Status: 2 year haitus might be done... this is an old story that I think deffinatly had potential; let's see where it goes:)

Lucifer Angel Kane

the call.

Soren always takes her sweet time getting ready, but I don't mind. Even though she her style can only be described as unconventional, she's the talk of her grade. I took her to a school thing once, and I swear every boy at her school had the biggest doe eyes for her. Poor boys have no idea...

"Lucy, you saved me some, right?" I nodded and looked at her, Soren's mass of long, cork-screw black hair was commanded into two loose braids. Today she was wearing an off-white dress that was very detailed and complimented her light coffee skin. All her jewelry was silver and she looked a bit like a corpse bride. Willow skipped in right after Soren in a very low v-neck shirt, zebra skinny jeans and a loose cardigan, breasts bouncing.

"Might wana pull your shirt down more," Sage said, giving her sister a the look. "your tits aren't completely out of your shirt yet."

Willow glared back and pointedly pulled up her shirt. I smiled at the two sisters and rolled my eyes as they continued to argue.

Soren sat down next to me and started inhaling her food. I laughed at her as syrup dripped off her nose. Soren has never been the neatest eater. But she gets away with it. I think that's only because she's barely five feet tall. Being so short is one of her specialties, as is being flexible. Soren can fit through almost everything.

"Oh my god there's waffles!" screamed two voices in perfect unison. I groaned and grabbed my mug of coffee before quickly sprinting up the stairs to get dressed.

"Soren! Can you please rinse off my dishes?" I yelled from the second floor landing.

"Yeah, no problem!" she called back. Thank gods. I love one twin, but it's best that I stay away from the other as much as possible.

The twins are Cora and Ben. Cora is Soren's best friend and is really her better half as well. Cora makes sure Soren gets her homework done (without cheating) and also probably has some influence on how she uses her... special set of skills. Though I don't know how much Cora knows about out household.

Ben, on the other hand, is a complete pain in my ass. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure he's a nice kid, but he's head over-fucking-heels for me. Yes me. It's insane, and I'm not talking about a little crush here. I'm talking about sighing, writing our names in hearts, staring and he would probably get a nose-bleed just from seeing a little cleavage. Sometimes I am even graced with a flower he's picked from their garden. Lucky me, right?

No matter how many times I turn him down, he doesn't give up. When I am the slightest bit nice to him he takes it the wrong way. Gods. Why me?

Before Ben could even see me, I was up the stairs to the third floor where my bedroom is.

"Angel! Hurry up!" Cora yelled at me. "We're going to be late now!" I knew I was pushing it, but I was trying to stall so that I wouldn't have to see Ben.

In the school system all of us are enrolled in, ninth grade is in a separate building and I guess still counts as middle school. So every morning I drive Soren, Cora and Ben to school, then I drive to the high school building.

The drive to the middle school building is the worst thing I will ever do. It's usually very uncomfortable and silent in the car.

"You can do this." I mutter to myself as I trot down the stairs. I've killed people for gods sake. Driving a love-struck fifteen year old boy to school can't be that bad.

"Come on guys!" I yell sprinting out the door to my old school red truck. what? I like working on old cars! As they all get in, I turn up the music so no one can talk over it and speed off. The middle school is farther away, and the high school is within walking distance. I unfortunately, am too nice and always drive them. Willow walks to school, or is dropped off by Sage, depending on the day. And if Sage has morning classes.

After dropping the three kids off I did a U-ey and got to school just a bit before it started. Willow was waiting where she always did, under an old Oak tree that has tons of initials carved into it and branches drooping to the ground. I don't think the school has ever employed a grounds keeper. So the campus isn't particularly well kept.

I locked the truck and started walking toward Willow with my heavy backpack, but just then the bell rang-signaling the start of another hellish day. I sighed and turned toward the door so I wouldn't get locked out.
♠ ♠ ♠
^--that's my tumblr babies. It's weird, might make you uncomfortable. But if you're OK with that, go for it ;3

thank you to the 2 readers!
