Status: One Shot

Only You

One of One

Eun Hye stares at the lists written in her notebook and then at the magazines laying scattered next to her on the couch. Was there a difference between ecrue and eggshell? Could you use the two colors in the same setting? She shakes her head, frowning down at the list.

"Eun Hye?" Han Geng calls from his spot on the floor, watching her carefully.

"Hm? What is it, Hanni?" She asks, gaze still focused on her notebook.

"Marry me."

"Hanni?" She asks, staring at him from over the edge of her notebook

"Marry me." He says again, sitting up and facing her.

"Hanni, we're already engaged. You proposed to me on valentine's day and I said yes, remember?" Eun Hye replies, bewildered.

"No, I mean marry me today." He pauses, standing up and moving the bridal magazine to the table before sitting next to her. "I know all this planning is taking it's toll on you. You've been staring at those magazines and this notebook for at least two hours! I can see how tired and frustrated this is making you."

"Han," she says, setting aside her notebook as she sighs. "you know I want our family to be there. I'm sure your parents would love to be there and so would mine. As well as my sisters and our friends."

"I know." He says softly, taking her hands in his and fixing his gaze on her own. "We can still have that, I promise. I want our family and friends to be there too, but above all I want you to be happy... Not- Not stressed and frustrated. But there's something I want even more than just for you to be happy. I want to be with you, Eun Hye. I want you to be my wife and I want to be your husband."

Han Geng gets up and steps away from the couch for a moment, running a hand over his short hair. He turns back to face her after a minute or so of silence, a small smile on his face.

"We could get married now, with a private ceremony, and then have a larger one later on with everyone present." He sighs, shaking his head. "Like I said before, Eun Hye, I don't want to push you into this. I just want to do whatever will make you happy."

Eun Hye stands, smoothing her dress down as she smiles shyly at him.

"Do think this dress is suitable for the occasion?"

"It's perfect."

"Do you have the rings, Hanni?"

Han Geng takes her hand in his, nodding as he grabs his keys and they hurry off into the night. Half an hour later the two find themselves standing outside in a small garden, a priest and the moon their only witness.

"Present your vows?"

"I love you and only you, Hanni. I vow to spend the rest of my life, no, eternity with you. I love you."

"And I love you, Eun Hye. I love you truely and you are my only love. I vow to spend eternity with you and to love you always."

The two exchange rings, their eyes never leaving one another as the priest continues.

"I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss your bride."

Han Geng leans down and kisses Eun Hye, completing the ceremony. He thanks the priest, as does Eun Hye, and the two set off into the night looking forward to what the future will bring.
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I apologize for the shortness, but I hope you like it anyway.