Red Lips

Chapter 2

"What the fuck are you doing Mont?"
Harry Mont jerked up in his office seat, awakened by his angry boss's voice.
"You know you can't be sleeping on the job! I don't pay you to sleep! I pay you to solve crimes! Right the world, and all that crap." Harry Mont smiled grimly. They hadn't had a case in a long time. They lived in a sleepy rich town that surprisingly never got robbed. A little suspicious, but Harry wasn't about to complain.
Mont rubbed the sleep from his eyes and looked down at his desk phone, waiting for it to ring. No, willing it to ring.
"Ok, boss, any calls yet?"Harry asked.
His boss, Charles Boyle, also known as Charlie, looked at him and said, "Boy, if there was a call while you were snoozing I think you and the rest of us here would throw a party to celebrate."
Then, Charlie shook his head and walked off to the other part of the building. Good old sarcastic Charlie.
Utterly and incredibly bored, Harry took out his phone and began to play a card game. Mont guessed that it was poker, but he wasn't sure. After about ten minutes, Harry almost had a heart attack went out of nowhere, the phone rang.
Harry stared at the phone for five rings, wondering who would be calling this place at four in the morning, until he realized that he better pick up.
"Hello, Detective Harry Mont here, what seems to be the problem?"
A frail sounding woman answered the phone in a little trembling voice and said, "I heard two screams from the house across the street, and I'm worried."
Harry rolled his eyes, and replied, "Okay, we'll be right there ma'am. Would you please give me the address?" Harry wasn't worried. It was probably some couple having a bit two much fun. Old people always called for something like that. Then, with a huff, Harry put on his coat and left the building with his crew.
Harry arrived at the house and saw the expansive building. It was definitely much bigger than the detective office, the police department, and the fire station put together.
Carey Hills, Harry's fellow detective friend, gave out a low whistle. "Wow, would you look at this?"
Harry shut her open mouth and walked to the door. "I am."
He knocked on the door, hoping that two naked teens would not show up. After a full minute of waiting, Harry tried to open the door, without taking it down. Every time Mont had to knock down the doors, he hated it, because matter how many times he did it, he still felt really bad about it after.
To his surprise, the door was unlocked.
Gingerly he pushed it open. Carey was right behind him. He held his pistol in front of him, and walked through the entrance. The inside was unbelievably huge. For a fleeting moment, Mont envisioned himself lost inside the long hallways, but he quickly shut that out of his mind. Turning to his left, Harry found the living room. There was a fireplace, white couches, and elegant decorations all over. Nothing seemed to be out of place, so the two walked to the right, into what Harry believed was he second living room.
"Who, in their right minds needs more than one living room?"Harry wondered outloud. "I mean, I hardly even use the one small living room that I have."
Carey chuckled and said, "When you have cash to burn, might as well use it for unnecessary things."
This living room was just as grand as the other, except it had black leather couches and darker decorations, which was a change from the lighter color scheme of the last room, and the walls were painted red, in contrast to the gleaming white walls of the other room. Nothing seemed to be wrong here either. Harry noticed that there was another doorway in this room. Before he went in though, he noticed that the door was open just a crack, and the light was on. The other rooms were dark with the lights off.
Mont nudged the door open with the end of his gun.
He had to get used to the sudden bright lights in the room, before he could see that he was in the kitchen. Everything in here was stainless steel and white tile. Even the cabinets were white, and everything was so bright that it hurt Harry's eyes. He rubbed them vigorously. When he opened them, he was about to turn around, seeing as everything was okay, when Carey gasped and made him turn around. On the far wall, in a slowly growing pool of blood, was a young woman.
Mont whipped out his cell phone and called for more detectives, and the police department. He bent down next to the woman and pulled out a pair of gloves from his pockets, putting them on. Carey did the same. He felt her wrist and waited for about three seconds before he realized that he wasn't going to get a pulse. Then Mont realized that the woman wasn't wearing anything but a towel, wet with her blood and something else. Most likely water, but just to be sure Harry told Carey to get a piece off of it to test it in their lab. Carey took out some scissors and a plastic baggie, clipping the plush towel and placing it in the bag.
"Damn, these are some nice, thick towels....and this is a nice deep wound in her chest."Carey said, admiring the towel and the woman's cut.
The towel soaked up alot of the blood that poured from the chest. Actually, the blood flow was pretty much done, but Harry imagined that most of the blood was absorbed with the towel."There are also some nice gashes on her face and arm, Hill."
There was a knock on the doorway to the front of the house, and Mont heard someone call out, "Hey, Mont, you there?".
Harry quickly came to the front door and met two other detectives, Derek Gade and Josh Bent. Behind them were police men. Off to the side Mont saw a new detective. He did not know her name.
"Hey."Mont said.
"Hey yourself. What did you find?"Derek answered.
Harry replied as fast as he could."Livingrooms, both of them to your right and your left are just fine, nothing out of place. The doorway to the kitchen that is found in the livingroom to the right was opened a crack and the lights were on. When we got here, Carey and I, the lights were all off in the other rooms. We went into the kitchen and in the far corner of the kitchen, we found a young woman, I would say about mid-twenties, on the floor in a pool of blood. She is up against the wall, like she backed herself into it. The woman is wearing nothing but a towel, and she has a deep wound in her chest that came probably from a knife, about two inches high. She also has two deep washes on her arm and face.The towel around her is soaked in her blood, and something else, probably just water from a recent shower, but I had Carey take some of it in a bag, so we can test it back at the lab just in case there was another substance that was the cause of the death."
As Harry went through everything, he, Derek,Josh, and the other detective walked to the kitchen. There, Carey was inspecting the body carefully.
"Have you checked upstairs yet?" Josh asked.
"Not yet, but you go on ahead with Derek."Harry answered.
The other detective smiled at Harry and gave him her hand. She was pretty."Delocken. Maria Delocken."
Harry shook her hand. "Mont. Harry Mont."
She smiled again and said, "This house is incredible." Mont nodded his head.
Suddenly, they heard Josh's deep voice call from upstairs. "Holy fuck! There's a dead guy up here too!"
Josh was a young guy, about twenty seven, and he was fairly new to his job. He had dark hair that swept a little to one side, and Harry often referred to him as Bieber, and not Bent when he talked to Josh.
Maria and Harry rushed upstairs, leaving Carey preoccupied with the woman. Josh was at the top of the stair case and led them to a bedroom, which Harry realized was the master bedroom, judging by the size. Although he wasn't so sure, with all the other bedrooms being bigger than normal.
Then Josh confirmed his suspicion. "This is the master bedroom. Just on the other side of the bed is a man, a stab wound in his chest, much like the girl's wound downstairs."
Maria moved forward a little, but was stooped by Bent. "The man is also....completely naked." At this, Harry stifled a laugh at the expression on Delocken's face.
"Why don't you go downstairs to help with the woman? It's a little bit more...appropriate for you, I guess." Harry told her.
As soon as Maria left, Harry walked around the king-sized bed to look at the man. Then Josh told him that this man was named Jonathan Batley, a really rich guy that owned some type of business and he was in his thirties. He was also notorious for bringing in the ladies.
That explained the woman downstairs, and why they were both naked. Harry supposed that after they were done having sex, the woman decided to take a shower, which explained the towel around her.
"Do you think that he killed the woman and then committed suicide after?"Josh asked.
"I was thinking the same thing..."Derek replied, trailing off, deep in thought. Harry agreed by nodding his head, also deep in thought.
"But why would a rich guy kill himself? That's a little crazy. I mean, I know anyone would go through anything to get the wealth that this man has." Josh spoke outloud. Harry nodded his head again.
Harry went home much later, still very much confused. He stripped down to take a shower, then decided that he was too tired, so he just put on new boxers. He lay down in his full sized bed, tiny compared to Jonathan Batley's king-sized one.
He was drifting off when he heard Josh's voice in his head-
.....anyone would go through anything to get the wealth that this man has......
♠ ♠ ♠
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