Break the Sky

Chapter 28

Elyse looked gorgeous dressed in her white gown. Her arm was linked with Jack's as they walked down the aisle together. The women threw rice at the newlyweds, smiling as they looked at each other. Both parents were beaming at their children, watching them approach the reception area on the other side of the church. It was snowing outside, and all Rose could think about was how difficult it would be for Jack's car to start up. She shook her head as Alex kissed her cheek.

"Everything will be just fine," he reassured her as they followed the crowd. "Let's go enjoy ourselves and hope the blizzard will die down." It was a white Christmas; something Maryland hadn't had in a long while. The snow looked awfully beautiful as it covered the houses and trees. Everything looked so peaceful and perfect that evening. A wonderful day for a wedding.

The tables were each decorated with lilies and white tablecloth, ivory plates and silver utensils. Jack and Elyse's parents spared no expense in creating the perfect wedding for the two. Alex and Rose sat next to the couple, flashing grins at them. Alex grabbed his glass and tapped it with a spoon. The noise soon had the crowd quiet. "I am very happy for both Jack and Elyse today. They make for a wonderful couple, and I feel as though they will be very happy with each other for the rest of their lives." The couple looked lovingly at each other. "I'm so glad Jack found someone as lovely as Elyse. I was a little frightened that with all of his schoolwork, and with me out in Europe, he wouldn't be able to find someone on his own."

The crowd laughed politely. Jack scowled.

"But, sure enough, Jack is now happily married to a beautiful young woman, and I could not be prouder of him." Alex raised his glass. "To Jack and Elyse!" Glasses clinked together, the crowd cheered, and everyone was acting merry. Food was served, and Alex nudged Jack. "How was that?"

"Relieving, actually." Jack smirked. "I thought you'd say something much more embarrassing and horrible." This earned him a punch in the arm. Jack frowned, rubbing his arm from the pain. Rose glared at Alex, who then started to sulk.

They were merry and danced, but finally, it was time to go home. But Jack and Alex decided it was time to do something fun. "Where exactly are we going?" Rose frowned, knowing Elyse wanted to spend the night with Jack alone. Jack parked the car near a frozen lake, where couples were skating around it. Jack and Alex opened the doors for the girls, who stepped out, slightly angry. They beckoned them to follow their lead, and the girls did, hesitantly. They looked at each other and chuckled slightly, shaking their heads.

Jack and Alex paid for the ice skating boots, which they put on at a bench nearby. They stepped onto the makeshift rink, slipping and sliding at first. But Jack and Elyse got the hang of it, while Rose and Alex struggled. "I have no idea how I found this easy as a teen," Alex admitted, almost falling onto the floor.

Rose started to skate off without him, but she stopped. She had finally grasped the concept. Now it was just Alex who was floundering. "Alex, push your feet out, like this." Rose demonstrated the technique, and Alex copied it, but again, he almost landed on his face on the ice. He stood up and attempted to do what he was being taught, gradually getting better and less clumsy. Jack and Elyse had already lapped them about ten times. They were enjoying Alex's antics and Rose's attempts to help him. But no matter how many times Alex fell, he was having fun. He could tell Rose was too.

By the end of the night, Alex walked Rose home as Jack and Elyse drove off to their new home. They had insisted the two go off, knowing how much they wanted to be alone. Alex watched Rose open the screen door. "Goodnight, Alex," she said, smiling as he stood on the porch. She turned back around and gave him a light kiss before going inside. She headed inside, and Mrs. Clive was still awake, a frown on her face. "Where have you been?"

"I was with Alex, Jack, and Elyse," she replied, stopping at the stairs.

"I was worried about you, Rose," her mother replied, a frown on her face. "It's rather late..."

"We went ice skating." Rose continued up the stairs to her room. "Is father awake?"


"Good." She entered her room and saw a small box lying on her bed. She squinted, wondering whom it was from. Rose picked up the card that was underneath the box and ripped the envelope open:

Dear Rose,

I want you to open the box before you continue with this letter.

She smiled, lifting the box into her hands and opening it. She pulled out a simple sapphire necklace. Rose gasped, admiring its beauty. She was surprised that Alex would spend so much money on her present. It sparkled in the light, and Rose put it back into the box. She continued reading the letter:

I know I don't have much, and you could be married to a man much richer than I. Possibly a man who would never hurt you. But I promise that I will try my best to never hurt you again, and if I do, please look at this necklace and realize that I make mistakes. No more of this running away business. I want us to be together, and have this last. I want to have a house and have children with you.

I love you, Rose. I always will.

♠ ♠ ♠
Cheesy? Yeah.

This is for Elyse, who loves Jack more than...uh. unicorns.

Comments would be nice. Last update until I can understand whatque el fuck I'm doing.