Status: Active

It's Not That Hard

Chapter 14

“Guys we don't want a fight. Bailey told me how she and Brittney where coming out tonight and invited me and told me to bring who I wanted. So since Kessel and Dion were right there I brought them and Reimer wanted to meet her. That's all we have been doing. Was getting to know each other. No wandering hands, no inappropriate actions. Just talking.” Joffrey tried to stick up for him and the guys. But the B's weren't having it.

“How about in the parking lot when I said if you touched her we would have some issues. So why don't we step out side?” I had to step in it was thirty-three guys against Dion, Phil, James, and Joffrey.

“Guys why don't we just go? We all have a flight to catch in the morning. I still need to pack. You guys can come back to my place, help me pack then I will stay with you guys in the hotel.” That set Milan, Tyler, and Dougie right off.

“You know, I do not want them in my house!” Tyler

“You whore we haven't even been over for a day and you are already going to other guy's rooms?!?!?!?” Dougie

“Britt you aren't allowed to hang with her anymore! She is a whore!” Milan

I took every word in and accepted it. Dougie was right not even a day of being broken up I am going to stay with other guys. Milan's right I shouldn't be friends with any of the girls of Britt for a matter of fact they are all prettier and more loyal to their other halves. And Tyler, I shouldn't tell the guys to go in the house in front of them. But I knew he meant me as well.

“Milan! Dougie! And Tyler! How dare you say that to her? She is eighteen and going to through so much right now! Everything you guys have said to her EVER makes me sick! The things you say about her, makes me sick! Milan you aren't my father! I will hang out with whoever I want! And right now my father would be hitting you over the head for talking to a young woman like that! And then telling me what to do! You know what, I am going to stay with these guys as well! I mean I might as well be a whore! So Milan it's your choice apologizes or lose me! Tyler, she is your cousin! How could you say such things to her! You are supposed to treat her with respect and keep her away from the guys like you! And instead you push her towards wanting to be away from me and the other WAGS because you are a asshole! So fuck you! And Dougie.... You obviously don't see how much you hurt her... She loves you so much. You know, every road trip you have been on since you got together. The first night she is at my house crying because she misses you. And you know what I tell her if he loves you he will come back. And you always do, and you are the first person she sees and she is the first person you see. So I hope you know how much you mean to her when she isn't around anymore and she isn't there to tell you how much she loves you and how much she wants you. Because right now the ONLY guy she wants is Joffrey Lupul. And he is the most manly man I have ever seen. And it's only because he cares for her more than you ever have!” When Brittney is done I am crying because I never knew how much she cares about me until this very moment.

I grab her arm, “Thank you. You didn't have to stick up for me.”

She looks at me, “Every single word I said was true. Now lets go get packed we all have a plane to catch in the morning. That is if I am still invited.”

I give her a look, “Any day everyday!”

When we got in the car we drove to Tyler's house first and got my bags packed but that's when I realized all my Pj’s where are Dougie's. So as we were leaving Tyler's I left the spare key on the table in plain sight with a note that said, “Thanks for letting me stay. See you in the future at something. -Bailey”

Next we went to Dougies to get my Pj’s and after I again left a note on the table with the key, “Thanks for being there when I needed you at the bar that first day and then through a lot more. You will always be a big part in my life and I hope you find some one who will appreciate you and all your quirks like when you are getting dressed for bed you like to scratch your belly but only on your left side and then when you get up in the morning you scratch your right side. And then for a pregame meal you only eat Tuna on Mondays and Thursdays. An any other day you have spaghetti. And for the longest time ever you only had Gatorade in your frigid. And it was every color except for red and purple. Because red taste like feet and purple doesn't look good on you, at least that's how you put it when I asked. I love you and I never will stop- Bailey”

When Brittney read the letter she started crying, “How can you know all this stuff and only be with him for three weeks?” I looked at her.

“Because I spent at least two of the three weeks here.” She smiled at me.

“At least you and Joffrey can start all over!” We giggled.

“Let's go before they think we are stealing his cat.”

“He has a cat?” Yeah you didn't know? I bought it with him like a week and a half ago.” She laughed and we headed out to the car.

When we got to the hotel we all went to different rooms. Dion said he had a extra bed and a pull out couch that James and Phil could have and then me and Britt could have Phil and James' room. But then Joffrey said we could share with him. So we went with Joffrey.

“I have an extra bed and then my bed. You guys can have the beds, and I'll take the floor.”

“No. Britt and I can share the one bed and you can have your own. Or me and you can share or you and Britt can share and then who ever isn't sharing can have the other bed to herself.”

“OK. You and Joffrey can share, because I am still technically still with Milan. But I will go with you to Toronto.” WE agreed on that and I got into bed with Joff.

“I hope I don't make this awkward for you and our friendship awkward.” Joff admitted. I looked at him.

“No, and after the way we were dancing tonight I thought we were passed the friendship stage?” I looked at him.

“We can be, if you want. But won't it be weird since I am eleven years older than you?”

“No only if you make it awkward.” And before we went to bed I kissed him and fell asleep.