Break the Sky

Chapter 23

Dear Rose,We've been bombing Germany nonstop recently. Some nights, I cannot sleep because of the noise. We've been defeating the Axis powers quickly, because a good amount of Germany's soldiers are just mere children. But we shoot them anyway, because if we don't, they might hurt us. They will grow colder every day, becoming killing machines, much like what we are.

Merrick went home yesterday. Dawson and I have been talking about our families, and surprisingly, we seem to be quite close. But not as close as Jack and me. Speaking of Jack, how is he? He has become quite different since high school. I feel as though we aren't as close as we once were. I guess we have started to grow apart. Depressing, really.

And how are my parents? I'm dying to know if they are all right. I'm sure they are, but I am afraid father's back may get worse.

Rose, I hope you are well, and I want you to know that I love you very much.


Rose tacked the letter onto her wall right above the headboard. She loved skimming fragments of Alex's letters before going to bed. She was so glad he was all right, but the feeling of him cheating on her still continued to tug at her. Rose could never let go of how her loving boyfriend, Alexander William Gaskarth, cheated on her.

Dear Alex,

Jack misses you very much, and he is very happy that you are alive. He is still very busy with his internship and college, but Jack is incredibly clever, so I believe he will be just fine. Though you two have not bonded in a while, I'm sure you two are still very close. I know Jack is still very fond of you, and you of him. I'm sure when you return home, you two will be just as close as you once were.

Your mother and father are absolutely wonderful. They miss you very much and are glad that you are fine. Mrs. Gaskarth and I have been chatting about what to do when you come back home. We are planning to throw a large party in the backyard. I'm sure we can gather enough friends and acquaintances for a fun-filled and fantastic evening. We are still scheming. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you or inform you of anything else. I hope you're excited.

I just cannot believe it's almost September already. These longs summer days are ending, and I wish you were here to see the beautiful lake near your home. Few men boating, women gossiping on the bench we sat in during the winter before last. This place is so empty without all of its promising young men. All of the rich ones are inside studying. Poor Jack. He isn't able to get out much, but he has met a lovely young woman, whom his father introduced him to. Her name is Elyse, and I'm sure you would love her company. She's a doll.

Father has lightened up from his dark brooding moods. Surprisingly, he speaks to me in a softer tone than before. I'm quite shocked by this transformation. His words do not sting like the whip on your back, nor does he give a demeaning glare to either my mother or me. I wish Darren were still here to see this. Father is not the cold-hearted man I grew up with.

Oh Alex, some days I just wish you were here, staring at the stars with me. The skies are clear, but I can just imagine all of those fighter jets and ration planes zooming over head. I hope you are well, and I just want you to know that I, too, love you very, very much.


She licked the envelope's adhesive and carefully stuck the stamp in the corner. The address was already printed neatly, and Rose stepped outside to stick the letter into the mailbox. She pulled up the red flag and went back inside. Her mother turned around, eyes sad. "Rose, your father is having a tough time dealing with Darren's death. He's...he's not himself."

Rose blinked. "But isn't this change a good thing? Father isn't telling us what to do, how to do things. That everything we do is wrong." She started to help her mother in the kitchen by sifting the flour. "Father has changed. This is his way of dealing with Darren's death." She looks into her mother's eyes. "Father feels guilty. Just let him be the way his is."

"I'm afraid something might drive him over the edge." Mrs. Clive bit her lip. "I just hope you're right." Ring. "Rose, could you answer that?"

Rose gladly picked up the telephone. "Hello?"

"Rose, I'm glad it's you. Are you free at the moment?" Jack sounded anxious.

"Yes, yes I am." They exchanged goodbyes, and Rose told her mother she was going out. "Jack and I have some important issues to discuss."


They met at the diner downtown. Jack sighed. "This war is getting ridiculous." He took in a deep breath as he reached for a cigarette from inside his suit jacket. He lit it, white smoke appearing at the end of the white stick. "I hope it's over soon; the lack of cases within the firm is destroying us. Father tells me to keep going, though. I'm getting quite sick of all of this. And politics. What an even more frustrating subject!"

"I'm so sorry, Jack. But I'm sure that you will make a fantastic lawyer," Rose encouraged, smiling. She took a sip of her coffee. "When do you think this will all be over?"

"It'll take years, Rose. Years." Jack took a drag from his cigarette, tapping the ashes into a tray. "According to my father, we won't be able to weasel out of this one any time soon."
♠ ♠ ♠
by Kaylee

I think this is probably one of the worst updates I've ever done.