Break the Sky

Chapter 20

It had been weeks since Rose last talked to Alex. He was honest, but once he had revealed the details of him and some unknown Austrian woman, Rose could not trust Alex. Mrs. Gaskarth and Jack had no idea what had happened between the two and did not pry. They just assumed the two were over.

By February, Alex's wounds were somewhat healed. One more week, and the doctors would send him back to war. Surprisingly enough, Alex could not wait to go back. He missed Merrick and Dawson, but mostly, he just wanted to get out of Maryland. He could not stand spying on Rose every morning as she walked to work every morning with his neighbor, Lauren. He could not stand the way she glanced at him and left without greeting him. Her eyes were cold: Something he had never seen in her before. It reminded him of Rose's father.


Knock, knock.

Rose opened the door, half expecting Jack to be there. Instead it was Alex, who was holding a bouquet of roses. He handed them to her. "Flowers do not fix everything, Alex," Rose said, dropping the bouquet on the floor. She stepped on them. Alex winced, though he was not surprised by her reaction.

"Rose, please. Let me speak to you." He held the door open with his foot, and she gave up. Alex entered the house as Rose picked up the bouquet. They walked into the kitchen where Rose threw away the roses, and Alex recalled what had happened the last time he was in there. "I remember your father slapped me right about there."

"If you're trying to be funny, it isn't working." Rose crossed her arms. "I'd rather you leave, Alex."

He took a step towards her, but she, in turn, took a step back. "Rose, I'm sorry. But she meant nothing to me. She's just another woman in Europe. She doesn't have anything to do with us," Alex explained, holding out his hand. "Rose, you must believe me. I love you. And nothing could ever change that. No matter how far away I am from you."

Rose glared at his hand. "You have no idea how many nights I could not sleep, because I wondered if you were all right or not. And you cheated on me with someone you didn't even know! Alex, you meant everything to me at some point in my life, but I now believe it's time for us to move on."

Alex sighed, taking a step towards her again. But Rose just took a step back. Step forward, step back. Step forward, step back. This kept occurring until Rose's back hit a wall, and Alex's nose was just inches away from hers. "Rose, you have no idea what you mean to me." He pressed his lips against hers, wrapping his arms around her waist.

She pulled away, her cheeks red. Alex kissed her nose, smiling slightly. "I love you, Rose."

Rose nodded, not knowing what else to say. She was still mad at him for his fling in Europe, but somehow, she couldn't help but forgive him. She sighed. "I better not regret this, Alexander William Gaskarth," she muttered, looking into his mahogany eyes.

"You won't. I promise," Alex assured her, holding out a hand again. This time, Rose took it, and the two of them went back outside to the bridge.


Almost March, and it was time for Alex to leave again. Mr. and Mrs. Gaskarth, Jack, and Rose waited at the train station with him, waving goodbye as Alex stuck his head out the window. Again, Alex would be gone, and his family friends would pray for his return. Jack and Rose talked as they headed back to the Gaskarths'. "When do you think this will end?" Rose asked, crossing the street as soon as the cars stopped.

"Who knows?" Jack took off his hat. "I can only imagine what the Axis powers are thinking. Ever since America entered the war, the tides have been turning. Britain isn't alone anymore, and the USSR is a pretty big place. There's no way Germany can defeat us now." He sighed as they passed by the factories. "Let's just hope Germany goes out without a fight."

"Which is highly unlikely," Rose replied, crossing the street again. "Hitler would never go down without a fight. The man is just out of his mind."

He nodded, taking in a deep breath. "Rose, I just want you to know that men don't really like it when a woman knows too much." She scowled at him, but as she opened her mouth, Jack continued. "I personally don't find this a problem, but other men do. I'm sure your father would be displeased if you knew so much about the war."

The truth was, Rose would take her father's newspapers and read them to make sure what was going on with the war. Most of the time, it was discouraging to read the articles. Rose usually wondered if Alex had died in an explosion or was shot by an airplane. "Jack, if my brother and Alex were not in the war, I probably would not be keeping up with the news."

"How is Darren, anyway? Has he sent any letters?" Jack and Rose finally entered the neighborhood. "Is he all right? No wounds? Made friends?"

"To be honest, I don't know." Rose sighed. She wished her brother had sent the family something, so they would know Darren was all right. But so far, nothing in three to four months. Training must have been over by now, and he must be overseas at this point. Jack nor Rose had any idea whether he was in Europe or the Pacific Islands.

"I'll keep him in my prayers," Jack reassured her. The duo continued to sally forth down the street to the Gaskarths' house to console Alex's parents.
♠ ♠ ♠
from Emily

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