You & I

Day Thirty-Two

I like to believe I did a pretty good job of keeping myself busy during the two weeks Chris was away. I worked stupid hours and took Fudge for long walks. I even branched out of my comfort zone and went for drinks with some of the other stylists (minus Cooper thankfully.) I didn't share a great deal in common with them, but they were funny and the perfect people to be around when I wanted to mute my thoughts for a while.

I had barely spoken to Chris. We had decided not to call each other because he was in the UK, and there was no way I would be paying an extortionate phone bill next month unless it was life or death. My phone company already fleece me out of my hard-earned tequila money. In fact, all that had passed between us were some witty emails.

Usually it's not uncommon for me to go weeks without talking to someone. I suck when it comes to making an effort with people. It was different this time though. I felt kind of pathetic for letting the situation bother me so much. Especially when I'm the girl who is famed for showing zero emotion, and I mock people who sweat the small stuff when it comes to the opposite sex.

This whole thing with Chris was, to put it simply, confusing the crap out of me. But surely it was just the unresolved elephant in the room; Melody.

What I should have done is to stop being such a pussy and shot Chris an email all casual like, 'So, I met your girlfriend the other day, she's smokin' bro.'
- That's how a friend would react right?

Fortunately, a big distraction arrived at my door last night. That distraction came packaged as a 5'7, blonde haired, brown-eyed, Australian beauty who goes by the name of Tara.

I hadn't even known she was visiting, and thinking about it now, I really should have guessed her plans. In our last few conversations Tara had been particularly interested in my work schedule. She had some holiday owed to her at work and decided to get on a plane and turn up on my doorstep without any forewarning.
- One of the reasons I love Tara. Plus the fact that she said I did have the right to be hurt over the whole Chris/girlfriend situation, and that made me feel slightly better about my reaction.

Tomorrow I would tell Tara the truth about Chris. But tonight we were off to get rip-roaring drunk.
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Filler's are lame.