Break the Sky

Chapter 26

Alex went back home, feeling absolutely miserable. He didn't mean for Rose to misinterpret what he said. He didn't mean to yell at her. But she and Jack never understood his financial problems. They just weren't like him. Rose and Jack were obviously better off than he was.

Mrs. Gaskarth sat at the kitchen table across from her son. "Alexander, what's bothering you? You seem so down." She frowned, pushing a lock of hair away from her son's face.

"I...I upset Rose." He shut his eyes. "I didn't mean to, but...I don't know what's wrong with me."

"Why don't you go apologize, Alex?" His father stepped into the room. "I think it's best for you two to make up. You two have been apart for too long."

He nodded. "I think she needs some time."

Mrs. Gaskarth shook her head. "No, darling. The last thing she needs now is more time."

Alex ran outside, sprinting back up to Rose's house. But for some reason, he kept going. He hopped over fences, and found himself in front of Jack's house. But Jack was most likely eating dinner with his family at the moment. He decided to wait, but instead peeked through the large window to see how things were in the Barakat household. Jack's brother, Joe, was home with his wife, a woman with curly brown hair and bright green eyes. A blonde girl sat next to Jack. She must be Elyse.

It looked like a polite conversation was taking place at the large mahogany dining room table. The chandeliers overhead sparkled as Jack started to discuss something deeply with his father and brother. Elyse and Joe's wife politely laughed with Mrs. Barakat, but kept their input at a minimum.

More laughter as they moved on to dessert. Everyone was given a slice of pie, and their cook was dressed in white, his hat in his hands. He said a few words, and there was a round of applause. Alex ducked, hoping no one would release the hounds if they saw him.

Alex decided to go to the backyard and have the cook, James, open the door for him. He quietly walked to the back gate, climbed over the fence, and slipped into the backyard. He remembered Jack's Christmas party and the mishap that had happened. He continued to go forth into the backyard, looking for the back entrance to the house. Finally, he spotted it and ran towards the large mansion. He knocked, hoping someone would answer.

The door opened. "Alexander, what are you doing here?" James scowled, looking around the backyard. "Shouldn't you be with your family right now? It's Thanksgiving! Good God, son!"

"I...I need to speak with Jack. It's rather urgent," Alex said, frowning.

James was obviously mad. "Jack is eating dinner with his family. Can't this wait, Alexander? His family would not like the idea of his son missing a meal on a holiday, especially when their son is usually buried in his studies." He continued to glare at Alex. "This may be urgent, but it can hold off until Jack and his family are finished."

Alex nodded, knowing he couldn't win this argument. Almost right on cue, Jack walked into the kitchen, looking for James. Alex grabbed Jack and started to bring him up the stairs. His best friend was startled. "What's--Alex?" Jack raised his eyebrows. "Hey, wait a minute! I have to--"

"They'll have to wait. I need to speak with you."

"...When did you get home?"

"This morning." Alex sat down on Jack's bed, head buried in his hands. "I don't know what to do anymore. Watching Rose cry breaks my heart, but I feel as though that's about the only thing I can do right."

"Oh, and making her worry." Jack sighed when Alex scowled at him. "Alex, all you have to do is apologize to her. If you don't do that, she'll continue to be mad at you. She obviously cares about you, and I think you should give her some credit for that." He turned to his best friend. "What did you say, anyway?"

"I...never mind. It's unimportant." Alex waved his hand. "It was something stupid."

"When are you leaving again?"

"Next month," Alex replied, frowning. "Rose and I must patch up before then."

"And before your birthday. A few weeks, and you'll be twenty. You and Rose should be engaged by now," Jack said, sitting down on the bed. He put a hand on his friend's shoulder. Alex winced when Jack said the word "engaged." He thought of how Mr. Clive had slapped him. "Alex, I know it's not easy for you to admit fault, but if you don't, Rose will most likely be wed to some rich man down the street from my house."

The thought of seeing Rose with another man caused Alex's blood to boil. He glared at the thought of a man in a nice business suit and neatly combed hair clutching Rose's waist. "What should I say?"

"I don't know, Alex. Why don't you try 'I'm sorry'? That usually works."

Alex flitted down the steps, hollering a "thanks, Jack!" behind him, not catching Jack's sarcasm. He dashed outside into the cold air, wondering if she would once again demolish the flowers he would buy her.


Rose was standing on her bed, reading the notes Alex had written to her. The yellowing parchment still made her smile, no matter how faded the words were. She wiped the tears from her eyes when she thought of what Alex had said to her hours ago. She didn't fully understand what he was going through, but she tried to comprehend his family's financial troubles. But he was right: Neither Jack or Rose understood the troubles of being in deep financial debt. Each of them had gone through the Depression in different ways.

Knock, knock.

The noise came from Rose's window. She pulled the curtains apart and saw Alex, holding yet another bouquet of flowers. She opened the window and let him inside. But he decided to stand on the ladder. "Alex, it's late--" she started.

"Rose, please forgive me. I was...I don't know what got into me. How can I fix this?" He frowned as he handed her the flowers. "Rose, I..."

"I don't know, Alex." She tossed the flowers out the window. "I'm not sure you can fix this."
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh, poor Alex. Now I feel bad for him.

Comments would be much appreciated! Thanks for reading :)