Status: La la

Best Thing I Never Had

My Holy Throne.

Ringgggg .. Ringggg .. Ringgg..It's 5:00am need to get up, uggghh, but wait can i have like, 5 more minutes before really waking up??? no please, just please, i slept for just 3 hrs. cause i cant sleep last night. I cant sleep because of the same reason why i cant sleep for the past 3 years. Its the same reason why people on the bus is looking at me like im a psycho or something because Im smiling when Im all alone.

But Im no psycho. That reason is the cause why i want to go to school. I want to see him. I think of him every night before i go to sleep. Im daydreaming that your holding my hand, that we are together, that your holding me against your chest. Your the reason.

No choice, i have to get up IMMEDIATELY, like as in RIGHT NOW!

Im gonna be late.

I run off to get my towel opened the door to the bathroom and i got in. Its my ritual, to sit on my throne before getting some water in the pail and put it all over me.

You know, my "throne" is my best friend. My stomach has been my problem ever since the world begun! there's this story of me, when i was in my elementary days, because its a public school, it doesnt have any decent comfort room where i can let all my bad feelings out so i tried to keep it all in me, but it just have to let it all out so i spilled in my pants... so UGhhhh nevermind im sorry to make you feel like this is ... ughh just nevermind ok so lets go back.

Sitting here, in my throne, it makes me feel relieved. Because whenever i sit here, i try to think and imagine of the things that will make m really happy, although i know, its wrong in the name of the holy bible. Im not really a bad person. As a matter of fact, i have a good heart. I think of others before i think of how can i make myself happy. I love people, but im scared of them. Thats the reason why i just sit here, and visualize my fantasies.Aside from that, its the only place where i can imagine me and you is possible.

This is where i sing our love.Its the perfect place cause it has echoes, makes me feel like my voice sounds good. But seriously im happy whenever i sit here. Because even though, your far away, here, i can feel that you're so close to me. So i love my throne. it's my best friend.
♠ ♠ ♠
Its kind of disgusting but please font get tired of reading. its my first time to write i know i have lots of wrong grammars but im working on it. Wait for the next chapter! I will reveal there, what makes my crazy life more crazier! God Bless you guys!