Moonlight Path

*~Starlight Star Bright~*

Well here I am again walkiing my usual way to that very same tree. It was really a beautiful summers night. The warm breeze and the shimmering stars. They were all so beautiful.

I arrived at the tree to find Gerard and Frank but with them were three different guys. One had blondish hair, one had glasses ,and the other had a spanish alfro. I approached them with uncertainty.

"Hey Lynn!" Frank and Gerard chimmed.


"Here are our friends Mikey, Bob, and Ray." They introduced us and then we went for a walk.

"So where are we all going?"

"Well me and Gerard, and Mikey wanted to go to Starbucks, It seem they are the only place opened this late."

"Ok sounds good to me. Good thing I always carry some cash on me!"

"We'll pay you don't have to, seriously, we are the ones that wanted to go there."

"Well you don't have ot pay for me really I brought money."

"Ok whatever you wanna do."


We arrived at Starbucks at about 11:37 and all ordered our coffee and sat down to chit chat.

"So how have you been Lynn?" Gee asked casually.

"The usual I guess. I've been fine. You?"

"I've been fine, we have just been worrying about you."

"Oh...Well you shouldn't...I'll...I'll be fine, really." I felt the tears well up in my eyes I don't know why but I guess it's because they are so caring and I haven't even known them for very long.