

Exasperate- to cause irritation or annoyance to

I feel exasperated, I had no will for the time, when this happened. And what good am I now? I don't have powers like everyone would think you would get I was not any more special. If anything my life has gotten worse. I have to have theese pills, it's so I can live because now I need the vitamins or whatever is in them and any other way to get the things I need is long and annoying.

It was that day, eighth period. I wanted an evac, some days I day-dream of emergencies happening. I would want a way out, maybe a spec-ops team would breach through the windows and capture a student, one of the ones that are smart and shy, because one of the quiet crazy ones that I worry will bring a D-glove to school and just kill people. Oh and the stupid lil' company, Trojan, making the "D"-glove for sexual reasons. It is a glove attachment that delivers a small electric shock threw a long semi-rubber. . . Stop. This D-glove was a creation by the military for the SEALs, it could kill a person with just one touch, the military loved eletricity. I would love if one of the science labs had a problem, maybe they desided to explain why gasoline is explosive and just completly fuck it up. Boom. That sound and feeling. I never wanted out of a class any more than right then. The phone rang. The teacher walked over and picked it up. Her face was in shock. She said "I'll send him right down." She hung up the phone. She looked at me. "They want you in the office." I got up and walked out the room and to the office. I kept my tablet with me. I walked into the office and I saw the doctor from the TV. I looked around and he said, "Your it."
"I'm sorry, I'm what?"
"You won the lottery, you are out first beta subject."
"I don't want to be some dude's bitch."
"What? No, your going to be injected with the first SUE. You will be the first of evolution in society."
"Don't I have the choice to say no?"
"Yes, but who would not want to begin evolving before any other pers-"
"Enough of that bullshit you spoon feed us all."
"Sir, this is not bu-"
"Don't deny it, it's cool, I'll do it."
"Ok, we will be contacting you shortly."
I looked up at the clock then back at him " 'ight it's been shortly, contact me."
"Jake and I know all about your splicing, I did resarch on my free time. I will become famous if it works, if it does not you and your research will never be able to work again. Announce who I am today, to the world, that I have been choosen. Once you do that I agree because if I die, then this is on you. You'll go down to nothing."
"Yes sir."
"Sorry. Yes Jake."
"Thank you."