Break the Sky

Chapter 8


The chilly weather caused Rose to shiver, pulling her light brown wool coat closer to her. She wrapped her scarf around her neck tightly, teeth still chattering. Alex draped an arm around her shoulders, hoping she might realize he really didlove like her. Rose walked faster, causing Alex's arm to drop back to his side.

She did not appreciate the public display of affection.

"Goodnight, Alex," Rose said, sauntering up to her doorstep. "I'll see you tomorrow." She stared down at her feet: Her legs were freezing; wearing dresses during the winter made all the women cold, while the men wore itchy wool pants to keep warm.

"Bye, Rose." Alex frowned. "Sweet dreams, Rose," he whispered as she went inside. He kept walking in the direction of his own house. How could she just ignore him? Did she not feel the same way? Was she lying in November when she promised she would try to make things work between them?

The wire door slammed shut while Rose entered the foyer. Her parents sat in the living room, listening to the radio as they did every night, quietly ignoring each other. Mother usually knitted while father read the paper, but tonight, neither was doing his or her daily activity. They were intently listening to the radio.

"Mother, father, what...?" They turned to face her, stunned. Rose raised her eyebrows in surprise. "What...what is going on?"

"Pearl Harbor was bombed yesterday, Rose." Her mother took in a deep breath. She paused. "We're going to war."

Rose gaped at her parents. What will happen? Who will be sent to war? Will there be a draft? Would she see any of her friends again?

"They will start drafting." Mrs. Clive looked worriedly at her husband. "Darren could be--"

"As far as we know, the drafting age is between 21 and 35. Darren will not be drafted," Mr. Clive replied gruffly, picking up the paper. He acted as if nothing was wrong. "Besides, the army would be good for him. He's too childish for his own good. It's about time he starts acting more mature and manly."

"Oh, for Christ sakes, he's a child, Robert!" Mrs. Clive slammed down her knitting equipment onto the table. "Darren is only 17--"

Rose ran up the stairs to her room. She sat knocked on Darren's door, a little nervous. He mumbled a "come in", and she flung the door open.

"Darren, the war's starting up." She frowned. "Oh Darren, when do you think this will end?" She hoped her brother wouldn't have to go into the war.She prayed Alex wouldn't have to go to war. "I couldn't bare to see you leave..."

"It's only a matter of time, Rose." Darren lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling. "I blame the god-damned Japanese. If they hadn't bombed Pearl Harbor, we wouldn't have to go after 'em." He grinned. "Besides, we'll scare that idiot Hitler out of his wits. The US has joined the Allies."

"Darren, don't take this so lightly!" Rose snapped, stomping her foot. She couldn't stand it if Darren disappeared, or worse, was killed in the line of duty. Her father would say something about him going out with honor, but what honor was there in death?

"I'm sure by the time I'll be drafted, nothing will be happening." Darren shrugged. "Father said the drafting ages are between 21 and 35. They're doing it by lottery numbers, too. I'll be all right, Rose. Don't be so frightened for me."

Rose frowned. I really hope you're right, Darren.

When school rolled around the next day, all the talk was about the war and drafting. Heather was missing, and the rumor going about was she and her boyfriend, Phillip, had gone off to Canada in order for him to escape the draft. Her parents were worried sick.

Penny rolled her eyes. "That girl's behavior was always questionable," she retorted as they were walking home. "I wouldn't be surprised for a second if she went alone to Canada in order to become a prostitute."

"Penny!" Rose was shocked. Her best friend wasn't usually this angry. "What's gotten into you?"

"The government sent my family members in California to 'internment camps'." Penny rolled her eyes. "I'm sure they're suspicious; some of us might be spies." The majority of the school gave Penny vicious looks that day.

"Penny, are you moving?" Alex squinted at the truck parked at the front of Penny's house. There were cardboard boxes everywhere: Everything was being packed up, or pushed out onto the lawn. A few police cars were parked outside of the house, and her parents were nowhere to be found.

"What's going on!?" Penny sprinted to her house, where the police caught up with her. Some words were exchanged, and she was taken into one of the cars. Penny struggled, kicking and screaming. "I'M NOT A SPY!" she shouted, trying to get the policemen to believe her.

"Penny!" Rose shrieked, trying to run after her friend. Alex and Jack held her back as she struggled to find out what was going on.

The police cars drove off with the Higa family as Alex and Jack restrained Rose, who was weeping. She stopped struggling and collapsed onto the ground, letting out a cry of anguish.
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Yes, this is historically inaccurate to an extent. None of the Japanese-Americans or immigrants on the East Coast were arrested.