Status: Active

It's Not That Hard

Chapter 7

I was sitting in Brittney and Looch's shared kitchen with all the girls, crying because I feel like everything is my fault.

“I didn't need to ask, why did I? God, I thought I could take rejection from anyone, so why is he so....” I stopped. Not really sure what he was.

“Girl, you are in love... No matter what anyone says.” Juliane, Jay Pandolfo's wife added. I shook my head, the tears falling faster now, because she was right. I was in love with someone who I think. No KNOWS doesn't love me back.

“I don't know. I think I am... Wait.” I walked to the swinging kitchen door and opened it. I saw everyone, but Dougie, sitting outside the door listening.

“If I wanted you guys to hear I would have called you guys to come sit in the kitchen. But I didn't. Do you have a problem with that?” The guy's all shook their heads and ran upstairs to Milan's room. I sighed and headed back to the kitchen area.

“I was saying, I think I am.. But I am not sure. You know how you get that filling in your gut and you aren't sure what it is, but it can be a good thing, but it can also be a bad thing?” All the girls nodded.

“That is the feeling I get every time I am with him. But never do I feel like I should be in love with him, because he can hurt me more then I can hurt myself.”

“Guy... I am thinking of leaving Adam...” Angie admitted shyly...


“What the hell is going on down here?” Chara asked walking into the room. He must have started walking down when he heard T yelling.

“This crazy ass bitch is going to leave ADAM! The kid that is obsessed with her! She is his world.” Elisabeth, Anton Khudobin's girlfriend stated.

Chara looked at us and started backing up slowly when a teary eyed Adam walked through the door.

“What?” He all but whispered. We all looked at him with sympathy.

“I'm sorry Adam. I never wanted you to find out this way. I just wanted to think it through. But I found someone else. I am so sorry!” Angie started sobbing.

“I want all of your stuff out by morning. I'm going to a hotel for the night. If you aren't gone by morning, then I am leaving” I looked at her with so much disgusted before running out after Adam. When I found him outside he was slumped up against his car crying.

“Adam..” I whispered to him. He looked at me with so much hurt I could feel his pain as if someone stabbed me in the gut and turned the object in a circle.

“I thought she was the one. I guess I was wrong.” I sat next to him and hugged him..

“Adam can I tell you a story?” I felt him nod against me.

“When I was sixteen, my parents died in a car accident. My sister Carrie was twenty seven at the time, she was the only family I had that would take me in. At first I was staying at my grandparents, and it was fine until I met Jeremy. He was my first boyfriend that no one approved of. He was a good three and a half years older then me, so at the age of sixteen you believe it when someone tells you they love you. And I really did think he loved me. At first we were a normal couple, then I met some of his friends, he told me he did drugs, and the only way I would be a good girlfriend is if I joined in. Then after that I was going home to my house higher then the fucking clouds. I was seeing things that weren't there and one time I saw Tyler, he was telling me I was a bad cousin for doing this to myself. And I saw Carrie and Mike, her husband, she was telling me I was a bad sister. And then the last one I remember having was I was driving home from Jeremy's house. I saw my parents on the side of the road. I was scared and I swerved off the road. I was on life support. When I woke up and got out I started seeing Jeremy again. He started hitting me and saying if I never got in the car they wouldn't have gotten busted for the drugs. Then one day the beatings stopped. He never showed up. And of course me being the person I am I still loved him. But then I was shipped off to Carrie's house and stayed there until I was kicked out. I was kicked out because I really didn't want to go to college. And Carrie, she didn't have a chance to, so she wants me to go for her.” He looked at me.

“Why are you fighting with Dougie? What did he do?” He wanted answers. And honestly, so did I.

“I asked him what we were and he just shrugged, but he didn't want to be anything with me. So why try? I mean, if he doesn't like me like I do, then why should I try.” He nodded.

“Can we go inside, it's kind of cold out here?” We laughed and nodded. On the way in I told him to sneak up to my room, and stay there so I cold get rid of Angie so he didn't have to see her. He agreed and thanked me before heading into the house, quieter then a mouse.

“Angie, I think it is best if you left. Adam is leaving too. He just went for a walk and should be back later. He wants you gone, if he didn't tell you earlier, he wants you out of his house.” She looked at me nodded. And left.

“Adam! You can come down now.” I shouted up the stairs. I heard the door open at the top of the stairs and he peered around the corner.

“But I thought I was on a walk?” He smirked. I rolled my eyes.

“Just get your ass down here.” He laughed but came down anyway.

“Wait.... He was upstairs the ENTIRE time?” David Krejchi questioned. I looked at him and nodded like he was an idiot.

“This is Adam we are talking about, do you really think he would walk the block after he was heart broken? You guys are lucky I found him, he probably would try to find out who the guy was then go get shit faced and have a fucking ball thinking of ways to kill this guy.” Everyone nodded like what I said was true.

“I am not THAT bad..” Adam defended himself. Everyone gave him a look, like 'Sure whatever floats your goat.” He just put his hands up and backed off.

Then after everyone sat down, me and the girls decided that it was time to cook dinner. I looked at the clock, jeez it's already four o'clock? I didn't realize everyone spent the day fighting.

“Did you know the guys invited Dougie over for dinner tonight?” Brittney commented. I froze, how could the guys do this? Did Milan not tell them what happened? Did he tell them and everyone agree we needed to make up? I will not make up with him.

I all of a sudden felt sick. I started for my bathroom. When I got there I got sick, see when I was younger I was diagnosed with a condition, that whenever I get to stressed about something I get sick and then I need to take medicine for bad migraines.

Tyler must have heard me retching because you could hear him sprinting on the stairs.

“Hey hey calm down. What's wrong? Are you OK? Do you need the medicine now?” You could hear the concern in his voice.

“Why would you guys invite him? He just told me this morning that he didn't like me, and then you guys invite him over for dinner. NOTHING is going to change.” I was sobbing at this point. Pathetic I know, but you try having a guy you REALLY care about tell you that he didn't want to be anything because of your cousin.

“I know. I know. But you guys need to make up. It's going to effect his game, and we are going to do really bad.” I was hurt, my cousin, my best friend, was saying I needed to make up someone because it would effect how his team plays.

“I will effect him! The guy who broke my heart! The one who should be apologizing to me! You have the decency to say that to me? I need to take medicine maybe, just maybe, will I be down for dinner later, and stay the night.” I got up and went to the kitchen. I grabbed some Advil and started for the stairs when I heard the front door open. You could hear his voice floating up the stairs.

All I did was go to my bedroom and lay down. When the thought hit me, why stay here when your cousin doesn't care about you? Why stay here when you made up with your sister, and her and her husband are in Nashville right now. Why not ask Carrie if I can move back in with her and Mike. Right now, I think that is the best thing to do.....
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Sorry it took so long. But I am thinking of deleting, because I am running out of ideas, and no one is commenting and I have no idea what anyone thinks of the story. So either comment on what you think of the story, and tell me what to put in it, or I am deleting it.... Sorry guys.....