And Now I Scream For Everything That I've Loved

14- Dream if you'll live forever, dream for me.

Emma laughed loudly as Austin tackled her on the ground and started tickling. As much as she tried to crawl away from him, he had a tight but gentle grip on her which made her impossible to get away. The sun was shining brightly at them as if it was happy as them. Emma didn't think that there was someone else that was happier than she was right now. She didn't think that she could describe those things that were going on inside her body and mind. All the things she felt -they were impossible to express. But what she didn't know that Austin was the exactly the same. He has never been happier in his whole life, how he felt was beyond amazing. As cheesy as it sounds, they both had butterflies, fireworks -even bombs in their stomach that made them impossible to not smile.

Austin lied next to her just when he was done with tickling her. They both lied there in silence, watching the sun and the clouds as the waves crashed around them. Their hands were interlocked tightly, as if none of them wanted to let go even though it was really hot. They were lying in the middle of a beach with casual clothes while people around them were wearing swimming suits and swimming. None of them cared about the people that were staring at them. They were happy and they weren't let people they don't even know ruin it.

Eventually, they got back up to their feet and started walking to Starbucks. When they sat down, a shy girl came up to them -more like to Austin. She was a fan, and she wanted to get something signed, but she didn't have anything on her. So Emma just took her instant camera out of her bag and smiled softly.

"I can take a picture of you guys so you won't just have a picture with him, but you'll also have it signed."

The girl's eyes widened.

"Are you serious? Oh my- thank you so much!"

Emma just grinned brightly at her. There was nothing more beautiful than making someone happy just by simple things.

After a bit, the girl -which her name was apparently Maddie- left and Austin kept smiling slightly at Emma. Emma couldn't help but blush lightly.

"What? Why are you staring at me? Is it something on my face or-"

Austin cut her off.

"No, god. What you did was amazing. Have I ever mentioned how amazing you are?"

Emma shrugged. "I'm a fan, too. Remember?" She laughed.

It was Austin's turn to shrug now.
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omf i didnt update in forever hi. im sorry ive been really really really busy and i dont have much time now either so its a quick and short update. plz dont hate me ilysfm <333