Status: Active

It's Not That Hard

Chapter 6

As we were walking toward the bathroom I kept looking at his ass.. 'Why the hell was it so perfect?' I made a weird noise, and he turned to look at me.

“Are you ok?” Dougie looked at me weirdly. I blushed and nodded. He gave me a confused look before stopping in front of a door.

“Here you go.” He opened the door for me. “I'll be in the living room if you need me.” I nodded and watched him go.

When I was done changing I started towards the living room. I heard him on the phone with someone.

“I know mom... I know... 'Don't get to attached to someone in Boston. You could get traded..... I don't know. She may not like me..... Mom.... Mom...... Mom... I have to go.. Yes mom, love you too.... Tell Dad I say hi.” He hung up. And I continued down the stairs.

“Hey, thanks for letting me borrow some clothes.” He jumped. I must have scared him. I giggled.

“Haha laugh it up. But your welcome.” We looked at each other, and smiled. I walked up to him and snuggled up close. We just laid there until my phone rang from over by my purse. I groaned and Dougie laughed but I got up anyway.

“Why the hell are you calling me at,” I looked at the clock ,”three in the morning?” I questioned a now stuttering Naomi, David Krechji's girlfriend.

“Well we, me and the girls, wanted to know where you are?” A slurring Naomi asked. I looked in the living room to see a half asleep Dougie on the couch.

“I am at Dougie's. Now I have to go. We are going to bed soon.” I could hear the girls scream in the background.

“WHAT!?!?!?!” I heard Stephanie, Bergy's girlfriend, scream in the back ground, “YOU ARE SLEEPING WITH CUTEST DEFENSMEN EVER!” Everyone giggle at her.

“No, I am not sleeping with him. I am just sleeping over his house. Tyler told him to take me to his house, not Tyler's, because you know, he doesn't trust me enough to be home alone.” I stated. “Look I need to go. I am going to get Dougie off the couch and into his bedroom so I can sleep.”

“Ok. You have fun with your sexy new boyfriend and we will have fun with ours.” Dana Paille stated.

I laughed at them and said good bye. I walked into the living room and started to shake Dougie. “Dougie.... Doug..... #27.... DOUGIE!!!!!” I screamed. He jumped and rolled off the couch.

“This is the second time you have caused me to roll of the couch. What could you POSSIBLELY want now?” He asked. I chuckled at his dishshevled hair and told him to go to his bedroom.

“I will not go to my room unless you come and sleep with me. And no I don't mean sex. Just come and lay with me.” I smiled and nodded.

“I thought you would never ask.” I smiled and we walked up to his room.
“Don't mind the mess. I didn't think you were coming over. I would have cleaned up a little.” I shook my head as if to say no big deal. Which it wasn't. Before I moved my room was worst. But he is a teenager. And a boy what do you expect.

“It's fine. My room back home was the same way. It doesn't bother me.” He looked at me and smiled. Then he turned around but quickly turned back towards me.

“Do you mind if I just sleep in my boxers? It is what I normally do, and I am not sure if you are uncomfortable with it.” I laughed.

“You gt used to it, when you live with a young married couple. And then you can never watch a Nashville Predators game again, without thinking of coming downstairs to see a naked Carrie Underwood, and a half naked Mike Fisher. I don't think I ever got a concussion before from running into a wal with my eyes shut and my hands over my ears..” He laughed at my little story. But the look on my face should I was dead serious and he still laughed at me.

“Haha! Laugh it up. I had never seen my sister naked before. I thought I was going to be sick. And the thing was I always ate in the living room after that because they were on the kitchen table. And then I come back down an hour or so later and they are going at it again on the counter. I never ate anything that touched that counter. It had to be made on the stove, or I never touched it. That kind of pissed Carrie off a little bit. But Mike and me always laughed and mocked her when she got really mad.” At this point he was already in his boxers and I was already laying down waiting for him to lay down as well.

When he finally did, we said good night. But not before kissing one last time and THEN we went to bed.
When we woke up in the morning, I was up first. So I went downstairs to make breakfast as a thank you for letting me stay the night.

“Mmmm! Smells goo. What are you making?” I giggled at his sexy raspy morning voice.

“Bacon, pancakes, eggs, toast, french toast. Stuff like that.” He smiled at me and kissed me right then and there. It wasn't a usual kiss, it was a knee weakening kiss. I had to know. So I was going to ask him.

“Dougie.. What... What are we?” I just had to know. He looked at me.

“Um. I don't know. We can't be anything, it's not right to Tyler to be dating his cousin. I wouldn't like it if he was dating mine.” That answer pissed me off.

“Well then we can't kiss or hold hands anymore if we aren't an item.. As a matter of fact, I am getting dressed and leaving.” I stormed out of the kitchen and up to his room where I slammed the door and changed. While changing I pulled out my phone and called Brittney.

“Hey Britt.” I said into the phone when she answered.

“Actually it's Milan. But I can ge.” I cut him off.

“No,but while you are on the phone, can you come pick me up at Dougie's?” I asked I was trying not to cry.

“Is everything ok?” He asked concerned.

“No. But can you? Please?” He agreed to be here in ten minutes. I went to the bathroom did my make up with the little I keep on me, then walked downstairs. I just got there in time for me to open the door to Looch.

“Hey Looch. Let me get my purse then we can go..” He nodded before asking where Dougie was. I shook my head as to say I didn't know. He nodded before walking in.

“Go sit in the kitchen then we can go to Ty's.” When you are in the kitchen you can see into the living room and I am guessing that is where Dougie was. Because I heard Milan talking to someone.

“What did you do to her?” He questioned.

“I didn't do anything. Last night we made out in the elevator. Came in here, got dressed, laid on the couch. I fell asleep on the couch, while she was on the phone with someone. She came and woke me up, then we went to my room we kissed a little bit. Then fell asleep. This morning, I woke up and she was making breakfast. We never ate wit because she asked me what we were. And I said we couldn't be anything because it wouldn't be fair to Tyler and I wouldn't want him dating my cousin.”

Looch groaned ,”You NEVER tell a girl who you made out with that and then shared a bed with that you don't want to be anything when her cousin wouldn't be ok with it. Which we know is a lie, Dougie, he was begging you to ask her out last night. He saw the way you looked at her and the way she looked at you. We all know you are in love with each other and have bets on when you will get together.” Tyler was begging him to ask me out. But he didn't want to be together because of Ty? That so makes me want to be with him more... Feel my sarcasm?

“Looch! I am ready to go!” I yelled from the door. He said goodbye to Dougie and then whispered something I couldn't hear, and came to the door way.

“I hope you know Britt woke up as I was hanging up, and expects you to show up. Right?” I laughed. Of course she did.

“I don't have any plans so I can stay.” He laughed at how hesitant I was. Maybe being friends with the girlfriends and the guys wasn't such a bad thing... Maybe moving here wasn't such a bad thing....
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi guys! Sorry it has been a couple of days. School came up, and I got stuck doing homework. But I am going to try to let my mom let me stay home tomorrow. This chapter was supposed to be up yesterday, but something came up and it had to be posted today. And if anyone knows how to change my background so it is a like picture thing? Like how some stories have? Ok. Anyways. I maybe able to update tomorrow. I don't know. We'll see if my mom is in a good mood or not.

Good night my readers. And don't be a silent one at that! Comment subscribe and did anyone see the Bruins game today???? :)