoot her with rock salt shattering the window in the process; Dean is so going to kill me later. Constance stops when I shoot her so I move closer firing at her again. She glares at me and then she vanishes for a few moments then she reappears, I keep firing at her until she disappears again. I look at Dean who looks at the window and glares at me. He sits up and starts the car.

"Dean. Take her home!" I yell at him and then I jump out of the way.

Dean drives smashing the car through the side of the house. I hurry through the boards of the wreckage to the passenger side of the car.

"Hey! Are you guys okay?" I yell at them.

"I think..." Sam stutters "I'm fine." Dean says at the same time

"Can you guys move?"

"Yeah. Help us out of here." Sam says.

I lean through the window to give Dean a hand out. I pull them both out and we look over at Constance she picks up a large framed photograph of her and her children.

Constance looks up at us and glares at us she throws the picture down angrily. Then a bureau rushes towards us, pinning us against the car. The lights start to flicker; I watch Constance she looks around the room looking scared. I hear a trickling sound an look to the stairs water begins to pour down the staircase. Constance walks over to it. I look to the top and see a little boy and a girl I recognize them from the photograph. They are holding hands and speak in chorus to Constance in chilling voices. "You've come home to us, Mommy."

Constance stares at them and looks distraught. Suddenly they are behind her; they embrace her tightly and she screams out. She starts flickering Then Constance and the two kids melt into a puddle of water on the floor. I stare dumbfounded at it. Then Sam and Dean start to shove the bureau away so I join in and help them. Once it's out of the way I go look over at the spot where Constance and her Children vanished.

"So this is where she drowned her kids." Dean states

I look over to them from the floor and nods

"That's why she could never go home. She was too scared to face them." Sam clarifies.

"You found her weak spot. Nice work, Tess." Dean praises me.

He walks over to me and gives me a hard push with his hand. Making me almost lose my balance and fall. He slaps Sam on the chest where I see he's been injured and then walks away from us. I start laughing and Sam does too through the pain. We both follow dean over to the car. It doesn't look too badly damaged.

"What were you thinking shooting Casper in the face, you freak?" Dean says to me

"Hey! I saved your asses." I say defending myself.

Dean just nods and looks over at the car. "I'll tell you another thing. If you screwed up my car?" He says turning around to look at Sam and I. "I'll kill you."

Sam laughs but I can't I know that Dean was being completely serious.


We were in the Impala driving down the road with a busted tail light and the window. Other than that it seemed in pretty good shape. I was sitting in the backseat with Dean driving and Sam in the passengers he has the journal and its open to the "DEAN 35-111" page he has a map open on his lap and is looking for coordinates with a ruler. I hold the flashlight aimed at the map. From the back trying to find the coordinates over Sam's shoulder but I still don't ask anything.

"Okay, here's where Dad went." Sam says pointing at a spot on the map. "It's called Blackwater Ridge, Colorado."

I nod at Sam and I look at Dean. "Sounds charming. How far?"

"About six hundred miles." I rely happily. It's not too far away.

"Hey, if we shag ass we could make it by morning." Dean replies. I smile again before remembering that Monday is tomorrow.

I look over at Sam and watch him hesitate to answer. I already know what he's going to say, so I lean back against my seat.

"Look, guys. I um..."

"You're not coming with us." I state in a cold tone.

"The interview's in like, ten hours. I gotta be there." Sam says trying to convince himself or us I'm not entirely sure.

I look at Dean hoping he will say something that will keep Sam here. He just nods looking just as disappointed as I am."Yeah. Yeah, whatever.

I'll take you home."

I turn of the flashlight and pull my iPod out of my bag on the floor and put the head phones in my ears. We didn't speak the rest of the way.


We arrive at Sam's apartment building a few hours later. It's still dark out and the sun won't be up for a few hours. We pull up to it with Dean and me still having frowns on our faces. I can't bring myself to look at Sam. out of the corner of my eye I see him get out and he leans over to look through the window. "Call me if you find him?" He says

Dean and I silently nod.

"And maybe I can meet up with you later, huh?" He says to us. I just nod and let Dean speak."Yeah, all right."

Sam pats the car door twice and then he turns away. I over to the passenger seat from the middle Dean leans towards me putting his arm behind my head. He leans out towards a leaving Sam. "Sam?" I look at him now when he turns around.

"You know, we made a hell of a team back there." Dean says

"Yeah." Sam says.

"Bye Sammy." I say to him then I look away.

Dean drives off.

"I know you were hoping that he would stay with us." Dean says looking over at me.

I just rest my head against the window and answer him. "Wishful thinking." I reply. We were silent for a while and I couldn't help it but my mind started thinking about how everyone leaves me. Mom, Sam, Dad Dean will be next and I will be alone in the world. I look up at him. "Hey Dean, I love you. You know that right."

He turns his head to me and squints his eyes before they soften." I know. I love you too."

"Don't ever leave me. Promise?" I say.

"Promise." He answers smirking. "Enough with the chick flick moments. This still doesn't get you off the hook of the window."

We laugh half-hearted before becoming silent again. I look out the window and in the side-view mirror. I see smoke coming from Sam's apartment. "Dean. Go back right now!" I Yell.

He glances at me then does a U turn and and speeds off back to Sam. His eyes widen with understanding and confusion when he sees the Smoke. When we get there I jump out of the car with Dean ahead of me. Damn him and his long legs. He kicks the door inside and we run up to Sam's room.

"Sam! Sam!" We yell.

I look up and see Jess on the ceiling engulfed in flames with her stomach cut open. I stare at her in a sort of Trance. I feel like I have seen this situation before. In a flash it's my mother who is up there and then it's gone again I shake my head and I fell tears streaming down my face.

"No! No!" Sam yells

Dean grabs Sam off the bed and shoves him out the door, with me following. Sam struggles all the way down. I help Dean hold him and we rush out. The whole time listening to Sam's yells "Jess! Jess! No!" We get outside and fire engulfs the apartment.

Fire trucks arrived a few minutes later. I got into the middle of the front seat in the car still silently crying. I had never remembered anything about my mother's death. It hurt to know that something like this would unlock such a horrible memory. I remember before we went to Jericho wanting something to happen so Sam would have to stay with us. I regret those thoughts. I let out a single sob and then pulled myself together again. I look outside where Sam and Dean are standing by the Trunk. I can't see what they're doing but I can hear them.

"We got work to do." I hear Sam say. I nod my head to myself agreeing with those words. This thing that killed Jess killed my mother. I wasn't going to let that go.

Sam shuts the trunk and he and Dean get inside the car, I pull Sam into a tight hug.