Break the Sky

Chapter 15


Weeks of smoking cigarettes with Merrick and Dawson, of writing Rose letters. She had sent him two in the course of two months, but the rate in which mail was delivered was excruciatingly slow.

Dear Rose,

I miss you dearly. I'm glad you have made good friends at the place you work. It's comforting to know that you are not alone. I, too, have made new friends. They're Zachary Merrick and Rian Dawson, whom I lovingly refer to as "Merrick" and "Dawson, and they are very good people.

How has life been? You haven't told me much. Over here, we sit in the backs of trucks, driving over fields and such, passing by farms. Germany is full of people like you and me. The radio paints a crude image of evil "mini-Hitlers" with pitch forks and such, but they are just common folk. But we bomb them anyway, like in Dresden.

Please don't be upset when I say this. Because if we do not, then you and everyone else would be gone. And if I could prevent that from happening, I would do everything in my power to keep my friends and family alive and well.

I hope you're well. That would be good to hear, since some of the men here have gotten injured badly, but I will not go into details. You need not hear them.

How are my parents? Please tell them not to worry about me. I'm fine, and alive. Tell them that I wish them well.

Tell Jack that I hate him for not being here, but I love him. Tell him to stay strong and do well in school.

Thank you, Rose, for everything.


He folded the letter into fourths as his friends watched. "Who's it for?" Merrick asked, staring at the yellowish parchment. "Your parents?" He nudged his friend playfully. "Is it for mommy?"

"Actually, it's for someone special." Alex neatly placed the page inside an envelope, licking the adhesive. He sealed it closed and wrote Rose's address in legible handwriting. He held the envelope close to his chest. "It's not for my mother."

"Oh?" Dawson grinned. "Who's the special lady?"


"You can't keep secrets forever, Buddy Boy." Merrick reached for the letter, but Alex stood up to place it into the canvas bag that contained all the other letters the men had written. "Come on! Let us read the address! You don't even let us see the letters you receive!" Merrick frowns, watching the bag be taken away by a hefty truck driver. Merrick crossed his arms. "You read our letters from home."

"That's because they're from your parents."

"And yours aren't? You can't be much older than I. I doubt you have a wife and kids." Dawson also crossed his arms. "What are they about?"

"They're about life back home. And how all of the people I know are." Alex shrugged. "It's no big deal. I just don't want you reading it."

"You're so boring," Merrick spat out, furrowing his brow. The trio raised their eyebrows at the sight of Kepler. who was finally out of the tent full of higher ups. Kepler weaved in and out of the tents in order to gain information about the Axis movements and had no extra time in order to speak to his men. But finally, he was standing before his squad.

"Men, we are moving out. Grab your things and head into the truck." The three raced off to fold their tent, grabbed their things, and sprinted to the vehicle. They were to sit for several hours till their legs felt numb.


"Mrs. Gaskarth, I brought you some peaches." Rose placed the brown bag on the counter once she entered the kitchen area. "Are you all right, ma'am?"

"I'm fine, darling." She sniffled as she stood over the sink. "The letters Alexander has been sending you are...they make me worry." Mrs. Gaskarth wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, causing Rose to offer her a handkerchief which Alex's mother gratefully accepted. "Going to war is never a good thing for one's mental health. Mr. Gaskarth still has nightmares of the first world war."

"I understand. My father has fits of rage whenever the word 'war' is said." Rose started to finish washing the vegetables in the sink as Mrs. Gaskarth sat down at the kitchen table. "Mrs. Gaskarth, I'm sure everything will be just fine." Through the window above the sink, Rose watched the crimson leaves fall to the ground.

If only Alex were here to see this...


After hours upon hours sitting in a cramped space, they arrived at the site. The time was around seven, and the men immediately started to set up their tents. Alex, Merrick, and Dawson laid out their sleeping bags inside the tent and finish up. The trio decided to go dive into the nearby lake to clean themselves off. After all, it had been several days since they were able to bathe thoroughly, and some of the soldiers decided to take the advantage.

Stripping down to nothing, the men jumped in, splashing around, bathing, and even playing games. They were relaxing for the time being, because they knew this could potentially be the last time they could splash around and have fun. It was late, so the night seemed quiet and calm.

Giggling and the sound of light footsteps on the dirt path.


The men cat-called and whistled, which caused the women to cover their mouths as they laughed politely. Some of the soldiers shouted random phrases in German, while others tried to speak Russian. The women continued up to their houses on the hill, but the men made more noise as they passed through.

"They were gorgeous," Merrick commented, pushing Rian. "If they come back tomorrow, we should ask them for a tour of the town." He turned to Alex. "What do you think?"

Alex shrugged. "I dunno."

Rian cocked an eyebrow. "You seem like a womanizer, and yet you're going to completely ignore a chance to hang out with women?"

Alex thought of the small group of young women giggling at them as they were passing by. There was a brunette with wavy hair in a ponytail. She reminded him of someone:

♠ ♠ ♠
By Emily C:

Comments? Love you all!