Status: Active

It's Not That Hard

Chapter 23

I was so pissed at Dougie, I didn't want to see anyone, so I ran like I always do. I knew the hotel that the 'Hawks were staying at and I needed to talk to someone who is biased. Someone who never really has seen Dougie and I's relationship first hand.

See if I ran to Tyler, Milan, Britney, Tammy, Z, or Adam, they would say 'Oh you guys know all good relationships have some fights, this is just to test your relationship' It's always that same bullshit.

So I ran to the closest friend I could think of, Patrick Sharp, and about every other married man on there team. You see, if I ran to a single or dating man I would have been told they don't care. Or if I ran to Patty Cakes, he would have said 'You know if it doesn't work out I'm still available.' Which is a lie...

When I got to the hotel, I was livid and crying a little bit and I didn't know what to do. I knew Patty would be in the bar so I went there and there was most of the team.

I walked up to Jon first because he was closest to me, “Hey Jon.” He turned to look at me when he saw my eyes.

“What happened to you?” His eyes widened, never really having seen me cry before.

“Dougie and I got in a fight, and I wanted to talk to you guys about what I should do. Well, the married guys.” He chuckled knowing what I meant.

“Well as you know, they always tend to stay away from the single guys when we drink and are all over at that table.” He pointed to a table farther away from, well Pat Kane. I nodded wiped my eyes and walked over there.

AS the guys saw me approaching they started yelling my name, 'Ay It's Bailey!' 'Bailey!' 'How's it going girl?!' Things like that where thrown toward me.

“Hey guys.” I sat down next to Sharpie and he looked over at me.

“Who's ass do I have to kick?” He cut right the the chase.

“How'd you know?” He chuckled and pointed to Jon, and Hammer, “Jon turned and pointed to his eye. And when we are home and some girl or one of our wives is looking for us, and is crying because they are so drunk that is our signal.” I nod, not really sure where to go to next.

“So we are going to ask again,” Duncan started, “Who's ass do we have to kick?”

I sighed, “N-” I started but my phone dinged. I read the message and agreed to meet up with him.

“As I was saying, no one's just me and Dougie had a falling out and you guys would know what to do if you were me, because you are married, and you were probably in his place with your wife.”

“Well, what exactly happened between the two of you?”

I explained the whole thing from Dougie and I not having our normal conversation on the way home from the arena. Dougie ignoring me, and then the whole dinner and the blow up. They listened the entire time. Nodding when appropriate and shaking when disappointed in one of us.

“First problem you went to bed mad or questioning his behavior. Never do that. When I did that Dayna would get mad. Or when I was in a bad mood and went to bed and Dayna never knew why I was in a mood it resulted in a fight like you and Dougie, which is never good. This is what you want to avoid.” Brent Seabrook answered.

Sharpie looked at me, “The honest reason you came to us is to have opinions from people who never really see your relationship in the first degree. Which a normal case of boyfriend and girlfriend fine. But when you are the other half of a professional athlete the only people who should matter should be those in the relationship. Trust me, my rookie season with Philly, I was up all the time and she never wanted to come and see me. The moment I say, 'We never see each other we minds well end it.' She has an issue with the whole thing. But she was the one who never wanted to see me. When I get traded to Chicago, I move in a heartbeat, and all of a sudden I go home to see my parents, stop by her place in Vermont and we are back together. She moves out with me and we fight once and it was the exact same thing. I never saw her so I wanted to be with her all the time. Yet I blamed her for being clingy. I left for the night came home the next day and she was there crying about how the fight was stupid and she loved me and never wanted to let me go. Three years later another fight almost exactly the same, but when I came back a week later we end up getting engaged. So sometimes these fights workout for the best of us. Sometimes it is the end of the relationship. You never know how much strain you can put on a relationship.” I looked at Sharpie taking in everything he had said.

“I think I am going to go home for the night, not to Dougie's. Maybe go room with Kaner and then go home in the morning. You never know. I may just go home to Toronto.” The guys got a kick out of the Kaner part because they know he just wants to get me in bed even though he is like 6 years older than me. I said my farewells to the guys but as I was walking out I kept thinking back to what Sharpie had said 'You never know how much strain you can put on a relationship.' And this was true.

When I got out to my car I quickly pulled out my phone and called, Nathalie Peverly. I called and Rich answered, “Hello?”

“Hi Rich it's Bailey. Is Nat around?”

“Yeah hold on.” I heard rustling on the other end.

“Hello?” Nat answered.

“Hey it's Bailey. I was wondering if you had am extra room for the night?” She gasped.

“Bailey. Is everything alright? You never ask to spend the night here. Do you need to talk when you get here?” I expolded into tears.

“I just need someone to talk to!” I sobbed into the phone.

“Oh sweetie come right over. Okay?” I chocked out a yes and told her I'd be there soon.

AS I was hanging up I heard Nat say to Rich, that boy needs to get a shoved up his ass. I giggled at that only because I have never heard her swear before. And usually people want the stick to be taken out of someone else's ass. Not shoved up it.

When I arrived on the Peverly's door step I had stopped crying and had knocked on the door waiting for someone to answer.

“Oh sweetheart come 'ere I know exactly how you feel. I even kicked Rich out for the night.”

“You didn't have to do anything like that.” I was surprised. I mean I talked to her but never like a whole lot. I hung around with the younger girls. And a lot of the players.

That night she helped me through a lot and I have never gotten that much help before.