Status: Completed!

Starting Over


After that strange encounter at the bridal salon, Eleanor thought she saw Fenton everywhere. It didn’t matter that she had a fiancé and was getting married in a month and a half. Wherever she went, he kept popping up into her mind.

Eleanor knew it didn’t bother her as much as it should. She was committed to Robert, the man that had stolen her heart. She loved him. But that reckless Fenton had swept by and her perfectly planned out life was falling apart day by day.

The third time Eleanor saw Fenton was when she was walking out of her home. She realized it was a coincidence, because he didn’t know where she lived. That was preposterous.

“Fenton?” She asked, shrugging her long, red coat over her shoulders. Fenton looked up over his newspaper, shock grazing his eyes. He folded up the paper and stood up off the bench, dusting off his trousers.

“Eleanor. What a pleasant surprise,” he said arrogantly, a small smirk scraping his lips.

“What are you doing here?” She asked curiously. Fenton walked over to her quickly, loosening his shoulders and sweeping his feet from side to side. He cocked his head when he noticed Eleanor was gazing at him.

“I come here every afternoon for the paper. I had no idea you lived nearby,” he replied, a little too promptly. There was something off about Fenton. Eleanor had no idea why, but she seemed to like the peculiarity about him.

“I feel like I see you everywhere I go,” she exclaimed, sounding a bit too pleased.

“Well, maybe this is fate,” Fenton proclaimed, confidence ringing throughout his body. Somehow, the words he said possessed Eleanor. Shivers ran down her spine as he stood closer to her. Never had she felt so claustrophobic in her life.

Eleanor took a couple of steps back, stumbling a bit on the gravel. She balanced herself again and started to say her goodbyes before Fenton interrupted her.

“Listen,” he began, “I was wondering if you’d like to go to the drive in movies with me this Saturday. I know you have a fiancé, but it wouldn’t be a date. We’d just go as friends.”

Eleanor sighed. Did she really have a way out of this predicament? She had to try, at least.

“I can’t. Sorry,” she apologized.

And with that, Fenton was more determined to win her over than ever.
♠ ♠ ♠
This story is going to be longer than I thought.
Maybe ten chapters.