Red Lips

Chapter 1(Prolouge)

Jonathan Batley was an attractive young man. Only in his thirties,he was rich and successful in his work. He owned his own bussiness. In fact,he had more than one.
Another thing was that he seemed to draw women to him. Batley's muscular body, jawline, and full hair were contributing factors to the ladies that came and went from the wealthy land owners' house. The thing of it all,was that Batley never was serious in relationships,for fears of being pulled down,or forced to share his wealth. That is what scared him the most: sharing the fortunes that he made as a living.
And that is perhaps what caused the events to happen on that late evening in November.

As soon as Jonathan laid eyes on her,he immediately wanted to lay his hands on her. He did not know who she was, or if she was out with somebody at this eccentric party, but he just had to get her name.
"Excuse me, Miss. May I have this dance?"
A slow song was playing, and before he was denied, Batley scooped the woman into his arms and waltzed her onto the dance floor. He moved with a skill that came from a few lessons from his older sisters. Batley gave the slightly shocked woman a warm grin, and she returned one to him. He noticed her full lips, slender figure, and deep brown eyes. The woman wore a dark red dress and black heels that gently touched the wooden floor as they glided.
Batley endured a few more seconds of silence before he said, "May I ask you your name?"
The woman smiled and answered, "Cart. Helen Cart". Jonathan loved the way her lips moved when she spoke.
"Well, Helen, what brings you to this party tonight?"
At this, Helen frowned a little, and replied, "I originally came with that man over there." She pointed to a pudgy man with a gray suit that just managed to button up over his waist. Then she said, " His name is Gerald Morn. He is the one who owns a successful oil company. I didn't even want to come here. He persuaded me to go because he didn't have a date and I felt bad."
Batley smiled at these words and said, "Well, love, how is your night so far?"
Helen tightened her grasp on Jonathan's neck and answered, "It's gotten considerably better." Then she leaned in close to Batley's ear and said, "But I think I would be happier somewhere more...private." Jonathan held his breath, and his heartbeat quickened as he pulled her off the dance floor.
Moments later, Batley pulled up to his huge house and stopped the engine. He turned to Helen and his lips met with hers. At first he kissed her softly, then more aggressively as he wanted more. Batley broke away and got out of the car to Helen's side, opened the door and picked her up. He strode quickly to the house and opened the door. Batley pushed his mouth back on to hers and tried to untie the back of the dress. Having succeeded, he slowly pulled it down, getting Helen to step out of it.
Taking off his own shirt, Batley moved both of them upstairs. His eyes moved over Helen's body as he plopped her down on the king-sized bed. He kissed every inch of her body. He found an interesting birth mark on the inside of her thigh and lots of little almost invisible freckles on the nape of her neck. He played with her hair and explored her mouth with his tongue. Batley wanted to memorize everything about her. Helen put her hands around his neck and then slid them down to Batley's expensive black fitted pants. With greedy fingers she pried them open and pulled them down. Jonathan got out of his pants and set himself inbetween Helen's legs. Helen gave out a loud moan and pushed her hips to his, driving Batley in deeper and he tried to control himself.
Both lay in bed afterwards, exhausted. Batley twisted a piece of Helen's now messy hair around his finger and sighed happily.
Helen looked up."Happy, huh?" Jonathan sighed again and nodded.
"Well, I'm going to take a shower now, I'll be right back."
Helen got up, and pulling the blanket around her, she left the room. Batley watched as she left.
Helen had absolutely no idea where the bathroom was. She hoped that she found it quickly, otherwise she would look like a naked fool, asking for directions to a bathroom. But hallways were just so long. Helen looked through at least six doors before she found the one to the bathroom. She wondered if there were any other people here, like servants or maids. Then she figured that there must be, with all the money she figured Jonathan made. She turned on the shower and waited until it turned warm. She stepped in and felt goosebumps rise on her arms and chest. Helen tilted back her head, and let the water run over her arms. She hummed a little song to herself and daydreamed.
Suddenly she heard a strange scratching sound coming from the door of the bathroom. Thinking it was Jonathan playing games she said, "Jonathan, stop it." The scratching continued.
Helen had made sure to lock the door, and she was grateful, because now the sound made her a little nervous. The doorknob twisted. The mystery that held the door, finding it locked, twisted it a bit more violently, and Helen turned off the shower, deciding that now wasn't the time.
"Hello?"Helen called out to the door.
With a grunt, the mystery ran off, with light, catlike strides. Helen held her breath. A few moment passed and Helen thought that it was okay to walk out.
She wrapped a fuzzy towel tightly around herself and unlocked he door. Stepping out, she said,"Is anyone here?" quietly. Suddenly she heard footsteps running toward her.
Panicked, Helen ran in the opposite direction from the sound, away from Jonathan's room. She didn't know where she was going but before she knew it, she was in the kitchen. Grabbing hold of a butcher knife, Helen faced the doorway, waiting with wild eyes. The unidentified person stepped into the room. The person had a mask over his or her face, and Helen couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman. Suddenly, the intruder laughed, and judging by the laughter, Helen knew it was a woman.
"So,"the woman giggled, "That money hogging bastard managed to get you in bed with him, I see."
Helen tugged the towel around her chest tighter. "Well, i can tell you one thing, my friend: tomorrow, he won't give two shits about you. He can make you feel special, and treat you like a queen, but he won't ever feel the same way as you do." Helen felt the dialogue get personal as the woman continued."That son of a bitch said he loved me, he couldn't live with out me. I was his everything!" She eyed Helen and said, "But i see he moved one quickly."
Her voice rose dramatically and she screamed, " And if I can't have that lying prick, no one can!!!!"
Charging at Helen, she pulled a knife out of her garments and slashed at Helen. Helen screamed as a deep cut opened at her face and she took a swipe at the raging woman. Missing by a long shot, Helen backed up until to her horror, she met a wall. The woman gave Helen an evil laugh, and she watched Helen trying to stop the bleeding from her face with her towel. The woman slashed Helen again, making Helen scream as she saw an even deeper gash on her arm. With on last smile, the woman plunged the knife into Helen's chest. Helen's eyes glazed over quickly. Pulling the bloody knife from her victims chest, the woman slowly made her way back up to the master bedroom.
The house was strangely quiet, until suddenly, Batley heard a scream. Startled and sitting upright, Batley listened intently for another sound, but hearing nothing more, slumped back down. He thought that it must have been some neighbor.Helen was long done with her shower, and after a while more, Batley was starting to wonder where she could have gone. Soon, he heard another scream and this time, he got out of bed to the door of the bedroom.
Before he could reach it, it snapped open to reveal the masked woman. Slowly, he backed up to the bed. The woman walked forward towards him. On the bed, Batley crawled back until he fell off the other side. The masked figure followed until she was crouching over him. Batley started to panic.He saw the gleam of something silver and red under her clothes.
"Remember me?"the woman whispered close to his ear. Looking at his naked body, she said, "Obviously not."
Then she gave him an evil laugh that sent chills through Batley's spine.
"Please,"he begged,"please don't."
The woman slowly pulled out the silvery object. To Batley's horror, it was a knife, already bloody."I took care of your....roommate."
Batley started to silently cry as the woman held the knife up to his neck. "Please, don't, I-I'll give you anything! Yes anything at all! Please!"
Batley whinced as the knife pushed a little harder at his throat.
"I don't need anything from you!"the woman screamed.
Swinging her arm back, the woman slashed a deep gash in Batley's neck. For good measure, she stuck it in his chest before pulling out. Then, climbing out of the window, she left Batley to bleed to death.
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