You & I


There's only one thing I crave the most in this world. One sole thing I'm searching for; to need somebody and be needed in return.

It's the kind of stability I've never had. Yes, I do have family, and I do love them with all my distrustful heart can give. I should be grateful for that love alone. Yet I know that if I left tomorrow they would all continue on with their lives without me.

I think it's a not so simple case of love. Because in reality you can be in love with someone who doesn't need you in return. When even the silly, insignificant things remind you of them. You try to bury those feelings which cause you anguish. Even when it feels as if your heart is set to burst, and you need that person in your life more than the very air you breathe. But you're just friends, you'll never be anything more than friends.

And I guess that's how this all began.
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I'm now four years into my Chris Evans crush (yes, I really am a loser) and this is the first thing I've written about him.