The Freshman Year

The Almost Romance

Narrator's P.O.V.

Its two weeks from homecoming and the school is buzzing with the scent of over priced perfume worn by the girls like faramones to attract a mate, or date in this case. Of course guess who had dates? Thats right. Chloe and Hanah had booked a limo, after party, exclusive of course, and two very hot dates. But would everthing work out as they planned.

Alison's P.O.V.

Is this all my life was going to be? Former friends blowing me off and making plans with "so called" friends Amy and Cassie. How pathetic! Especially since I was the tag along. They had always been extremely close. I was on the side wishing to be like them or have someone like that. They went through these periods where they would be alone in Amy's room. I never understood it but I didn't ask questions. I got the perfect dress it was blue and gold with a hint of lace. I just need a date to complete the whole "I've totally moved on from being dumped by my best friends" look. Plus it would make the whole Amy and Cassie with me hovering quietly in the background thing a lot less ackward. At least then I could have an excuse to escape from their not so subtle lesbo feel. I didn't want to be part of their "trying to get guys fake threesome". Not only did the affor mentioned "evil backstabbers aka Hanah and Chloe" have dates, but they had multiple offers. How can they get like 20 guys to ask them and I can't even get one?

Sean's P.O.V.

I hate the idiots at my school. I walk in and get made fun of from 7:30 to 2:33. I hate them and I will have my revenge. Maybe homecoming won't be so lovely after all.