Status: Updating either spontaneously or randomly with no actual consistency because life

The Moon Can Shine Brighter Than the Sun

You've Been Tyler'd

"What? Have I got something on my face or-"

Jess cocked her head to the side as Mike stood at her front door, his mouth open a little and his eyes open wide.

"No, no, just you look real pretty."

"Oh. Thanks, I guess."

Jess chuckled as she turned on her heel to lock her front door, shoving the key into the lock and pushing the handle upwards. She swiftly flicked her wrist to turn the key and locked the door with a satisfying 'click'. She placed said key in a small, black sidebag and swiveled back around to face the blue eyed boy;

She laughed as she waved a hand infront of his face, as Mike shook his head and smiled goofily at her.

Jess didn't know why Mike was so dazed and in awe at herself. It wasn't like she'd dressed up for the little 'get together' Billie's friend was holding. She had decided on a purple 'Fuck em' all' tee, as well as a black miniskirt with non-intentionally ripped tights;

She had noted to herself to never go near Velcro whilst wearing tights.

It only ever ended badly.

Both teens loped over to Mike's car, which Jess had only seen on a few occasions; It was an almost all black golf , with two red racer stripes running along the length of the car. She travelled over to the passenger door and opened it, raising her eyebrows when she was hit with a strong smell of weed and alcohol.

She climbed in and shut the door, waiting for Mike to do the same. Jess quickly reached for her seatbelt and clicked it in, as Mike flung himself onto his seat and shut the door of his car.

"This is a time where I wish I knew how to drive."

Mike clicked his seatbelt into its socket thing, and turned his head over to Jess. He frowned a little, but a goofy grin played on his lips.


Jess crossed her arms over and let her head loll back against the headrest.

"I feel so insignificant and stuff being ferried around."

Mike chuckled and started the ignition, placing his free hand on the fake leather steering wheel.

"Trust me, you're definitely not insignificant or whatever you just said."

"Do you even know what it means?"

Mike whined as his car begun to roll down Jess's street, glowering and giving Jess 'a look'.

"I don't know the difference between the three 'yours ' or something. I.e. Of course I don't have a fuck what you just said."

She laughed before placing her hand on his shoulder, Mike shivering a little at the unexpected touch.

"There there, Mikey."

He chuckled awkwardly, keeping his line of sight straight ahead of him on the quiet road.

A few minutes passed as Jess pondered for a minute or two about who exactly was Billie's friend; All she knew was that they were called Tyler, and that they lived in the suburbs of Oakland. And because Jess could be a little nosy at times, she wanted to delve deeper into said person.

"Who's Tyler, Mike?"

Mike jumped a little in his seat at her blunt tone, shaking his head a little.

"Oh right, Tyler. Well, she's Billie's ex-girlfriend from waaaaaayyy back."

Her mouth formed an 'O' shape and she nodded enthusiastically, letting several thoughts whir around in her mind.

"And? Anything else?"

Mike rolled his eyes and quickly looked over at Jess, who was twiddling with her thumbs in her lap.
He looked back at the road before reaching over to grasp her hand.

"Don't worry Jess. She's the nicest person ever."

She smiled back at the blonde haired boy as he squeezed her hand, and leant down to brush her lips against his knuckles.

"Thanks... I guess I'm just like, paranoid or something."

"Just like me when I smoke bad pot."

Jess laughed in unison with Mike, as he swept a long strand of hair from his eye.

"Yeah. I... Guess."


Jess shuffled down the narrow hallway as she followed Mike, her heart rate raising a little as her nerves kicked in. She walked through a doorway to be met with about five unfamiliar faces all dotted around the darkened room. She looked over to one of the couches ,to be met with that heart warming crooked smile she'd grown to love over the last few months.

"Hey Jess!"

He leapt up from the sofa he was laid on, and jogged across the room to envelope her in a hug so crushing that he could've squeezed the majority of her organs out of her body.

"O-Okay Billie I can't breathe."

He instantly drew back with an innocent smile tugging at the corners of his lips, a cheeky glint shining in his eyes.


"Hey dude where's my hug?"

Jess almost keeled over as Billie launched himself at the scowling bassist, knocking him to the ground with a sickly thud.

She bit her lip and swallowed an outburst of laughter as the raven haired boy trailed a finger down Mike's torso.

"Hey Mikey boy..."

She couldn't help it.

And so couldn't the other people in the room.

The room erupted into a huge tornado of giggles, shrieks, and cackles as Billie continued pretending to be seductive.

Or was he pretending?

"It's okay guys, he's normally not this um... weird. I think it's the pot."

Jess turned her head to find a short, purple haired girl standing in the doorway, her petite hands on her hips.

"Oh my god you must be Jess! Billie's told me loads about you!"

Jess frowned as the girl wrapped her arms around her torso, standing awkwardly and a little unsure as to what to do.

"Has he?"

The purple haired girl drew back from Jess, grabbing her hand and dragging her further into the room.

"HELL YEAH! He wouldn't shut up about you!"


She pulled the slightly hesitant Jess over to one of the sofas and flung herself onto it, patting a space just next to her thigh. The black haired girl smiled awkwardly as she placed herself on the couch, turning a little towards this strange girl.

"Oh my god I haven't even told you my name... I bet you're a little creeped oh my god I'm so sorry."

"It's fine. I'm just assuming that you're Tyler? Or am I-"

"No, no I'm Tyler alright! "

Jess grinned at her, reaching out to place a hand on her shoulder.

"I just wanna say, I fucking love your hair okay."

Jess laughed as the Tyler squealed a little, the crazed girl grabbing her hand once more. She was a little weary of her, only because of how hyper she seemed to be. Then again, Jess was probably this crazy when she was around Billie and Mike.

"We have to hang out some time Jess. Billie told me how awesome you were and I just wanna be your fucking best friend like, right now."

Jess squeezed her hand as she replied, her eyes gleaming a little. Never before had she gained a friend this quickly, except for when she had met Billie Joe. But with Billie Joe, he wasn't bouncing up and down and constantly looking like he was going to explode at any second.

"Yes , yes we have to!"

Both girls hugged once more and pulled away from each other laughing, glancing around the room to find everyone staring at them both.


A blue haired punk spoke out, answering Jess's question whilst chuckling to himself.

"It seems like you've been 'Tyler'd'."

An hour or so passed of everyone just talking about music and various pieces of shit, as well as smoking a couple of joints and getting a little tipsy. As the night wore on, Jess found that she loved how open everyone was to each other in the room; During that entire hour, she'd learned at least something about the other seven people in the room.

For one, Tyler was seventeen like Jess, and was going to college to become a mechanic and to do shit with cars basically. She also loved heavy metal and punk music, and had the same sort of tastes as Jess. And Dave, the blue haired punk from earlier, surprisingly, was already a father at the age of 19. He'd shown everyone a picture of his son from his wallet, which had caused a wave of 'awe's' and 'CAN I JUST STEAL HIM' from everyone around the room.

Okay, maybe Tyler was the only one who said the second line.

But the general reaction was one of adoration.

She'd also found out that the other two girls, Lydz and Venus, were twin sisters. She probably might have guessed, but they were sort of sat at the other side of the room. But from what she could see, they both were quite pretty, but each of them had a totally different personally and overall style ; Lydz seemed to be a very laid back type of girl and her hair was a natural reddy ginger, matching her ripped, purple coloured tee and her washed out jeans. Her sister on the other hand, had bright blonde hair, and seemed constantly a little 'edgey' so to say. Also, Venus wore quite revealing clothing and was generally a lot more confident than her sister.

The only other face that wasn't familiar to Jess was a guy with bright red hair, who was called Guy coincidentally. He was definitely a very quiet member of the group, but when he started talking, it sounded like he was spouting one of Shakespeare's poems or some dialogue from a play. He wasn't 'posh' at all, but his choice of words were for sure, very poetic and fluent.

Guy had also mentioned that he aspired to be a writer one day, but he didn't have the time or the money to get the qualifications he needed.

And of course that left two very familiar people whom Jess was sat beside. But, despite the fact that she thought she knew the two boys, she'd been a little surprised with some of the stuff that they had shared;

As Billie was currently a little out of it on weed and alcohol, he'd turned extremely vile and had mouthed off about his latest ex-girlfriend, Amanda. From what she'd deciphered from the sporadic ranting, was that Amanda had left him for another man. Tyler had told her not to worry about Billie, and that it was just the drug spitting venom out of his lips.

But she couldn't help feeling like the drugs were highlighting all the anger he supposedly hid inside.

Mike on the other hand, had told his literal life story to the group. It had been a heart wrenching tale of being adopted when he was very young, and how his adoptive parents broke up. Jess and her literal 'new best friend' had given the lanky boy several hugs whilst he was spilling out his soul.

"Hey guys do you want to play spin the bottle? Just for old time's sake?"

Jess glanced at Dave, grinning as he chugged down a large amount of vodka and wiped his mouth on his arm. He held up the bottle as the others laughed at him, whilst they moved from wherever they were sitting to congregate on the floor in a circle.

Jess moved from the sofa with Tyler, sitting down with the purple haired girl on her right and Mike on her left.

Dave sat opposite to Jess from across the circle, and leaned in to place the empty bottle in the centre of the circle.

Jess watched as the blue haired boy glanced around at everyone with a huge smirk on his face.

"Let the fun.... BEGIN!"

Everyone's eyes widened as he span the bottle on the wooden floor, as Jess grinned in excitement. It made a little rattling noise before it stopped just infront of the boy who span it in the first place.

"Oh.... Aww shit."

Everyone let out a little chuckle as he span it again, everyone on the edge of their seats as the bottle swivelled around;

Yes, everyone was sat on the floor, but you get the idea of how nerve-racking and intense the atmosphere of the crowded room was.

Everyone gasped as the bottle skid to halt, the neck of it pointing towards Lydz, who was now blushing profusely and trying to hide her face with her reddened hair.

"You know the drill. Now SMOOSH!"

Tyler slammed her palms together as if each one was Lydz and Dave, a huge grin appearing on her face as said girl slid her way past Guy and Venus on the floor. She kneeled directly infront of Dave and leaned in close to his face. She gave him a short and sweet peck on the lips and smiled, leaving Dave feeling a little disappointed.

"Okay, Jess, you spin next."

Jess widened her eyes as she reached for the lone glass bottle, suddenly twisting her wrist as she flung it into a rotating motion. A few seconds later the bottle slowed and pointed towards Mike, causing him to grin as Jess spun the bottle once more.

It rolled around several times, before it just passed Jess and just past Mike; It was pointing at a now certain raven haired boy, who was now grinning at the blonde teen. Jess snorted as she noticed Dave smack his hand against his forehead, shaking his mop of blue locks a little.

She almost screamed out in some sort of creepy joy when Billie tugged on Mike's shirt, yanking the blonde bassist on top of him. They fell onto the floor with a thud, Billie pressing his full lips against Mike's and drawing his hands around his back. Everyone watched in amazement as Mike stayed put, not pulling back from the erratic boy underneath him;

Infact if anything, he seemed to be delving deeper into the endless cavern of Billie's mouth with his tongue.

"Fuck that's hot."

Both Jess and Tyler simultaneously exclaimed as their jaws opened a little, before clutching their stomachs and rolling on the floor in laughter.

After a minute or so they sat up, bursting into a fit of giggles when they found Billie and Mike still at it.

"Umm guys? Earth to the two dufus's almost having buttsex right now?!"

They all watched as Mike tried to free his lips from Billie's, gasping for oxygen as soon as Billie surrendered; Reluctantly of course.

"Its' not like it hasn't happened before, Jess."

Mike slapped his hand to his forehead as he sat up from laying on top of Billie, the raven haired boy moving his eyebrows up and down suggestively.

Jess looked over towards Tyler as they both snorted, placing their hands on their faces as they both tried to stop another tornado of laughter.

"Geez don't die laughing you two!"

Venus reached into the circle and grasped the bottle , spinning it around and eyeing it as it precariously slowed near Guy. She spun it again, groaning inaudibly as it spiraled to a halt infront of Venus herself.

Jess turned around to grasp a can of beer whilst Venus did the deed, spinning back around and bringing the cold can to her lips. She glanced around the circle as everyone except herself cracked up, Dave 'wooping' as Venus crawled into Guy's lap.

Jess let a grin tug at the corners of her lips, feeling the effects of the alcohol start to make her feel a tiny bit woozy; She'd already had two cans and was on her third, unlike Billie who was totally out of it. He must have drunk at least five cans of beers and smoked two joints in the time they were here, but she wasn't sure how much he'd had before she'd turned up with Mike. But guessing at his state which was currently wobbling from side to side extremely wide eyed, he must have had smoked at least another joint prior to Jess's arrival.

Venus climbed off of Guy who looked a little dazed and stunned , a small smirk appearing on his lips. Jess chuckled as Venus wiped her mouth on her arm, the excess salvia glistening a little in the low light of the room.

Tyler lurched forward, nudging the bottle into a series of revolutions and gasping a little when the end lined up with Jess.

"This could be interesting..." She schemed in a Russian accent , earning a playful flick from Jess on her shoulder.

The bottle whirled around several times before it slowed, the end pointing towards a slightly surprised Mike.

"Well, well,wel-"

"Oh shutup Tyler!"

Jess rolled her eyes at the crazed girl, shuffling her body a little closer towards the boy sat next to her. She took a glimpse up into Mike's piercing blue eyes as he placed his hand on the back of her neck, gently pulling her closer. She smiled as he threw her a cheeky wink, before he collided their lips together and they both closed their eyes.

She opened her mouth a little as Mike's tongue asked for entrance, twisting her tongue around his a few times and bringing her arms up to around his neck.


She immediately flung one arm sideways though, as she stuck up her middle finger at Tyler. She smiled against Mike's satin lips as she heard everyone clutch their stomachs and snigger once more.
A few minutes later they broke away from each other, looking straight into the others eyes and guffawing instantly. Jess returned to her place in the circle as Tyler thrust her fist up into the air and shouted 'GIRL POWER' completely out of impulse.

Jess surveyed the circle with a smirk playing at her lips, frowning as she noticed an empty space inbetween Mike and Dave.

Where the hell's that fucker gone?

"Don't worry, I think he's just gone for a smoke."

She almost jumped out of her skin as Tyler whispered in her ear, who evidently a little more vigilant than Jess first thought. She nodded as her eyes travelled to the floor, feeling a strange emotion pump through her veins;

She placed a temporary fake smile on her lips as she tried to work out exactly what it was.

It definitely wasn't a happy emotion. It was more of a 'my heart has been ripped out and trampled by a herd of elephants' emotion.

But at the same time it wasn't.

That's when it hit her.

She knew exactly what she was feeling.

It was guilt.

But she wasn't quite sure exactly as to why.

♠ ♠ ♠
Okay I must admit that I loved writing this chapter! I still think that the bottle spinning thing went on for waaaay too long, but I think that that's alright but idek. Should see another update after 3/4 days because I have an exam thingy, but if it's any longer I am really sorry! xx

Edit : I'm also really sorry for all the spelling mistakes I had in before I edited them out. Or rather, the spelling mistakes I've noticed