
Chapter 1

Lisa’s POV

“miaauw” i heard while i was laying in bed. I opened one eye and watched “Elvis” my cat watching me. “miaauw” he said and jumped on bed and begun to cuddle me. I stroked him and said “today is the day i go on holiday to Finland!” Quickly i looked on my clock and saw it was early in the morning. 07.00 AM.

This afternoon we would take the plane from schiphol to Finland. And all my luggage was already packed. I decided that i couldn’t sleep anymore and i got up to take a shower.
I couldn’t resist to sing under the shower so i begun to sing, You give love a bad name from ofcourse Bon Jovi.

While i was singing Shot through the heart and your to blame, baby you give love a bad na…LISA
I’M TRYING TO SLEEP, WHY ARE YOU UP SO EARLY?! I heard my little sister yelling behind the bathroom door. I said ‘ i was awake so i figured i could take a shower’.
“Well, it’s okay if you sing but not this early, please can you be quiet?’ Debbie said.
‘Sure’i said back. When i finished showering i looked again through all my stuff, to look if i hadn’t forget anything. Thank god i hadn’t forgat anything.
Then i called Tara, Lianne and Isabella. They are my best friends since highschool. I wasn’t someone who got easily friends but with them it went very easy. I remembered my first day on highschool.

I was late, so i took the elevator in school, there were three other girls in the elevator. We went up and it was silent. Then the elevator stopped and we had to push the emergency button.
We were stuck in the elevator and to break the ice, i think it was Tara who started talking. “So truth or dare?” Lianne started giggling and we just got drawn in to the game. That was the beginning of our friendship. We had been stuck in the elevator for 2 hours but we didn’t noticed it! At the end of the day we had been invited in Tara’s house. I still don’t get it sometimes, why we are such good friends cause i’m much harder to read and not that open as she is.
But anyway it works and we are all still friends. And now we are all 22 years old and we want to go to the university. Although we wouldn’t all do the same lead-ups. But before we do that we want to go on holiday to Finland. It’s kind of a dream for us coming true, last few years we have been saving money and now the time is finally there. Why do we want to go to Finland? Well my parents have been there wen they were young. They have told me that there is so much culture, music, nice people and well i’ve been talking about those stories to my friends. And i’ve made them very enthustiastic, so we agreed when we would be old enough to do this kind of trip, we would go, just for a few weeks.

Exactly i wouldn’t have guessed it would really happen. Hey we were all teenagers with dreams, but finishing your dreams is a second thing. But here we are standing in the warm sun in Almere, on the trainstation waiting for our train to schiphol. “bye mum, i will miss you and i will send you texts and call you every day!” i said emotional.
“i know hunny, but don’t do things i wouldn’t do! And watch out for strangers!” she said. I rolled my eyes and said “22 years old now, mom. I won’t do anything stupid!”
Then we heard the train coming, we all gave our mothers a quick hug before walking into the train.
We got a group of 4 seats and putted our baggage in the baggage rack. I sat down on a seat and as usual Tara started talking. “Omg girls, can you believe it? We are exactly doing this! Never thought it would happen! “ i smiled and said “i think neither of us really believed it”
Lianne grinned and said “well let’s make fun while we still can!”.
Isabella was busy on her phone so i asked “texting to your boyfriend?” and while i said that, the others joined in. Isabella blushed and said “stop it girls! I’m really going to miss him, we have never been apart from each other!

We all rolled our eyes and Tara said “i’ve never seen such soggy couple like you two!”. Isabella lifted her shoulders and said “we have been together now for 2 years, i’ve never felt something like this for anyone but him”.

In 45 minutes we were on Schiphol. We still had to wait a few hours but we could already check in.
Tired and bored we had to wait a few hours on plastic seats. Not that comfy. But finally:
“All passengers from schiphol to Helsinki can board on gate 6” we heard broadcasting.
Finally after all the waiting we could board the plane. Thank god, we only had to be in the plane for 2,5 hours! I putted my earplugs in and started to listen to Muse. One of my most favorite bands.
I hummed in my mind with the lyrics and i fell asleep i guess because Tara woke me up by giving me a punch on the shoulder. “AU!” i said. And i woke up immediately. “Hey, you can wake me nicely though!” i said indignant. “Yeah, well we arrived in Helsinki” Tara said with a smirk.
I rolled my eyes and said “Omg the time went really fast! Well let’s get a cab to our hotel.”
It’s was a lot of work to get our suitcases to a cab. But lastly we did it.

Lauri’s POV
I woke up. Opened my eyes and the first thing i could think of was, that I had to come up with a new song for the new album. But we couldn’t finish it. I hadn’t come up with the new lyrics yet, and it annoyed me. I had probably something like a writers block?
Slowly i got up and wiped the sleep out of my eyes. The guys can’t do anything until we have the lyrics. Well we have some riffs but if we have no lyrics we can’t get any far. I sighed.
I moaned and stood up and walked into the bathroom. Maybe the shower would help me clear my mind. I turned the shower on and let it run, when the water was warm enough i got under it and just stood there. It felt really, really good. I closed my eyes and stood there for a while. Would it wash away my writers block?

I opened my eyes again and growled. It didn’t work. Turned the shower of and got my towel. Dried myself of and got to my bedroom to get my clothes. I just got some pants and shirt with thunder on it. Amazing band though!
Then i walked downstairs to get myself something to eat in the kitchen. My phone rings. “yeah, what’s up?” i said picking up the phone. “hey, what are you all grumpy about?” said Aki through the phone.
“hmm, still can’t get anything on paper.” I said. “Well, go to the mall or something or somewhere else, maybe you get inspired by something.” Aki said.
“that’s actually a good idea, haven’t tried that yet.” I said. “well, go and we will hear from you!” aki said. After that i hung up the phone. That was actually not that bad idea, that was what i did most of the time when i had trouble writing.
I finished my meal and pulled on my boots and got my jacket and went walking to the mall. Maybe i should start by getting a coffee for myself, I thought. So i walked to the nearest café and sat down outside on a chair waiting for the waitress to come. I litted up my cigarette. Blew it out and breathed it in again. “Hello, what can i get for you sir?” i woke up out of my thoughts and said “a coffee please”. The waitress nodded and walked back in. After 30 minutes or so, i got up, payed the bill and walked into the mall. For a while i walked around but saw nothing special or anything in particular.

When i was almost done i saw that there was a tiny little store which had never been there. Curiously i went inside.
I started looking at the guitars, there were a lot of beautiful guitars, jackson, gibson and a lot more. Then my eye felt on this beautiful piano. I sat down behind it and started playing. Just an old song i once learned at school.
“do you like it sir?” the old man asks. I smiled and said “yeah, it reminds me of my past”. “it’s a beauty indeed, it’s not that expensive either, she is pretty old but she sounds beautiful” the man said. I looked at it again and said “well it doesn’t matter what it costs, i really would like to buy it from you”. The man started smiling, probably one of his best sales this month. “i’ll write you a proof of purchase, how would you like to pay?”. “can i pay you with my creditcard?” i asked. “sure, that’s no problem, when would you like it to be delivered?” the man said. “as soon as possible” i said and gave him my address.

When i turned around i walked against someone. “au!” i heard her saying, the rest i could not understand, she was not from around here. So in my best english, i said “hey, i’m sorry. I did not see you, did i hurt you?”. The girl smiled and said “it’s okay, you could not help it, you didn’t do it on purpose”. I sighed relieved and said “okay great, i was a little bit clumsy”.
The girl giggled and said “don’t you worry, i’m not made of glass though”. Then she payed the man for a record from thunder. I smiled and said “great band huh?”. She giggled and said “i’m a bit old school, i like really old bands, although the rockbands from now aren’t all that bad!” she said.
“Actually can i buy you a drink? As a make up for punching you to the ground?” i said. I guess, i was charmed by her. She had those beautiful eyes of grey and green mixed together, and when she smiled there were this little dimples in her cheeks. Again she smiled and i saw a blush running over her cheeks. “yeah sure, but i can’t get away to long, my friends are expecting me to be back in a hour”.

I smiled happily and said “i know this place where we could sit for a drink”. With that we walked out of the store and slowly walked to the café where i had been earlier. We did not speak, i guess we were both to chicken to start a conversation.
But when we arrived i took the overhand and said, “do you want to sit inside or here outside in the sun?” i asked careful.
“i like sitting here outside in the sun, it’s such a beautiful day! And i can smoke my cigarette if it is no problem for you, Or i will wait and smoke when i get back at the hotel” she said. and i saw her face getting red. “no problem at all, i smoke to, i’m actually glad you said you want to sit outside”. I said.

I saw her relaxing a bit and said “i haven’t even asked your name yet. How horrible”.
“Lisa, and what’s your name?” she asked curious. “Lauri, nice name you have. Where are you from?” i asked curious on my turn. “The Netherlands”. She said. “Can i help you?” said the waitress.
I looked at Lisa and saw she was confused so i quickly said “ she is asking us what we want, anything to drink or are you hungry?”. “hmm do they have tea? I can use something hot.” She said with a blush. “sure, you don’t want to eat something?” she nodded and i explained in finnish to the waitress what we wanted to have. When the waitress was gone i said to Lisa “your first time here right?”. She smiled and said “yes, i’ve been waiting very long to come here. I was always very curious about Finland, my mom and dad always used to talk about here”. I smiled and said “and what were they telling you about?”. “well that there is so much culture and music here and nice people and such beautiful landscape! I just really wanted it to see for myself”. “sounds like you are adventurous. But if you want i can show you here around for the time your staying here!” i said.
In the meantime the waitress served our drinks, i gave Lisa her tea and grabbed for myself the coffee.

Lisa said “well, that’s really nice but i have to be with my friends to”. “you can take them with us, it’s going to be really fun, i will take my friends with me to then!” i said enthusiastic.
I saw her thinking and just when i thought she would say no she answered “you know what, that sounds perfectly!”she said.
And with that we talked for a bit more it seems. Then a phone started ringing. “oh it’s mine” Lisa said. She picked up her phone and started calling. Of course i couldn’t understand what she was talking about. But she hang up the phone sooner then i thought.
“it seems i’m already gone for 2 whole hours so my friends started worrying”. She said smiling. “well then i should get you back to your hotel” i said. “i’m glad you are saying that because i have forgotten my way back to the hotel” Lisa said with a blush. “which hotel are you in?” i said.
“Hellsten Helsinki Senate” she said.
I smiled and said “i’ll bring you back, don’t worry”.
After 15 minutes or so i brought here back at her appartment. Her friends were a little bit schocked but very happy she was back and not alone. I agreed with them that we should hang out and that i would show them Helsinki.
Tired i got on the bus and went home, immediately i felt the pressure to write and i begun writing.
Thank god, Aki was right, my writers block was finally over.
And all because of one day spending in the mall…