Status: Active

It's Not That Hard

Chapter 12

After I saw Dougie kissing Angie with Brittney, she has been wicked pissed of and “Wants to chop off his testicles and feed them to her non-existing dog as pet food..” Her words not mine.

“I can't believe he has the audacity to kiss her. Here in the arena that you are in and so is his team where right now everyone besides Milan hates him but won't show it on the ice.” Brittney ranted. Honestly I couldn't care less. In the past 24 hours I have done nothing but think of ways to get out of this relationship, because it has done nothing but go downhill...

Brittney convinced me to stay. If not for Dougie then for her and she has convinced to still go clubbing with her.

After the game the Bruins won! Three goals in like 1 minute. And then Bregy scored in the overtime period! We were happy for the team. But as we were going to the locker room I bumped into someone. Or a wall. I'm not sure yet.

“Oh my! I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was go-” I stopped short. He looked at me and smiled..

“Well if it isn't Bailey 'My Sister Is A Country Star' Underwood! How have you been?” My long time friend, since I met him when Mike played for Ottawa, Joffrey Lupul #19 for the Maple Leafs...

“Oh My God! How have you been?” I asked him.

“I've been better. What are you doing in Boston. Last I knew you and Carrie were fighting over in Nashville none-the-less over when Mike was going to propose to her.” We laughed.

“My cousin plays for the Bruins. And me and Carrie fought and she kicked me out. So I came here to Boston to live with Tyler. How about you? You starting to like Toronto better?” Joff wasn't a big Toronto fan when he was first drafted. And honestly he was thinking of retiring after his first season but I convinced him to stay.

“Oh. You are a Seguin?” We laughed.

“Hey speaking of Seguin I got to go to the locker room. But are you going to be around later tonight? Me and Brittney here are going to go the a club and we need people to come with us. You in? Bring anyone!”

“Sure! And in case we get lost, can I have your number?” I laughed and gave him my number and then said bye and started walking away with Britt.

“Ummmm... What the hell was that!!!” She screeched. I blushed.

“That was me talking to a guy I haven't spoken to in god like five years?”

“Oh my god! You two need to get together!” I laughed.

“I can't be with him. I am still with Dougie. And I am not a cheater like he is.” By now I had knocked on the locker room door and we were waiting for the guys to yell that it's open.

“Well I think after Dougie kissed Angie you shouldn't be with him any more. It's not healthy. And you are going out with my and some of the Maple Leafs tonight. Who knows what will happen!” We giggled.

Finally the door opened and we were able to go in.

“Hey! I thought you weren't staying for the game?” Johnny questioned.

I shrugged, “I wasn't but I decided to and thank god I did! I mean that game was intense!” The guys laughed but Britt had to open her mouth.

“Don't you mean after the game?”

“What?” Tyler questioned.

“Um... Nothing I ran into an old friend I hadn't seen in like five years.” Britt rolled her eyes. And I shot her a dirty look.

“Actually you and Lupul where full on flirt feast out there.” I was shocked she did that. Actually I wasn't sure why she had done that. But I saw Dougie stand up.

“WHAT? YOU WERE FLITING WITH ANOTHER GUY? MY GOD YOU ARE SUCH A WHORE!” Everyone stared between the two of us...

“Really? Are you one to talk because earlier I saw you almost having sex with Angie in the hall! And I am the whore!??!?!?!?!?!?!” At the mention of Angie Adam was up and walking towards Dougie.

“YOU WHAT!?!?!?!?! HOW COULD YOU! I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS!” The guys were holding him back. Someone would've died if they let him go.

“Yeah. But she has been a good fuck for the past few months and she wanted to be more recently so I said yes...” Dougie has been seeing through her and Adam's relationship and ours?

I shook my head and went get up, “I'll be by later to get my stuff Dougie. And Britt I'll see you later tonight.” I got up and walked only to hear the guys break out in fights. As I was walking out I saw Joffrey and he was with Kessle and some other guys. When I got close enough so he could see my face he stopped smiling with the guys.

“Hey. Hey Hey! Whats wrong?” I told him everything since I moved to Boston, when I met Dougie, when I went to Carrie, and every little thing in between and then tonight. He listened and so did the other guys. And at this point they didn't know what to say.

“I may have been a Bruin and played with half of those guys. But they aren't being very polite as time goes on.” Phil Kessle added. I nodded into Joffrey's chest. As I was still crying.

“Hey! Get your hands off her!” Tyler's angry voice shouted. I jumped not expecting him to come after me. And or yell at Joffrey.

“Come on Ty. He was just cheering me up. Can we just go home so I can get ready to go to Britt's?” He just glared at the Maple Leafs, but nodded at me. I told Joffrey to text me about tonight and he said he would.

“OK, what is up with you? First you tell us you love Dougie but then you are fighting with him over stupid shit?”

“Cheating is stupid shit? OK, he slept with Angie for months, how is that stupid?”

He just looked at me, “Because he never slept with her. It was a plan we had with him to show him how whipped he is. We had him not kissing anyone but leaning really close to her. To make it look like he was kissing her. We never knew it would turn out this way. We are really sorry! Please we didn't mean anything by it.”

“Why was Milan treating Britt the same way Dougie was treating me?”

“Because they are both whipped by you guys.”

“Well Tyler again here you all go being dicks. You not only ruined my life but my relationship. You know how I feel about everything and everyone. I thought you were meant to be my cousin, but you really are a dick. I hope you guys are happy.”

With that I walked away pulled my phone out and dialed a number I haven't used in years.

“Hey grandma...”
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Thanks to everyone who commented!

Neely Elizabeth