You & I

Day Fourty-Two

"You look tired."

Chris looked up from the laminated menu and frowned. "Oh thanks."

"You still look good and you know it," I said.

"Yeah, you're right," Chris grinned. I rolled my eyes. The simple comment hadn't been intended as an ego boost. Chris didn't have a jumble of self-image issues I needed to quash in my role as a friend. He was increasingly aware of his rising status as one of hollywoods hottest. What was refreshing, was the fact that he took it all with a pinch of salt. He still fell victim to the odd human moment of self-doubt. He got nervous in front of crowds. He still worried about his easy confidence being mistaken for arrogance.

"You should have slept in instead of meeting me for lunch."
His flight had got in late last night after a delay, but Chris had still insisted on upholding our lunch date.

He ran a hand over his face. "As soon as the coffee arrives I'll be fine. Besides, I wanted to see you."
No matter how comfortable I felt around him (and yeah, I know it may sound crazy to some being that I had known him approximately five weeks), I still had these moments when I had to fight back the blush which threatened to creep into my cheeks.

"You've actually saved me from another shopping trip with Tara."

Chris chuckled. "It's like you were born without that inbuilt female gene which makes you excited when you see a clothes shop."

"It's a growing trend. I blame the invention of online shopping. If I can do something without changing out of my pajamas then it's a win."

"I actually wanted to invite you to a party tomorrow night, I suppose you can wear your pajamas," he grinned.

"Sounds like my kind of party."
Our coffee was brought over by an awkward teenage boy in his late teens and as we gave him out lunch orders it was made clear that he was paying more attention to Chris then to me. It wasn't unusual, kind of amusing actually.

"My roommate from Boston is coming down and he's making me throw a party."

"He's making you?"

"You haven't met him," Chris shook his head.

"Sounds like the male equivalent of Tara."

"He is." He took a big sip of coffee. "So you'll both come?"

"Actually, I can't, but I know Tara will be there."

"Wait," I had his full attention, "You're not coming? You had better have a damn good reason."

I paused, "I have a date."

Chris nearly spluttered his coffee out all over the table. "A date?" He repeated. "An actual date with a guy?"

His reaction hit a nerve in me. "Yeah I have a date, is that so hard to believe?"

Chris must have gaged my hurt by the look on my face and he instantly started to back-track. "No, no, I didn't mean-" he sighed, "It's just, I didn't think you were one for dates. I figured you were too cool."

"It could be fun. I've never been on a date before."

"Never?" A different kind of disbelief peppered his voice.

"You're making me nervous."

"You'll have a great time." He said, but the words didn't back up the actions. He continued to drink his coffee and gazed out of the window in silence for a few minutes. "You could still drop by afterwards."

"And what if it goes well?"

Chris made an 'O' shape with his lips and put down the near empty coffee cup. "Are you planning on... I mean, erm-"

"Oh no, not that! I'm not having sex with the guy on the first date," I said quickly. This time there was nothing I could do to stop the burn of my cheeks. "I just wondered if I could bring him along."

Chris relaxed, "Sure you can," he leaned back in the chair, "So what's his name?"


"Jackson?" He repeated with a raised brow.

"Don't judge the guy based only on his name, you sound like a Mean Girl."

"I'm sure he's an awesome guy, real nice," Now I sensed some mocking in his tone, but I still didn't get why he was starting to act like a bitch. "I can't wait to meet him."
♠ ♠ ♠
I suck at life.
This one's dedicated to Sofers for sending me a lovely message :)
Here's an apology treat for anyone else still reading;

(I hope nobody's offended by the constant nudity in this section haha. I'm aware I'm a pervert)