Break the Sky

Chapter 5

Darren was snickering as Rose entered through the doorway, clothes soaked in a record time of twenty seconds. Her books seemed fine, but her blouse and skirt needed to be dried immediately. Rose quickly changed and grabbed the hairdryer from the bathroom, hoping the heat radiating from the dryer was enough to dry her clothes.

After giving up half an hour later, she finished up her homework. The new book assigned by Mr. Harding was Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. So far, she had finished about a tenth of the book, which meant that she was half way done with what was due. Rose sighed, knowing the next couple of months of school would feel long.

Ten days felt like a decade in comparison to the summer. Every school day, she would be accompanied by Penny in the mornings and Alex, Jack, and occasionally Penny during the afternoons. The quartet soon became close friends.


But during the second month of coming home from school, Jack and Alex waited for Rose. She greeted them halfheartedly, realizing it was a Friday. She would not see them until Monday, or if she ran into them at church.

"Don't be sad, Rose. We'll see you next week," Jack reassured her, patting her shoulder. "I promise we will."

The air was starting to become cool. Rose shivered, wrapping her sweater around her tighter. "Well, I'll try not to..." They turned a corner and started to head downtown. She raised her eyebrows. "Where exactly are we going?"

"The drugstore. Mother needed some aspirin to get rid of her chronic headaches." Alex sighed. "I wish everything could be sunshine and butterflies."

"If only." Jack held the door open for both of his friends. They murmured their thanks and stepped into the cramped store which held plenty of knick knacks on the cash register. The shelves were organized, and the tables cast off to the side were coated with dust. An old man waved at Alex, who nodded.

He reached for a small bottle of pills and took out his wallet. Alex set the aspirin on the counter as the man quickly punched in the price, reciting the amount due. Once Alex paid for his mother's aspirin, the trio marched out, quiet. Jack, being the only one not suffering from financial troubles, tried to uplift his friends' heavy spirits. "I have a great idea," he announced.

"Oh?" Alex and Rose whipped around, eyebrows raised.

"Let's race to that street over there." Jack grinned smugly.

"We can't run with all of this." Rose frowned. "I would be significantly slower than you two."

"We'll just put our things over here." Jack set down his backpack against the lamp post. Alex and Rose followed in suit. "Once up there to that bench," he quickly pointed to the bench just before the cross walk, "then we'll turn around and come back."

Alex started to lean forward, "Ready...set...go!" he shouted, speeding off. Rose scoffed, chasing after him while Jack laughed, dashing after them. Alex, who was already a couple of feet ahead, reached the bench first, a triumphant look upon his face. "What's my prize?"

"You cheated!" Rose called out, frowning. Once Jack came to the bench, they were ready for another race. "Ready...set...go!" Rose sped off, leaving the boys behind her. She giggled, feeling like a child again. She felt free of her needs and problems. She was--

Rose ran face-first into an older gentleman. "Sorry," she apologized, slightly frightened. She did not see someone coming towards her.

"Rosalyn Clive, what do you think you're doing." Mr. Clive's serious glare caused Rose to draw back. The boys gaped, trying to make words form with their mouths. Their effort was in vain.

"Mr. Clive, it was--"

"What are you doing with these two...boys?" Mr Clive snapped, staring down Jack and Alex, who stood in rigid positions, not knowing what to say. "Rosalyn, what were you doing running around like a child?"

"I..." Rose intently gazed at her shoes as her father dragged her away, leaving the boys at a loss for words.