Status: Completed!

Starting Over

Never and Forever.

It had been a couple of months since Eleanor had last seen Fenton. And to be honest, she thought he was gone. A part of her never wanted to see him again. But an inkling of hunger poured out to him. She knew she would never be able to forget him.

Eleanor was at a carnival a week before her wedding when she saw Fenton. She was about to get on the Ferris wheel when he cut everyone in line to catch up with her. Her eyes widened, and she was sure she wouldn’t be able to move if she tried.

“Eleanor,” Fenton said smoothly, the happiness crawling through his throat. Goosebumps etched themselves onto Eleanor’s skin. She had never liked her name. But when Fenton said it, it was like perfection.

“Hi,” she said nervously. What was she supposed to say? She’d already blown him off in the past. And Fenton knew she was getting married soon. What was his problem?

“I’ve been meaning to catch up with you,” he said, moving a stray hair from her face. The slight graze of his finger made Eleanor flinch. She took a step back, almost trampling over an old woman. She apologized sweetly before turning back around. Honestly, lightning struck through Eleanor’s body when he touched her. But she didn’t want to admit it.

She couldn’t.

“Oh, is that so?” She said, the anxiety aching in her voice.

Fenton smiled, his almost white teeth aligned beautifully in the moonlight. But for a quick moment, Eleanor could have sworn that she saw a pang of vulnerability outline his face.

Fenton looked back up at her, his heart pumping in his chest. He realized that this was his last chance. She was an almost married woman. If he didn’t tell her now, he would live the rest of his life in the dark. And he couldn’t bear to do that.

“Please, please don’t look at me like I’m crazy. I’m not, I promise. But ever since I saw you, I knew you were the one. The way your hair was so out of place, but you managed that gorgeous smile. And when you admitted to your lack of coordination. You were adorable. And even though I know it’s wrong, and much too fast, I’m in love with you Eleanor,” he declared, rushing and mumbling the words together.

Out of all the things Eleanor could say, she stated the most obvious fact. “You don’t even know my last name,” she said, backing away even more.

“That doesn’t matter,” he said, bunching his eyebrows together.

“But the fact that I’ll be married in less than a week does,” she pronounced, raising her voice. She couldn’t deal with this. Eleanor turned away from Fenton and marched off into the distance. But Fenton followed her. He couldn’t let go, not yet.

“You feel it too,” he panted, grabbing her elbow and stopping her. Eleanor pulled her arm away and glared at him.

“How dare you say that?!” She exclaimed, gaining the attention from half of the people walking by.

“You can’t accept the fact that you’re engaged but you have feelings for someone else,” he said, breathlessly. How could he be so audacious? Wasn’t he scared that she didn’t care for him?

Eleanor was speechless. The thoughts running through her head wouldn’t stop, and she felt as if she was going crazy. “I love Robert,” she finally said, not sounding as confident as she had expected. Fenton noticed it too, and it had just further confirmed his assumptions.

“Do you? Or are you just telling yourself that?” He asked, getting closer.

Eleanor shook her head. This was ridiculous. He was messing with her emotions.

“Then what am I supposed to do?” She said, giving up. She really had no other choice. It was evident that she liked him. Fenton knew that. She knew that. But how in the world could she escape her fiancé? It would crush him.

“Run away with me,” Fenton said, smiling as if he was a little boy again. Eleanor raised her brows and opened her mouth to object.

“That’s absurd! We’re not children! We can’t just run away from our problems,” she protested. Yet a part of her longed to be with Fenton, anywhere in the world. It didn’t matter.

“We could go anywhere you want,” he said, proceeding on and on about possible destinations, like Manhattan or Los Angeles.

“That will never work,” she said, shaking her head as if she was speaking with a mad man.

“Of course it will. We’ll be together. Isn’t that all that matters?” He said, resting a hand on her rosy cheek.

And despite all of the events that could had occurred, Eleanor never would have guessed what he would do.

Fenton smiled down at her, not loosening his grip on her soft, delicate cheek. Her gaze was strong with his, as if they were the only two people in the world. Her light eyes sparkled in the moonlight, and Fenton was positive she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

And in that moment, Fenton leaned down and pressed his lips against her. He swore he wouldn’t do it unless she allowed, but he couldn’t help it. Fenton was certain she felt the same way he did about her. She was just too frightened to admit it.

His lips were subtle and almost chapped, with the faint taste of coffee on his breath. Each second that went on felt like eternity, and Eleanor wanted to stay with him forever. She understood what her decision was, she just didn’t want to make it.

And even though the kiss had been short, it had lasted an entire lifespan. Because by the time Eleanor had pulled back and scurried away from him, she realized she’d never forget him.

♠ ♠ ♠
Here you go.
Almost done. (: