I'm Not Insane

Character Info:

Name: Jacquline Ravyn Daniels
Nicknames: Jack, J.D., Rave, Rae (pron: Ray) and Savage
Age: 17
Hair: Chin length, straight black hair, fringed bangs streaked blood red
Eyes: Steel-grey (Almost silver)
Likes: Art, Music (listening), coffee, cigarettes, meditating
Dislikes: Shrinks/Psychologists, hospitals, fake people, chauvinistic men
Fears: Blood (real blood...not movie/theatric), losing control over emotions
Personality: Sometimes seen as a bitch, due to the fact that she only ever speaks to her two best friends (Devin and Christopher). Quiet, calm and collected (almost to the point of being completely stoic/emotionless), and hates confrontation.
Piercings: Yes: left eyebrow, right ear seven times, left ear five times (not including Industrial at the tip of her ear)
Tattoos: Yes: 'Savage' written in script on the underside of her left wrist in blood red, three interlocked stars on both hips (just above the waist band of her pants), a blood red tear tattooed on the outer edge of her eyes.
Additional Information: Her past isn't well known by anyone other than Chris and Devin, but what is known is that the three live together (without adults) and that they recently were released from Maxwell's Institution over the summer before their Senior Year.
Mother: Dead
Father: Dead
Siblings: None

Name: Devin Jacobs Rayne
Nicknames: Dev, D.J., and Razed (pron: Raah-zz-duh)
Age: 17
Hair: dark brown, slightly curled and barely falls past his earlobes
Eyes: light hazel-gold
Likes: Skateboarding, Music (Listening), coffee, reading and writing
Dislikes: Shrinks/Psychologists, hospitals, fake people and his parents
Fears: losing someone close to him (whether by a fight or death)
Personality: hot-tempered and usually the first to jump to defend his friends (verbally or physically). Hyperactive and over the many years, has given up trying to get Chris and Jack to quit smoking.
Piercings: Yes: venombites (spiked studs), earlobes gaged (0), Industrial on tip of left ear, tongue and nipples (lost a bet with J.D.)
Tattoos: Yes: 'Razed' written in sketchy black script on underside of left wrist, three interlocked stars tattooed on the right side of his neck.
Additional Information: Past unknown (except C.J. and J.D.), but many can get a grasp of what may have happened from the scars covering his arms (which he doesn't bother hiding). Lives with friends (without adults) and recently released from Maxwell's Institution.
Mother: Alive (Neglegent)
Father: Alive (Abusive)
Siblings: Older brother (by five years, the two talk frequently)

Name: Christopher James Micheals
Nicknames: Chris, C.J., Topher, and Tripp
Age: 19
Hair: black, usually spiked on end
Eyes: Ice-blue
Likes: has a freaky obsession with tattoos and piercings, Music (playing and listening), cigarettes
Dislikes: Shrinks/Psychologists, hospitals, fake people, his parents
Fears: Sleeping alone
Personality: the most talkative of the group and often finds amusement in turning people's words against them. Protective over J.D. and enjoys getting a rise out of D.J.
Piercings: Yes: Tongue (two in a row), middle of bottom lip, ears gaged (0), Industrial on tip of left ear, nipples (lost bet with J.D.)
Tattoos: Yes: 'Tripp' written in loopy, script on the underside of his left wrist, three interlocked stars on the left side of his chest
Additional Information: Oldest of the three and doesn't attend school with his friends, works at a music store (one that sells instruments and records), and lives with the others (no adults). Past unknown (except D.J. and J.D.), but most are led to believe he is on drugs and recently released from Maxwell's.
Mother: Alive (Alcoholic and Neglegent)
Father: Dead
Siblings: Two, one older brother (Don't get along at all), and one twin sister (Dead from suicide)


Two new students, all the way from Maxwell's Institution, begin to stir things up at Huntington Beach High. Unanswered questions, secrets and a shrowd of darkness that surrounds the two students intrigues the five 'bad asses', Matt Sanders, Brian Haner, Zacky Baker, Johnny Sewerd and Jimmy Sullivan, and the guys soon learn that they aren't the only ones with sick, twisted minds.


I obviously don't own Avenged Sevenfold, cause if I did, Vengeance would be my best friend, Shadows would be my cuddle buddy, Rev would be my fellow crackhead, Christ would be my puppy and Syn would be my bitch (in more than one ways ^.~)! This plot is completely mine and isn't the usually (they go to high school fic). I am also aware that Brian didn't go to high school with the guys, and Johnny is two years younger than everyone else, but...this is a fictional story. Christ will be in the same grade as the others, but his age will be normal (he's trying to graduate early to get away from parents).

J.D.'s Bike

Devin's Car

Chris's Car

Their House