Break the Sky

Chapter 30

The claustrophobic boat was full of armed men, half seasick, the other half anticipating the landing. Merrick stroked his gun repeatedly, trying to calm himself. Dawson took in a deep breath. Finally, the boat stopped moving. The door dropped open, and the troops rushed out, holding their guns close to their bodies.


Men fell over everywhere, and Normandy Beach still contained live soldiers, even through the barbed wire, machine gun fire, land mines, and other heavy machine fire. The shore's water turned red, but soldiers still steadily streamed out of the boats. Alex had reached the trench, appendages attached. Dawson was already there, shooting at the tiny men in the concrete building. Medics swiftly moved in and out of the area, some getting shot down, while others tried their very best to move quickly and efficiently.

"Where's Merrick?" Alex shouted, noticing his other friend wasn't there.

Dawson kept shooting at the enemy and didn't turn to look at Alex. "I don't know. Maybe he's somewhere else." Alex started to shoot at the enemy as well. Kepler was dragging several soldiers up with him beyond the trenches. His arm was bleeding, but he still had the determination to go on. Alex stopped to help him, but Kepler motioned for him to keep going.

"I'll be fine." Alex frowned, but then nodded grimly.


August, and Rose was still building planes. Natalie had not moved on from her deceased husband, Taylor, and Rose was praying to the good Lord that he would bring Alex back safe and sound. But the chances were not so high of Alex returning all in one piece. So many soldiers came back with missing arms, legs, fingers, jaws... These men would be disfigured for eternity. The reality of war was in front of them: These men who gave their lives, bodies, and souls for their country.

"Rose, I don't understand how you work in that factory all day. It must be tough!" Elyse said, frowning. "Oh my goodness, when Alex gets home, you should quit that terrible job."

"Working there isn't that terrible, Elyse. Really." Rose smiled politely, taking a sip of her coffee. "So, how are you and Jack?"

"We're absolutely fantastic! We can't wait for Alex's return." She winked.

Rose furrowed her eyebrows. "I don't even know when Alex is arriving home. I thought he'd be arriving in the next couple of months."

Elyse raised her eyebrows. "Honey, he's coming home today. Jack went to meet him at the train station--" Rose was already dashing out the door, going as fast as her legs could carry her. Rose sprinted across lawns in order to find the way downtown, but when she reached her own home, there was someone already waiting for her.

She stopped, breathing heavily. "A-Alex?" she stuttered, eyes wide. His bicep was bandaged, his eyes tired, a grim look on his face. His grim look twisted into a smile.

"Hello," he said, his voice small.

Rose ran into his arms and wrapped her arms around him. "Oh my goodness, Alex. I'm so glad you made it back." She felt the tears trickle down her cheeks, soaking into Alex's shirt. "I...I--"

"There's something I have to do." Alex kissed Rose before walking into her home. He looked around, trying his best to spot Mr. Clive, but he was not in his normal reading chair, nor the kitchen. Mrs. Clive spotted Alex, and led him to the study.

Alex knocked on the door and heard a faint grunt of acknowledgment. He strode in, Mr. Clive still reading the paper. Mr. Clive looked up, and set his paper down. "Alex," he greeted him, nodding.

"Hello, Mr. Clive," Alex replied, sucking in some air through his teeth. He was nervous. "I would like to ask you a very important question."

Mr. Clive continued with his paper after giving a grunt of approval.

"Will you please allow Rose marry me?" Alex's expression was blank, and Mr. Clive was out of his plush armchair, the newspaper down on the large mahogany desk. His hard stare caused Alex to panic, thinking that he would most likely say no again, and possibly strike him a second time.

But instead, Mr. Clive stood, the glare still apparent. Alex did not wince, but instead looked Mr. Clive back in the eyes. They stood there for a bit, until finally, Mr. Clive bowed his head slightly. He nodded.

Alex raised his eyebrows. "Sir..?"

"If you cannot provide for her, then I will make her file for divorce," Mr. Clive warned, tight-lipped. He sat back down. "...It was nice seeing you again, Alexander," he said hesitantly.

Alex nodded, feeling confused. "Thank you so much, Mr. Clive," Alex said, standing up to leave. He whisked out of the room, but then started to sprint out of the house, in search of Rose. The ring was already in his jacket liner pocket, jumping around as he proceeded to dash around the neighborhood, looking for Rose. Finally, he found her talking to Jack right outside of his new home.

Alex stopped to catch a breath, while Jack and Rose walked over to him, slightly confused. From the porch, Elyse called Jack inside, claiming there was a phone call awaiting him about next month's court case. Alex finally stood up straight and looked at Rose in the eyes. "Let's do this right this time," he said aloud, smiling. He knelt down on the cement pavement, holding out the small box. The modest engagement ring was embedded snuggly inside the black box.

"Rosalyn Sara Clive, will you marry me?"

Rose smiled. "I would love to, Alexander William Gaskarth."
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The VERY last chapter will be up when I finish it. Which, hopefully, will be soon.