Status: HELLO!

Wretched and Divine

Shadows Die

We walked back to Bellamy’s settlement and everything looked eerily calm. Inigo was waiting for her a few yards from the edge of town and as soon as we were in sight he started running towards us. They imploded in a hug and Bellamy started crying. I decided to give them their own space and find the other Immortals.
They weren’t talking to any people from town; they were sat near one of the ruins exchanging small talk with each other. They didn’t get up when I arrived and I just collapsed near them.
“What happened?” The Mystic asked. I think they all wanted to know the answer but he was the only one brave enough to ask. I obviously didn’t notice it myself but I looked a state; exhausted out of my mind and not in the right mood to be messed with.
“About thirty of them were there.” How the hell was I meant to explain a scream? “And, I found my power.”
They all raised their eyebrows, clearly curious to what it was but I filled them in. “It’s better to show you then tell you.”
They all nodded in an understanding response. I’m glad they weren’t up for much talking, I was so tired.
After a moment of silence the Deviant spoke up. “We can’t stay here, we need to keep moving.”
But what about Bellamy? I didn’t want to leave her with no home, but I just knew the others wouldn’t let her tag along. I needed her to come along; she needed to be with me.
“When?” I asked.
“As soon as possible.”
Fuck. I had to ask. Now or never.
“Can… can Bellamy come?”
“What? Why, she’d only slow us down. And she’s a mortal,” the Deviant looked angry and confused, the most annoying emotions created.
I kept my mouth shut. I didn’t want to argue or show that I’d fallen for her. F.E.A.R already knew that and with the Immortals knowing as well it’d be too difficult to reason with them if anything went wrong. They’d blame Bellamy, they’d say she was getting in the way, that she was a nuisance and nothing special, she was only a mortal. I didn’t want any of them saying that about her, but we had a task. I hoped she could come; it’d have been hard to focus without her being near me.
Ok, so I let myself fall. I was so pathetic, I shouldn’t have even glanced at her twice but I did and I loved her. It was a fucking pain but I loved her. She didn’t know it and I didn’t know how or when I was going to tell her. I just hoped that she felt the same and we’d somehow live together after extinguishing F.E.A.R.
After a quiet moment I heard footsteps heading our way. I tilted my head sideways to see who it was and I my emotions came half and half. It was Bellamy and I was happy she was coming over, but then I thought of my request and I didn’t want her there. I didn’t want the others thinking that she was my reliability, that I now depended on her existence. I didn’t want the others to ask her question relating to me or anything like that. I wanted her to go away.
But no, she came along with her arm wrapped around her brothers’ shoulders with a big, beaming smile on her face. Her eyes looked a little red from the crying she’d done and her cheeks were a little blotchy but she still looked wonderful. That was the beauty of Bellamy, she could look like anything and she’d still be beautiful. Yes, I was glad she came over actually.
“Hello.” Inigo was smiling too, he looked too relieved to care that F.E.A.R were still around.
“I’m sorry, but we’re leaving now.” I snapped my head around to look at the Deviant who was getting up and tapping the others on the legs to get them up as well.
“Oh, well, I guess it’s about time,” Bellamy added quietly. Her full smile turned slowly in the other direction. The Deviant started kicking my leg and gesturing for me to get up and with a small huff I did.
I stood still for a few seconds, watching the back of the Deviant’s head as he walked by me. Then a thought clicked in my head.
“Bellamy, would you like to come with us? I’m sure in the next village we get to you can find a place to stay, since you don’t have anywhere else.”
I smiled internally since I knew I had won immediately. The Deviant as well as the others looked round at me. But they couldn’t deny Bellamy and Inigo a safe place to live. Their house had burnt down; the next village would be where any normal person would look, but it just so happens they would be accompanying us on the journey.
“Yes, thank you. Oh God, I was wondering what I should do about that, thank you.”
I externally smiled and I could tell that the Deviant was pissed off. Like I cared, I’d get to have Bellamy for a little longer!
It was gone midday when we started to head for the next village, the Mourner guiding us to where we had to go.
I walked with Bellamy at the back, and I spotted the Deviant sneaking back glances of distaste whenever he could, but I just let it go when I saw him out of the corner of my eye. I had Bellamy; there was no reason to fight anyone but F.E.A.R.
We were all silent for most of the journey; I came to a certain surprise to me when the sky went black suddenly.
My hand went instantly to Bellamy’s, but it seemed that she had the same idea too and we smacked hands. After the incident, she gripped onto my hand like she was castrating a pig.
“F.E.A.R will round up these rebels!
These deviates! These so called wild ones!
We'll lecture the streets with their bones!
And annihilate the dangerous and obtuse ideas poisoning your children!
Endangering your freedom!
Giving rise to the destruction
Of the benevolent future we have prepared for you!
You belong in the shadows!
The shadows are where you will be made safe!
Do not disobey!”
The sky went back to its evening blurred blue and pink mixture and all was silent again.
It was more angry than usual, it made me chuckle a little. They were so threatening and it was pathetic. And again the lied, all of their messages were lies. It was beyond ridiculous.
They were trying to make us seem like the bad guys, they were wrong. They were always wrong! They won’t be able to touch us when I can defeat many of them at once. Though I did think that it did have to be under special conditions.
When I screamed for the first time, it was under extreme stress and tension. I had almost reached the end of my sanity and then it happened. It was like Bellamy had to be in danger and unreachable for it to work, and I didn’t want her to be in that situation ever.
I knew that taking Bellamy was a really big risk, but I’d rather her be near me and in danger than her be far away and in danger. I could protect her, just like I could protect other mortals. I had to keep reminding myself that she wasn’t the only one to keep safe, there was her brother who was special to her. I couldn’t let other people down by focusing all my attention on Bellamy.
“He sounded angry,” Bellamy mumbled. I squeezed her hand; she needed to know she had nothing to worry about. She looked up at me and gave a deflated smile and then tore her eyes down to the ground.
I noticed that the Deviant scoffed at our hand holding, but I put it passed me. If he was going to act like that I wouldn’t even give him the satisfaction of speaking to him. Surely he knew what it was like to be in love, I didn’t get why he wouldn’t let me have my moment. Maybe he was just jealous, sounds like something he would do.
We continued walking in the sunset, and I never once let Bellamy go from my grasp. Her delicate fingers were wrapped in mine and I felt normal and at ease for once.