Break the Sky

Chapter 6

She squinted, trying to make sense of the figure standing in her backyard. Rose opened the window, and suddenly the shadow started to hoarsely whisper words.

Rose raised her eyebrows, her mouth slightly open. She continued to brush her hair. "What?" she asked, leaning out the window.

"Rose, it's me, Alex," the figure whispered. hand on the side of his mouth. "Is there any way we can talk right now?"

She looked over her shoulder. "Alex, it's late." She bit her lip. What if her parents overheard her speaking to someone at this hour? Her father would surely go outside and scare Alex away. The town would have an uproar about Rose being a flirtatious and bold girl. Then she would never get married. "Please Alex, you shouldn't be here," she pleaded.

"Rose, I really need to speak to you." He sounded so needy. So...

She shook her head. "Can't this wait until Monday?" Rose looked over her shoulder again. No sounds came from beyond her closed door.

"You'll just run away."

She frowned. "Alex, this really isn't the best time. It's really--"

"Please, Rose." He took a step towards the house.

Naturally, she panicked.

"I'll be down in a second." Rose raced down the flight of stairs and sped into the kitchen, where she stepped out into the chilly November night. She left the door open, in fear of being unable to get back into the house stealthily.

"Rose." The soft crunch from the frost-covered grass made her snap out of her thoughts, Rose came face to face with Alex, whose cheeks were twinged pink, the tip of his nose slightly red. "Rose, I..." He reached for her hands. "I'm sorry for what happened. We didn't mean to--"

"It's fine." She smiled weakly, the warmth of his fingers distracting her. "...It's okay."

"Rose, I--"

"Rose, are you out there?" Her father's voice. If he saw Alex, he would believe something was going on between them. "Rose!"

"Alex, you should go." Rose stared into his eyes. "You should go now."

"But--" He squeezed her hand. "Rose, I--"

"Alex, just go!" She pushed him away from her, causing him to stumble. Alex turned around, watching her as he sprinted out towards the short fence. He hopped over and kept running until Rose could not see him anymore. She shook her head, trying to forget about Alex and focus on what was going to happen to her.

"Rose, what do you think you're doing at this hour?" Mr. Clive was still dressed in suspenders, a white shirt, and khaki pants. He trudged toward her, his expression angry. "It's late!" he grumbled, scratching at his head of salt and pepper hair.

"I...I was just watching the stars, father." She smiled weakly. "Father, if you look up, you'll see the Big Dipper, Pisces--"

"That's enough stargazing. Go inside," her father instructed with frustration, shoving his daughter towards the kitchen door. He mumbled something about having an odd daughter while Rose glanced over her shoulder again, hoping to catch a glimpse of Alex.

All she could see was the darkness.

}{ }{ }{ }{ }{ }{ }{

Friday reared its head, and Rose hurried home, hoping Penny would not catch her like she did usually. But when Rose approached her home, she spotted someone sitting on her porch. She stopped, confused. The shape looked familiar...

Alex looked up, removing his brown hat. He smiled, coming towards Rose to greet her. "Looks like I beat you here," he said, reaching for her hand. She took a step back in fear of her parents watching her from the window. "What's the matter?" Alex asked, frowning.

"Alex, I just need some time alone." Rose took a step towards her porch, but Alex stood in her way. "This is a really bad time--"

"Then it must always be a bad time, because you've been avoiding us for weeks upon weeks now." He crossed his arms. "Rose, give me a reason as to why we can't simply talk to each other. Honestly."

She pursed her lips, her hands shaking from the cold. Rose tightened the scarf around her neck.

"That's what I thought." Alex held out a hand. "Rose, either you take my hand, and we can talk this out, or I'm going to leave."

Rose hesitantly placed her hand in his. "Alex, any more trouble with my father, and I will never see you again."

"...That's a risk I'm willing to take." Alex flashed her a grin as he tugged at her arm in the direction of the unsafe section of the neighborhood.