Red Lips

Chapter 5

Mont woke up the next day. Josh had scheduled a meeting with Christina and at twelve and another one with May at seven tonight. It was going to be a long day.
It was amazing that Bent had managed to get these women to talk so easily, so far. Harry guessed that it was just a reason for them to talk about a millionaire. Harry rolled in his bed. He didn't want to get up. It was too early. He checked the clock. It was 10 o'clock. Groaning, Mont got up, threw on decent clothes, grabbed his notebook, pen, and headed out the door.
A few moments later, Harry came back home. He had forgotten his shoes.
Harry met Christina in her office at her workplace. It was nothing big, she just worked for a tax company.
When he stepped into her office, Christina was taking a call. Holding up a finger, she kept talking for another five minutes before she hung up the phone.
"Hello, how may I help you?" she asked, sounding like she was answering a phone.
"Hi Miss..."
"Hi Miss Weston. I'm sure you know I'm here to ask you a few questions." Christina pursed her lips and nodded. Mont cleared his throat.
"Okay, first one-how did you know Mr. Batley?"
"I was his secretary for a while at his company."
Still writing, Mont said,"So you didn't date him?"
Christina laughed. It was a very fake laugh. "No, we didn't date. But that sucker got me in bed. The next day, it was like nothing ever happened. He just gave me some files and told me to sort them. Didn't even look me in the eye."
Mont hastily wrote this down. "Not even another word?"
"No. After a few weeks of silence, I quit."
Harry liked this woman. She didn't hold anything back. He didn't even need to prompt her. She even added,
"I found out that two days after I told him I quit, he got another girl to replace me. I still had my things at my desk, not even fully packed yet. Her name was Mia, or Miley..."
"May." Mont corrected. One right after the other, huh? This was getting interesting. He knew this guy was a player, but honestly. One right after the other? This guy was obviously hotter than Brad Pitt or Taylor Lautner put together.
Christine nodded. "That's right. But man, I felt like shit after."
She seemed to want to say more about how she felt afterwards, but Mont felt like she had offered enough information.
"Um, that'll be all Miss Weston, thank you for your time."
He left her office feeling satisfied. Now for May.
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Sorry it's so short, but i havent written in forever!! so i hope you like, even though its sadly short. Im wicked busy. comment, recommend, subscribe please and thanks!more will happen in the next chapters, thats a promise!!:p