Status: Active

I Bite My Tongue So You Don't Hear Me


They were all sat.
Jaws dropped.
Eyes fixed.
All left utterly speechless.

Eventually all eyes fell to Dan and Gemma.
They looked to them for answers.
Dan raised his fingers as to say 'give me a minute'.

Whilst Gemma's mind went completely blank.
He was here.
On there street.
Across the road.
Acting like yesterday didn't happen.
Like he was innocent of everything.
Like he hadn't hurt her.

She began to breath heavily.
Her chest was begininning to burn and throb.
She was shaking. Trembling with fear.

She fell from Dan's lap and onto the floor.
She leant herself up against the wall.
Cradling her feet. She pulled her feet into her chest.
Gasping for air.
Dan went to her side.
Max ran for the phone.
The others arose from the table.
The began to speak to each other as Max began to speak on the phone.
Dan was trying to calm down Gemma's breathing.
Max ran in.
'The ambulance should be here soon' Max informed everyone.

Josh,Matt and Chris where edging towards the door.
'We will be back' Josh said closing the door leaving Max and Dan to take care of Gemma.

Dan was squeezing her hand to keep her conscious.
Max was holding Dan's shoulder for support.
'From what I heard the others are going to see Austin' He told Dan.
'Those idiots' Dan muttered keeping eye contact with Gemma.
Gemma began coughing.
She tried to speak bur couldn't.
She raised her hand to point at the notebook left on the shelf.
Max handed it to her.
She tried to write whilst her hand was trembling.
She gave it back to Max.
'Austin is known to carry weapons' Max read out loud.
The two boys gasped.

At that moment sirens sounded.
The ambulance had arrived.
Max opened the door and the pharamedics entered.

They put Gemma on a stretcher and took her to the ambulance.
They allowed Max and Dan to both go in the ambulance.
But Max checked to see where the others were.
There was no sign of the guys or Austin.

There was fear for both Gemma and the others.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I haven't been on :(
I was round my cousins on Thursday to sleepover.
I also have problems at the moment.
Also my mum and her boyfriend have been turning the internet off so that I can't use it because I have annoyed them both.

So to make up for that whilst I have the Internet I shall update as much as I can.