Status: 2 year haitus might be done... this is an old story that I think deffinatly had potential; let's see where it goes:)

Lucifer Angel Kane

Just a normal morning...

I was woken from a wonderful sleep by a not so wonderful pair of girls. Willow and Sage are their names, put 'em on your hit-list. Gods I really hate them.

"Angel my love, it's time to get ready for school!" Willow screamed in her annoyingly high voice. Right in my ear. "Lochlann made waffles!"

"Get the fuck out of my room!"

They bother squealed and ran giggling out of my miniscule sanctuary. I rolled out of bed, running a hand through my inky red hair. My hair isn't bright red, but more of a subtle, yet still very red red.

Still my pajamas, I stumbled into the spacious bathroom I shared with Willow and Sage. At least the bathroom is big even if my actual room isn't. I pulled back my hair and washed my face, finally waking up. Next I did my hair and make-up. Looking like the creepy werewolf girl I was, I walked down the stairs, pausing on the second floor to wake my baby, Soren.

"Soren love." I whispered, gently rubbing the tiny girl's back. "honey, it's time to get ready for school." She groaned into her pillow and rolled away from me. "Lochlann made waffles." I told her, laughing as she suddenly sprang from her bed. "Same some for me, OK?" she asked, rubbing her big brown eyes. "Sure. Now get your butt moving!" I called before sliding down the banister; landing perfectly from a back-flip on the first floor of the old house. I followed the smell of baking to the way to bright kitchen where I was greeted by Lochlann's boyfriend Jenner.

"Hey sweetie!" Jenner cooed kissing my cheek.

"Don't touch my hair." I told him, quickly grabbing his wrist and pressing on the pressure-point there.


"Jenn! I need some help with plates please!" Lochlann called from the dining room, saving Jenner from a potentially painful morning. Jenner scurried to Lochlann's side, taking half the stack of plates and helping set the table.

I arched my back to crack it and slowly walked to my usual seat next to Sage. I only hate those two in the mornings. The rest of the time they are actually very sweet girls. Jenner handed me a plate piled high with food and glared at me a little. "You could've just moved out of the way and asked nicely." He grouched. I shrugged and mumbled 'sorry' through a mouth-full of delicious waffles. He rolled his eyes and went to go get his own plate.

"Sorry we yelled. You wouldn't wake up." Sage explained.

"It's OK, I don't mind that much." And it's really my fault for being such a heavy sleeper.

Willow and Sage are the only two living here right now that are actually related. They're sisters by birth, not just declaration. It's a completely odd situation that we have, so let me try to clarify a bit. During the day, Willow, Sage, Soren and I go to school, pretending to be semi-average students. I'm in my junior year of high school, Willow is a Senior, Sage is a freshman in collage, and Soren is in ninth grade. That's just whose here right now though, away right now are Tony, Amina, Abril, Orien, Emma, Mae and Edwin.

In actuality, all of us are child mercenaries, trained in the art of killing. And to top that off, some of us aren't even human.
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So a pre-written chapter... how do you like it?
going to maybe update other things now too...