Status: in progress

Over You


Kassidee was prepared this time. She pushed the energy out until it was surrounding her. Loki's scepter was pushed away from her body, and she could feel Loki's control on her draining from her body. From the look on his face, Kassidee could more than just assume he was angry.

"Whoops," she said, winking at him. "I guess it was that easy."

"It is not possible.. You may have special powers, but you are still just a mortal woman. You cannot be that strong," he spat.

"Well, this mortal woman is going to be the one to bring you down," she laughed.

The god looked down at the girl and smiled. "I like you," he said. "Maybe, once this is all over, I'll spare you, and you can join me in ruling this world."

Kassidee looked up to his face. He was serious. His eyes were full of hope. Kassidee just laughed and said, "I'd rather die."

He looked disappointed. His lips fell into a frown, and his eyes looked down to the ground. Then he stepped towards her and leaned down until his mouth was centimeters from her ear and then he replied.

"That can be arranged," he hissed angrily before turning on his heel and walking away.

"Loki, wait!" the girl called, pulling her force field back in. The tall man stopped and slightly turned his head, to tell her he was listening. "Give us Agent Barton back. Give him back, and Erik Selvig, too, and maybe after we defeat you, we'll go easy on you."

"After all he put you through, and you still care about him... That's impressive," Loki marveled, turning to face her once more, a large smile on his face. "Is this love I'm sensing, Agent Carter?"

"I'm sensing that it's none of your business what it is," she replied, quirking an eyebrow up at the man.

"Ahh, so it is," Loki smiled. "I shall spare your life in this upcoming battle, darling. But only so your dear Agent Barton can be the one to end it."

"It doesn't matter how far under your spell he is, Loki," Kassidee said confidently, staring the god directly in the eyes. "Clint would never do such a thing."

Loki laughed and turned around again, and started walking away. "We'll see, my dear, just what Clint will do." And then he was gone. He was still near, she could sense it. His ability to teleport wasn't well developed, like her's. He could only go so far. Looking around, making sure no one was there to see her, Kassidee closed her eyes and pictured herself on the quinjet once again.

"Well, that was awful quick."

Kassidee turned to see the Captain right where she left him, giving her a questioning look.

"I-uh, yeah. Loki tried to get me again, and, we, uh, talked. And I don't think I'm going to be needed for the rest of this mission," Kassidee explained sitting down next to Steve again. "Not that it's even my mission."

"Kass, we'll get him back," Natasha said, turning in her seat to look at the younger girl. "And then we can kick his ass, okay?"

Kassidee looked at the red head and nodded. She sat there, lost in thought for a moment, before an idea popped into her head.

"Nat! You're a genius!" she exclaimed, jumping up from her seat. The woman raised her eyebrow at the girl. "Maybe all he needs is a good smack to the head. You know, like a shock, to wake him up! Like, when you splash cold water on your face to keep yourself awake!"

"It might work, but it's definitely a stretch, Kass," Natasha told the girl.

"But, it really could work! You know I could go and find him and-"

"What if it doesn't work? Or what if Loki is expecting it?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, what if he's expecting it? Kass, you know better than me that using your powers drains you, and you've used them a lot today. You need to rest up. We need you ready in case this gets out of control," Natasha explained.

"But, Nat. What about Clint? I could rescue hi-"

"I said no, Kassidee," Natasha said. "And that's final. Like you said, you're not even supposed to be here."

Kassidee may not listen to Director Fury, but she definitely listens to Natasha. And if Natasha said something was final, you best believe it is final.

Kassidee sighed and gave up, plopping back down in her seat next to Steve.

"We'll be there in five minutes, you might want to prepare yourself, Cap," Natasha announced after a few minutes of awkward silence.

The Captain began to stand up, but then turned back to face the girl next to him.

"You're really brave, for wanting to save your friend," he began. "I think that's great. But I think Agent Romanoff is right. You're caught up in the moment. And from what she said, you're drained right now. You wouldn't be on top of it if you went now. And any wrong step could end badly for you or your friend, and you'll end up regretting that for the rest of your life."

Kassidee furrowed her brows together and slowly started nodding her head, taking in what Steve just said.

Steve finally stood up. He started putting his mask on when Kassidee spoke again.

"I'm sorry about your friend," she said, looking up at the man. He looked at her confused, and she elaborated. "Bucky."

"Thank you ma'am," he still sounded confused.

"I didn't mean to bring it up. Well, actually, you brought it up. But..." she looked down at the ground. "My grandmother and Howard Stark mentioned it once or twice in the stories they told me when I was younger. So, I figured that's who you were just talking about."

"Well, thank you again, ma'am. I appreciate it," he assured. "It may have been years for everyone else, but it's only been a couple of months for me."

"We're here," Natasha interrupted.

Steve nodded and grabbed his shield as the door to the jet lowered.

"Okay, big guy," Kassidee said, standing up. She walked over to him. "You need to concentrate. You need to be on top of your game, okay. This guy's good, and he's fast. And remember, don't let him get near you, especially your chest with that stick of his, okay."

"Got it," Steve replied.

"Good. Now, good luck, Captain," Kassidee said, standing on her tip-toes to place another kiss on Steve's cheek. His cheeks flushed a light pink color and Kassidee started pushing him towards the back of the jet. They were low enough for him to jump out without a parachute, and that's exactly what he did. Perfect timing, too. When he hit the ground, he reflected a shot from Loki's scepter back at him, saving the life of a brave old man.

Natasha looked back at the brunette watching the fight below them.

"You shouldn't have mentioned Bucky, you know," she said. "After this is all over, he's bound to find out, and you know he'll wonder why, since you're opening up to him, you didn't mention it to him."

"I know," Kassidee sighed and sat back in her spot. She closed her eyes and started resting. "But I don't plan on being around long enough for that to happen."

"What's that mean?"

"Just a feeling, Nat."
♠ ♠ ♠
Once again, I have not prepared a Clint gif. ): I've been too busy making Johnny Storm and Thor gifs! Next time, I promise.
But here, have a link to Clint photoset I made a few days ago instead.
Reading other peoples' work makes me really think about how horrible mine is. But, I really recommend reading this set of Avengers/X-Men stories by TheAntsInvasion. They're absolutely amazing. I read almost all of them in one night. (I stayed up all night, though.)
And a note, my "b" button isn't working well, and I'm sure I've gotten them all, but there may be a word or two that should have a "b" but don't.
And thank you for putting up with my crap writing, it means a lot.