Status: Active

It's Not That Hard

Chapter 1

Today would be the day I was moving to Boston to live with my cousin Tyler Seguin... Yes the Tyler Seguin of the Boston Bruins. He is only 2 years older then me. And the only one to take me in.
When I got to Boston, I got out of the cab with my bags, the bigger things were shipped a few days ago, and went to the door and knocked waiting for him to open it. After ten minutes I put my bags down and pulled my phone out to call him.
"TYLER! Where the hell are you?!" I screamed into the phone.
"I am out with the team. Why?" I heard him answer confused to why I was calling. I sighed annoyed and pissed off that my cousin forgot I was coming to live with him.
"Guess I am going to sit outside of your house until you can get back to open the god damn door?"
"Shit! That was today? I am so sorry! The guys invited me to hang out with the rookie and I just lost track of time. Really I am sorry. How about I send one of the guys to go pick you up, and you come and join us and you will get to see the guys for the first time..." He suggested. I sighed and said a quick ok, and hung up.
I waited a good twenty minutes till I saw a truck pull up in the driveway. I got up and walked to the garage to place my stuff in there. I know what you are thinking. Why didn't you just walk into the house through the garage if you could get in. Well to answer your question Tyler is probably the only person I know that buys a house with a garage connected to the house. And tells the builders to remove the door into the house... I sometimes worry about Ty...
"Are you Bailey?" I heard an unfamiliar voice call to me.
I turned around to come face to chest? With a body, "Yes. And you are?"
"Zdeno Chara, your escort to the 'party' as Tyler said." I laughed cause I understood it while he was confused.
When I was younger Tyler always said there was a party where ever he was. So if I was going to see him he would tell me the "party" is in full swing and needed to hurry my ass up.
"Thanks by the way. You didn't have to drive out here to pick me up." He waved me off as to say 'No big deal.' But I knew it was.
When we arrived at the "party" I jumped out of the car and started following Z. When we got in you could hear the chit chat and laughing coming from the bar. Curiosity took over me and wondered how Tyler even got into the bar anyway, with him only being twenty. But I let it slide.
When we got right outside I stopped and so did Z, "Why are you stopping?"
I looked at him and sighed," I am only eighteen, I can't go any farther."
Z laughed and picked me up. I tried to wiggle my way out but nothing was working. I was beyond pissed. I DO NOT like be picked up.
"There now you can't be a pussy and blame it on your age." I didn't respond and just looked around for my cousin. When I spotted him I waked over to him and sat on his lap. Still pissed off from being picked up against my will.
"Hey stranger how are you?" I didn't respond to Tyler for he was drinking and I just wanted to go home and sleep.
"Why are you mad? Is it because you couldn't get in to my house?"
"No. Your asshole team mate decided to pick me and literally carry me in here." All Tyler did was smile and laugh. I glared and went to get up when I bumped into this guy with the biggest nose ever...
"Hey watch where you are going puck slut!" My jaw dropped. I could feel the tears fill my eyes. And I felt Tyler stand up behind me and put his arm around me.
"Dude. Not cool. That's my cousin you are talking to. So Brad keep on walking. "I could feel the tears leave my eyes. Never have I been so embarrassed.
"Can we just leave please?" I whispered in Tyler's ear. He just shook me off and went to talk to Brad. I walked out of the building and slid down the wall crying. I felt someone sit beside me and I looked up to see the guy who made me cry. I just shook my head and turned away, dryly laughing.
"Hey I am sorry. I saw you sitting on Ty's lap and I thought you only wanted to sleep with him. I never knew you were his cousin. None of us knew you were coming to town. And I really do feel bad. Maybe you could forgive me, and we could start over?" I looked over at him and smiled. He smiled back and we stood up.
"Hey I am Bailey Seguin. Tyler's cousin. And you are?" I smiled up at him.
"Hi. I am Brad. I play with your smelly cousin." I laughed at him and Tyler decided to make an appearance and see us laughing.
"So I take it you don't want to leave anymore?" I nodded and we went back inside.
I was sitting at the bar seeing as Brad and Tyler decided to leave me and my mountain dew alone.
"Why are you all alone over here?" I looked up to see the cutest man ever.
"Tyler and Brad ditched me. So I am all by myself and I can't drink so... You?" I questioned.
He smiled and said," I can't drink either. I am only nineteen." I smiled and told him I was eighteen.
It had to be around one a.m. when Tyler finally came back over. At this point me and the cutie pie, also known as Dougie, were talking about anything and everything.
"There you are! I have been looking for you everywhere!!! I thought I lost you!!!" Tyler was severly drunk. And me and Dougie could be buzzed after just sitting there smelling his breath. Me and Doug looked at each other and almost laughed.
"Can you drive? Cause I can't and he is in NO state to drive me 10 minutes away." I was begging that Dougie could drive. But he merely shook his head. And all my hope was gone.
"So we have to call a cab? God damn I hate those things."
"Yes we do Bailey... Life sucks right?" I got a good laugh out of that. Dougie called a cab and declared he would spend the night on the couch and I could have the guest bedroom, that was soon going to be mine. I agreed saying it was to late for him to be going anywhere.
AS we got back to the house Tyler was passed out and me and Dougie, mostly Dougie had to lug Ty up the stairs. Even though I said we make him sleep on the lawn. But Dougie was against that idea. After Tyler was tucked into bed me and Dougie had said good night and went our separate ways. But I had declared something to myself, I think Dougie Hamilton is the HOTTEST guy in Boston at this very moment.
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This is my first story. So please tell me what I can do to make it better if you don't like it. So subscribe I guess....