Red Lips

Chapter 3

Harry woke up way before his alarm clock was set to go off. He lay in bed for a while before deciding to take a shower. He got up slowly and trudged to his bathroom with his eyes half shut. Harry turned the water on and let the steam rise up as soon as he got to the bathroom. But before he got into the shower, Harry checked himself in the mirror.
Mont had short, sort of wavy hair that was currently sticking up on his head, and eyes that were a forest green, almost brown color. Harry took the time to flex a little in the mirror, showing the little muscle that he had, and shortly after he blushed at himself. Harry was thirty one, and currently single. He liked it that way, and he had no need to show off his manliness to anyone except himself. His work didn't really allow much time for romance or relationships anyway.
Harry realized that his shower would get cold soon, so he hopped in, and had to scrub himself really fast, because the water was already starting to become lukewarm. Getting out, Mont checked his face for stubble, and decided that it could last another day.
He walked to his bedroom nude (the many perks of living alone) and changed into black jeans, a gray t-shirt, and black sneakers. Harry ran a hand through his hair and figured that it was okay, and then his alarm clock finally went off. He shut it off and walked to his kitchen to fix himself some cereal.
Mont did not sleep well at all last night. His mind was buzzing with the events that had happened. There was a naked woman dead in the kitchen, but the man she was with was naked and dead upstairs in his bedroom. There seemed to be little struggle between the two, and Mont doubted that when the lab results came back, that it would say that the man killed her.
Harry was going to check the house again, except this time, he would look a little more carefully. Suddenly Harry's cell phone rang. It was Josh. Harry answered.
"Harry?"Josh said. He sounded as tired as Harry felt."Are you going to check the house again?"
Harry nodded, then remembered that Josh couldn't see him, so he said, "Yes."
"Ok, well, if you find anything else suspicious in there, go and call Derek, because I'm going to do some research on this Jonathan guy,and I probably won't answer my phone."
Harry rolled his eyes and smiled at his fellow detective's ability to get lost in his work.
"I think Maria might want to help with you too, so you should call her. She's new and needs the experience." Josh continued.
" Look who's talking...."Harry mumbled.
"Hey! My father was in this field too, you know, so I've been exposed to this more at a younger age...anyway, I've gotta go because I need all the time I can get if I ever want to get to sleep tonight, or ever again. Bye."
"Bye, Bent."
They both hung up at the same time. Harry rubbed his eyes. It was going to be a really long day.
"I can't wait to get back to this house!" Maria squealed.
Mont gave himself a mental kick. He couldn't believe that he had actually listened to his friend's advice and invited Maria. Harry knew that he worked and concentrated better alone anyway. At Maria's excited tone, Harry gave her a sour look.
"It's not a vacation house, it's a crime scene. And why the hell would you be so damn excited?"
"Sorry, I mean, this is my first real case. Or rather, this is the first real case I've seen. You can't blame me for being a little excited."
"Oh, yeah, I would just be so excited to be going to a crime scene if I was a girl. Wouldn't you rather go shopping?" Harry glanced at her.
"Sure, you can take me after this."Maria smiled at Mont slyly. Harry only scowled. This is why he lived alone.
The two arrived at the mansion to slow for Harry's liking. The front lawn had caution tape all around, and Mont wondered if it took a whole roll of that stuff to tape it. Maria walked ahead of Mont and opened the door to reveal the magnificent insides.
"Okay, "Harry said, "I'll take the darker room, and you take the white room. It should be easy to spot things in there for you." Maria frowned but snapped on her gloves. Harry did the same.
In his room, there were picture frames and black vases on the side tables. Mont also noticed the computer desk off to one side. Harry would check and go through that last.
On the side table closest to him, there was a picture frame with picture of a happy family on it. Looking closer, Harry realized that it was just the picture that came with the frame. The frame next to the other was the same. That seemed weird.
Moving on, Harry checked the couch. The leather wasn't scratched or torn, in a way that might suggest a struggle. But doing a double take, Mont realized that on the arm, there was just a tiny little line. Like a knife was dragged quickly across it. Harry ran outside to the car to get his camera. Once he got back inside, Mont snapped a picture of the scarred leather.
Mont checked the whole room and nothing else seemed to be wrong. He even double checked everything. Then he looked towards the computer. It was time to browse.
Starting up the computer, Harry realized that he did not have the password. He tried a couple things, like money,rich, and wealthy for the password. Mont was only kidding though. He knew it was harder than that. Looking down near the spacebar, Mont saw marks in the expensive wood:
Harry typed in the password and it let him in. It was as easy as that. He logged into Mr.Batley's email. The computer had already remembered the name and password for this. Mont scrolled down the list and found that most of the letters came from the username Mont sighed at the name then clicked on the oldest message. It was really short and didn't have alot of useful information. The next seven were about the same, just like a chat between Batley and richgirl457. Others were invites to family dinners. Some even had invitations for sex. Harry noticed a pattern to the emails. There would be invitations to dinner, some emails to chat, and then there were the sex emails. From all this Mont decided that Batley and richgirl457 were close. Now all that Mont needed to know was this: Who the hell was richgirl457?
"Hey, did you find anything?" Maria walked into the room with one hand on her hip, and she frowned. "I can't seem to find anything."
Harry didn't look up from the computer screen."It's not always that easy, Sherlock. Look again."
Maria scowled and said, "The only things I found were a few picture frames face down and one tiny red spot that could be anything, like a stain or something."
Mont turned around. "Take the camera and use it. Take a picture of the red spot and then get the scissors and baggie from the car. Snip the piece of the couch with the spot and and then take it to the lab. It could be a bit of blood from a victim, ever thought of that? Then ask yourself, why would the picture frames be face down? Is there a reason? You have to ask questions. You have to actually think. Holy fucking lord, Maria, what kind of a detective are you?"
With a blank but slightly confused look, Maria walked out to the car to get the items.
Harry turned right back around. He felt like a jackass, but he couldn't help it. It was just in his nature.
Getting back to work, he looked at the history of the computer. It was fairly interesting. There were lots of links to a jewelry store, and an expensive one at that. It seemed that Batley was looking for a diamond ring at one point, and he kept going back to that same diamond. Then the links lead to more boring pages, probably for Batley's work. There was no more pages of diamond rings after that. Interesting, Mont thought.
Harry took out his notepad that he brought and wrote:
Victim seemed to be close with a person under the username Talked alot and there were continuous emails to have sex. Might have been Batley's girlfriend. Batley even looked for a ring at one point. Could it be the dead woman who was found dead in the kitchen?
Satisfied, Harry leaned back in the seat that he was sitting in. He heard Maria in the other room, mumbling about assholes. Harry thought he heard his name a few times. Mont was making progress. Slowly but surely.
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