Status: Active

It's Not That Hard

Chapter 15

The next morning when I wake up I notice I am the only one still sleeping and everyone else is downstairs at breakfast. At least that what the note taped to my forehead said.

After getting dressed I went downstairs to see everyone on the team having breakfast together with Britt.

“Hey guys.” I stood next to Joffrey until he pulled me into his lap and kissed my cheek.

“Good morning!” Everyone shouted.

“Hey Bailey,” I looked at Britt, “What time is our flight?” I looked at the clock and then at her.

“In like an hour. So we gotta go.” I got up and so did Britt.

I kissed Joffrey's cheek, “Thanks for everything. I'll see you in Toronto. Are you still going to aunt's with me?” He nodded and stood up.

“I'll drive you to the airport. OK?” I nodded and dragged him to the elevator.

“BYE GUYS!” I shouted to the rest of the teams,and they waved back.


When we got to the airport, we walked to security because after that no one without a ticket could get through.

“Hey I'll see you later tonight. OK?” I nodded although I wanted to cry.

“OK. And you will let me sleepover tonight? Me and Britt?” He nodded but smiled a little bit.

“Yes, you and Britt.” I smiled back at him.

“Guys, I think you are the cutest thing ever since puppies and kittens. But we will miss our flight if we don't get through security like now.” I nodded at Britt's words.

“Yeah you are right. We'll see you later tonight. Text me when you get in.” He nodded.

“Yes mom.” I gave him a look and gave him a quick kiss.

“And call me if there are any problems with ANY Bruins member.” He said OK. Before letting me and Britt go through security. On the other side I blew him a kiss and he caught it. I giggled before waving goodbye and going to our gate for the plane.

“So you and Joffrey. When did that happen?” Britt asked me smirking.

“Last night. While you were asleep he asked if sharing a bed would make our friendship awkward and I said the way we were dancing tonight still qualifies as a friendship. And he laughed and said won't it be weird because I am eleven years older than you? And I said it will only be if you make it like that. And I kissed him and went to bed.” She 'awwwed' before deeming my new relationship is cuter than me and Dougie's old one.

I blushed. Because I miss Dougie and I didn't want to talk about him and because I feel awkward when someone compliments me.

We were still waiting for our plane to be called when I got a phone call from Melanie, Torey Krug's fiancee, and Britt got a call from Karen Julien

“Hi, Bailey? Hi, I'm Melanie Torey Krug's fiancee. Umm, the guys were telling me about you and how you are really sweet and stuff and I really wanted to meet you. And I was wondering if it was possible to met you?” She sounded so sweet.

“Hi. Umm. Actually I am at the airport right now but we could meet up when I come home from Toronto?” What I didn't know was she had the phone on speaker and the guys were taking everything I said and writing it down.

“Oh! I'm from Toronto and I was planning on going up there with Torey when they have a few days off. We are leaving tonight. Can I meet up with you there?” I didn't know why she wanted to meet me so bad. But she did.

“Sure. Ummm.... Tonight I am going to be in Brampton visiting Tyler's mom and dad, with Brittney and Joffrey. And then we are going to spend a few nights there. So we can meet up there in Brampton or we can meet up in Toronto when we come back.” I heard some shuffling on the other side and then I heard guys talking.

“Ummmm Melanie. Who are you with?” I asked.

“My... Uhhh. Brothers?” She sounded unsure, “But we can meet up in Brampton and then hang out more when you go to Toronto.” We bid our goodbyes, and I hung up to see Britt still on the phone.

“OK.. Mhmmm... Bye Mrs. Julien!” She hung up and looked at me.

“The guys have a few days off and some are going to visit family. Melanie, Torey Krug's girl, wants to meet up with us in Toronto and Brampton. It will be nice to meet his girl. And I think he is coming with her. And he is like the only one on the team I haven't met. But I haven't met any of the other girls besides the ones you hang out with. So it will be nice to met her and any of the other girls.” She nodded, as I told her everything that Melanie had told me.

We had finally gotten on the plane, and we were so tired from being out until like two A.M. And then waking up at eight in the morning. It really takes a toll on you.

We woke when the flight attendent told us we were in Toronto. We got off and got our bags and I started to look for my Aunt and Uncle. Until I heard it..

“Well well well. What do I have here? Little Miss Bailey.”