Status: Active

It's Not That Hard

Chapter 3

Tyler really didn't look happy. And no one noticed it but me and Dougie. And trust me, Dougie was terrified. You could see it in his eyes, and I felt horrible.
"WHAT THE HELL I GOING ON HERE?!?!?!?! WE LEAVE AND YOU TWO ARE ALREADY HAVING SEX ON THE KITCHEN FLOOR? I USED TO WONDER WHY YOUR SISTER KICKED YOU OUT OF THE HOUSE! AND NOW WE ALL KNOW!" Tyler screamed at me. I stood up and looked at him while the tears welled in the back of my eyes. Is that was Tyler really thought of me? As some slut that was going to have sex with his teammate in his kitchen?
Everyone turned to look at Tyler with shock. But he wasn't fazed by it one bit. All the girls walked up to me and some of the guys helped Dougie get up, the girls grabbed me and Dougie, and walked us out of the house.
"Jasmiina, were are we going?" Jasmiina, Tuukka Rask's girlfriend looked at me and shrugged.
"Ask Britt she was the one that dragged us out here. We are probably going to her and Milan's place and you and Douige will spend the night. Obviously not in the same bed... Unless you want to." She winked at me and Dougie and we both blushed. I looked around for Brittney but didn't see her anywhere.
I decided that if I was spending the night at Brittney's place I would need some clothes. I grabbed Dougie's hand and ran in the house and up the stairs to my room. You could hear the muffled yelling coming from downstairs. Everyone was in a heated argument so they didn't notice me and Dougie enter the house.
We ran up to my room and grabbed a bag and threw clothes in it. After the bag was filled we ran down the stairs and out the door. Only to run into a angry Brittney and a guilty looking Lucic.
"Come on kids. You can go fall in love at MY MOM's house with me. Because SOME people don't believe in young love." She shot a glare at Looch and started walking towards her car.
"Come on Britt, I do believe in it, but Tyler is my friend, no offense Dougie, and it's his cousin. If he doesn't like this idea, then I don't either." Dougie was looking guilty, so I grabbed his hand to make him feel better. He squeezed my hand.
"Look we are sorry for causing all of this fighting. We can go spend the night at my house. How about that?" Dougie suggested. Brittney shook her head and grabbed our arms.
"No because I am too young to be an aunt just yet." She laughed.
We all got in the car. Before anyone could say anything and tore out of the driveway. Only was it then did I realize all of the girls left as well.
"Can you believe all of the guys claimed Dougie was their teammate but because Tyler was there first they have to stick by him? Like does Dougie mean anything to them?" Brittney was beyond pissed that no one sided with her and the girls about me an Dougie's 'love affair.'
"Britt we get that you and the girls are agreeing me and Dougie should be together, but don't you think ME AND DOUGIE should decide if WE want to be TOGETHER?" She sighed defeated and nodded.
When we got to Brittney's mom's house all the girls were there are pissed off about this whole thing.
"Dougie you realize the guys are going to give you a hard time at practice now, right?"
"Yeah I know and it annoys me. I mean me and Tyler are the youngest ones on the team and are supposed to stick together. And now he is against me along with everyone else its going to major awkward at practice and at the game tonight."
"Come on lets go get you in for your pre-game nap." He nodded and we asked Brittney were we are rooming and she brought us to her room. And told us to sleep there for right now.
“I'll sleep on the floor so you can nap. I mean it wouldn't be very polite of me to have you sleep on the floor.” Dougie offered to me.
“NO!” I screamed at Dougie, “You have a game and I don't. You take the bed and I will sleep on the floor.” Dougie shook his head.
“No. Please, I will feel horrible that you had to sleep on the floor.”
I looked at him, “How about this, the bed is big enough to share. And we are both tired so it's not like anything is going to happen. We will just sleep in the ed together and I will have my phone on for an alarm and it will wake us up.” He looked unsure but agreed anyway.
I woke up a few hours later to people talking.
“Awww! Look at them! They look so in love. And they don't even know everyone has made up. It's just too cute. Hole on let me get my camera.” I heard someone leave the room and I was confused. What are they talking about?
A few minutes later I heard some cameras click and someone move below me. I was even ore confused. Where am I?
I lifted my head when I felt someones arm on my waist. I shot up out of bed and literally pulled them down to the floor with me.
“Ughhhh!” I heard Dougie groan. I looked below me and saw I was in fact laying on top of Dougie with his arm still in fact around my waist.
“Oh my god! I am so sorry! I don't mean to drag you off the bed with me. Just I didn't know what was going on. I am so sorry!” I told him over and over again, as I stood up and he got up too.
“It's fine. Just your knee.. May have... Hit my.... Sensitive area?” He blushed as he said that. I giggled.
“Aww look at that Tammy! He is blushing at her hurting him and she is giggling at his awkwardness! Match made in heaven!” Brittney screamed. I screamed and jumped, while Dougie just jumped. We laughed at each other. While all the girls came rushing in to see us awake.
“Look at them! It's like we aren't even here! I am going to start planning the wedding! You girls in?” I heard Tammy ask the girls. Me and Dougie finally looked over at the girls. We never really noticed how close we were standing till the girls started taking MORE pictures of us.
“We are going to have like three hours worth of pictures for their wedding.” Sheena , Johnny Boychuk's wife answered. All the girls laughed and started for the door before Krista, Andrew's wife, turned to us.
“The guys aren't mad at anyone anymore. So don't worry about practice or the game tonight.” Me and Dougie sighed with relief, I can go home!
I went to the bathroom to let Dougie change in the room and so I could change as well. Then we left for the game..
♠ ♠ ♠
I literally didn't know how to write this chapter.
I looked up all the girlfriends and such before writing. But if you want to be Adam Mcquaid's or Tyler Seguin's girlfriend then please message me.