Break the Sky

Chapter 27

Already Alex's birthday, and the small celebration had begun. But Jack and Rose had not arrived. Alex feared they wouldn't come at all, thinking Rose was still mad at Alex, and that Jack may have sided with Rose. He felt miserable surrounded by the group of acquaintances as his parents made small talk with the older men and women. Alex hated this feeling of loneliness.

"Alexander, we wanted to wish you a happy birthday!" Mrs. Klein from down the street smiled. Her daughter, Summer, was right beside her, a seductive grin planted on her face. He ignored her. Now was not the time to flirt with a girl he had no interest in.

"Why, thank you, Mrs. Klein. And it's nice seeing you Cecilia." He watched her red lips fall from a smile to a pout. Alex finally spotted Jack, who was dragging Rose along with him. She looked unhappy to be there. A girl with blonde hair was helping Jack haul Rose to the party. Elyse.

Alex quickly ran after them, greeting them with a loud "hello." Mrs. Gaskarth turned her head to see her son quickly engaging in a conversation with Jack, and spotted a miserable Rose.

"Oh, Alex, this is Elyse." The blonde girl stuck out a hand. Alex shook it, smiling.

"It's nice to finally meet you. Jack speaks of you quite often," Elyse said, and a group of men and women were beckoning her over. "Excuse me." She waltzed over to the group, and it engaged her in a conversation, which first showed off the ring on her left hand. Alex then noticed the blue dress she was wearing. It was much more expensive than the dresses the other women wore. Elyse was from a rich family.

Jack put a hand on Rose's shoulder. "Well, Rose, isn't there something you want to say to Alex?"

"Happy birthday," she murmured. Rose was wearing red today, matching her strawberry blonde hair. Alex smiled at how wonderful she looked. He was glad she had even showed up, even though he should have been thanking Jack, who most likely kidnapped her. "I think I hear Lauren calling me--"

"I'm sorry, Rose. I didn't mean to yell at you for something so petty, though I do certainly believe neither you nor Jack understand the lack of financial benefits I have." Alex sighed. "Rose, I don't want us to drift apart. It has already been months since we've done anything together, and to be honest, I really miss being with you." She bit her lip. "I don't want us to drift apart any further. I will swim any length in order to be with you, and I hope you would do the same." He turned to see his mother turning her head back to her friends as they chatted. She was obviously watching over him to make sure he didn't say anything to upset Rose any more.

"Alex, I assure you we won't drift apart any further." Rose smiled. "Let's give this another try." She knew if she didn't take up his offer, their relationship would be lost. "I brought you something." She handed him a box, which he took graciously. He gingerly pulled the ribbon apart and lifted the lid from the box.

It was a watch.

He lifted the watch out, studying in the leather band, the dark face of the watch, its gold shifting hands, the numbers. He had never found a watch so fascinating. He turned the watch to the back to see if he could watch the gears in action, but instead, there was an inscription:

To Alex, from Rose

"It's...wonderful," Alex said, a smile crossing his lips. "I'll always wear it."

Rose grinned slightly. "I'm glad."

Jack had made his way over to where Elyse was, and the two were having a wonderful time, Jack's arm around Elyse's waist. They were a happy couple, and it was apparent that their marriage would be joyous.

"When's their wedding day?" Alex inquired, glancing at the item.

"This month. They decided to get married on Christmas," Rose replied, feeling Alex's warm hand lace with hers. "I'm really happy for them."

"So am I." Seeing his best friend happy made Alex feel better. Jack now had someone he was happy with, whom he could enjoy the rest of his life with. It was refreshing to see. "Rose, I think we should leave." He grabbed her hand, but she didn't move. "What's the matter?"

"It's your party, silly. You can't just leave, Alex. Everyone's gathered here to celebrate your twentieth birthday. I think you should stay to blow out the candles and thank your guests for coming." Rose smiled.

Quickly, Mrs. Gaskarth and Jack gathered everyone around the cake, lighting the candles with a match. They motioned for Alex to come over and blow them out quickly. They had overheard his and Rose's conversation. "Make a wish, Alex," Jack insisted, motioning to the candles. He winked at his best friend.

I hope Jack and Elyse live a happy life together. He blew out the candles, watching the white smoke drift towards his guests. The men and women clapped as his mother started to slice the cake and hand it out. Alex stepped up onto a chair and hit a wine glass with a metal fork. The room quieted down. "Everyone, I would like to thank you for coming by and celebrating my twentieth birthday with me." More applause, and Alex grabbed Rose's hand. "Now may we leave?"

She chuckled and nodded, slipping out the kitchen door after Alex. They sprinted down to the lake, where some children played in the snow and some ice skated on the frozen lake. But Alex and Rose decided to sit on the bench, watching the peaceful scene. Rose pulled her hand down further, rubbing her hands together. Alex wrapped his arms around her. "I'm glad you aren't mad at me anymore."

She laughed. "I'm glad too." She paused. "Alex, I don't enjoy being mad at you, just so you know. I love you very much, and you mean a lot to me. I can't dream of a future without you." Alex held her tighter.

"Oh, me neither. Rose, I wish I didn't have to go back." Weeks ago, he said he wanted to go back to Europe, but he thought about his life here and how even though being teased by the richer folk was tough, Alex still had friends whom he could depend on. He even had a lovely girl who would always wait for him.

"...I thought you loved Europe." Rose frowned slightly.

He pressed his lips against hers. "I changed my mind."