Status: Coming Soon

Dear Randy


His letter came in the mail a week later. Excitedly I devoured the words on the page, knowing I would learn more.

Dear Blue,

I failed three years in school. I wasn't dumb or anything, I just had too much stress at home. How could you do homework when you were too busy trying to put food on the table? I ended up just quitting and got a job. Then, I met your mother. I don't know if she ever told you about the Sport's Center or not. But, that is where we all used to meet up on the weekends and sometimes the weekday nights. Like your father, that's where she met me.

She was seventeen and I was twenty-six and I fell in love with her the minute I saw her, I swear I did. It hit me so hard I acted like a jack-ass. She was wearing a Mickey mouse shirt and these little yellow shorts. Her hair was up in the typical 80's way, she had it dyed blonde. She had on a black leather jacket and her makeup was dark, so you could tell she was a rocker. It really made those big blue eyes of hers pop. I looked over at one of my friends and had to ask who she was. She sat down on the back of one of the trucks and lit up a cigarette. I went and set down next to her and put my arm around her shoulder.

She glared at me with them big blues of hers and I instantly *smudged out writing* it hit me hard. She said something like, "What the hell do you want?" I told her I was gonna set next to her for a bit and so she got up and left. I followed after her saying something like, "Where you going?" She turned around and crossed her arms, "Don't even waste your time." I left her alone for the rest of the night but I couldn't take my eyes off of her and I just had to have her.

For a couple weeks, I made sure to actually go to the Sport's Center when everyone was meeting up, before the night I saw Mini the first time I really didn't go much. One night we were all setting on Jerry's truck's bed, Mini's best friend, she was setting on his lap, something was going on with them, but it wasn't right to accuse. Everyone always wanted Jerry and they were jealous of Mini because he was obviously in love with her, even though she had him in the friend-zone. Anyways, we were all setting on Jerry's truck's bed. Your mother was scrutinizing me, with an irritated look on her face.

"Take a picture, it will last longer," I told her. Her facial expression finally changed and she smiled at me. "Shut up, Randy." When all the couples disappeared into their cars to make out and it was just the single people left setting in the middle of the parking lot, Mini, me and some other guy named Tod, I asked your mother to come hang out with me. Jerry took one of the other girls into his car with him. She agreed, surprisingly, and we left in her car, I didn't have a car at the moment, I didn't even have my license, even though I drove everywhere.

Mini drove us somewhere away from the others, she preferred privacy. We talked for a long time, I didn't even touch her I really wanted to. I just watched her lips move, once she stopped mid-sentence and said, "What?" I touched her bottom lip, "You're just so beautiful." She smiled and rolled her eyes and finished her sentence.

After she drove me home, we set in my driveway for a minute, "Why didn't you kiss me?" she sounded mad. I smiled at her and said something dumb about not wanting to cause her to stop talking. She rolled her eyes and said, "Get out of my car."

Well, that's it, that's how we started. I don't want to waste more paper, but I promise I will get to that, soon. Our "love" story doesn't really last that long, so I'll get to everything soon.

Love you dear,

His letter made me think of how I met Brian. I was dating this guy named Jacob and he started hanging out with Brian a lot. It started getting on my nerves, he was always like Brian this, Brian that, Brian this. Honestly, it made me hate Brian. Then, one day one of our mutual friends, Austin, made us set together and we started talking, I still hated him, then we started being friends, then best friends, now here we are.
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*I promise the parts about my life will add up with the whole scheme of things*