Falling Six Feet

Community *** and the Towel Dropper

I sat in Paige’s lovely green Mustang, listening to her rant about how horrible this “Cowboy” guy was. What the hell was she even talking about? Oh well. I just stared out the window, dreading walking through the doors of what some people call home. For me, it was a constant torture. See, I’m gay. And my parents are bible-banger Catholic. That’s a big problem. When your dad is a preacher and your mom is head of the church chorus and forces you to go to church every Sunday to rid you of your “sins”, you get pretty fuckin’ tired of it. They hate me for who I am, and honestly…Paige is the one person who accepts me as who I am. I will never be able to repay her for helping me in the 6th grade, when everyone hated me for being gay. It’s not like I chose this, I’m just strictly-dickly.

We pulled up to the huge, yellow Victorian farm house that my family inherited. Not gonna lie, I’m pretty well off. But seeing as my parents think I’m an abomination, it’s not like I’ll ever get a cent of money unless I tell them I’m “cured”. Reluctantly, I tossed a good-bye smile to Paige. “I’ll see you later, loser,” she joked. As my green beacon of hope disappeared onto the highway back to her house, I turned to my own personal hell. Shit. I have to go in. I dug out my house key from my satchel (IT’S NOT A PURSE) and unlocked the front door. My house is fucking giant. I get lost from my room to the kitchen sometimes. I hurried up to my room, hoping this would be one of the peaceful days that my parents pretended that I didn’t exist until dinnertime. Just as I set my bag on the floor next to my life-size cardboard cut-out of Jayy Von Monroe (the man is a fucking beast), I heard a knock on my door.
Fuck. Guess today’s going to be different.
“Adam, please come down to the table. Your mother and I need to speak with you.”
Shit…are they disowning me? Am I getting kicked out? Okay, maybe that wouldn’t be so terrible. I sighed. Time to face them, I guess. “Yes, sir. I’ll be down in a minute,” I replied. I sat on my bed, thinking of what I would do in so many different situations that my head started hurting. I finally gathered up the courage to go downstairs. I got into the dining room where my mother sat at our huge oak table with my dad standing behind her with a hand on her shoulder. “Have a seat Adam.” I sat across them, but far enough away that I wouldn’t be reachable if things went violent.
“Your mother and I are worried about your soul, son. That’s why we’ve reached a decision.”

Oh fucking fuck.

“You’re going to be sent to the Catholicism for Children camp during spring break, so that you learn the true way of Jesus Christ. And you are not allowed to come home until you are cured of your sinful ways.” My mother immediately pulled her famous act of crying over everything, just to make me feel like shit. Well, I’m done. It won’t work this time.
“I didn’t choose this, Dad. I was fucking born this way, and if you can’t deal with the fact that you have a gay son, then you two are some shitty parents.” I don’t really know why it came out that way, but hey, it got my point across.
“What did you just say?? How dare you speak to me like this! Using the words of the devil in my home? You should be grateful that we’re trying to save your soul, and you treat your family like this? I don’t want to see your face until you learn that being a-a…homosexual is the way of Satan himself!”

I shoved my chair back and ran to my room, the tears of rage pouring down my face. How could anyone live this way?! I slammed my door shut and dug out my emergency “run-away” bag that I’ve had since I was 11. I shoved whatever clothes and supplies I needed for a week and filled it to the zipper. I shoved it under my bed so they wouldn’t know that I planned on staying with Paige for as long as I could possibly manage. I looked at the clock and decided I should just go to sleep. Everything would be better tomorrow when I saw Paige.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The next day at school ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ugh. Paige called in sick to school, so now I’d have to go through the day alone. I put my duffel bag into my locker for safe-keeping when the Community Whore shimmied up to my locker. If she wasn’t such a bitch, she might be attractive. Kelsey shoved my shoulder against the locker. “What the fuck is your problem?” I snarled.
“You being a fucking faggot. That’s my problem. Who the fuck would ever touch you?” she sneered at me. I could feel the tears start to sting my eyes. I needed to get the hell out of here. I shut my locker door and hurried to my first period, but I slammed into someone. Oh, shit. It was that one kid that took a picture of me and Paige the other day, um…Victor. I felt the tears start to stream down my face as we made eye contact. “H-hey, are you okay??” he asked quietly. “I-I’m fine. Sorry…I have to go.” I slipped past Victor and made my way to class, hoping my face wasn’t a horrible teary-mess.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gym class ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Finally. Third hour was over, and all I had to do was take a shower and go to lunch. I grabbed a towel and headed to the shower when I felt someone grab my shoulder. “Hey…Adam, is it? I-I was wondering if you wanted to talk to me about what happened earlier.” Victor looked kind of red, but maybe that was because he got to the showers before I did. “No. I shouldn’t even be talking to someone like you, anyways. I have to shower now,” I snapped. He looked hurt, and it killed me a bit on the inside. I just wanted the day to be over, and this kid was fucking it up. I walked off to the showers, got undressed, and wrapped the towel around my (lovely) waist. I started messing with the water temperature when I got shoved against the wall under the water stream. “What is going on with you? Tell me now, Adam. I don’t take bullshit answers when I know someone’s going through shit,” Victor demanded. I couldn’t even form the words because the water was just pouring down Victor’s clothes and he didn’t even care. Man, the guy had a body. The tears started rising and all I could do was just stare into his green eyes. The next thing I know, he’s just holding me close and the tears just poured out of me. It seemed like an eternity of just standing there in Victor’s arms. (Let’s be honest. I wasn’t opposed to the idea. He was kuh-yute.) But the sweet moment ended abruptly when my damned towel fell to the floor and I could feel it hit my toes. Shit. “Uh…um. V-Victor?” I looked up to see those lovely green eyes staring down at me. “Yeah?”

“I…I d-dropped m-my towel.”
A brief moment passed.

I could feel my entire body go hot from embarrassment. I looked up to see Victor cover his eyes and turn around with a dramatic swirl. But he stumbled out of the shower soaking from head-to-toe. I quickly picked up my towel (which was pretty much worthless now that it was soaking wet, too) and re-wrapped it around my waist. I headed out to my gym locker and started getting dressed when Victor started wringing out his shirt. I could feel my gaze just move down his chest…No. Stop. He doesn’t play for your team, sweetheart.
I tossed some jeans, boxers, and a Slipknot shirt onto the bench next to him. “I-I doubt they’ll fit you, but it’s better than what you got on.” I put my own clothes on and was getting ready to leave when I saw Victor smile. And fucking Christ, it was cute. His whole face lit up, and he tried to hide it. But at the last second, he bit his bottom lip to keep it from showing. Oh, fuck. I need to get out of here before I start thinking with the wrong head.

“I’ll see you later, Vic.”

I made my way out of the locker room to the cafeteria when I got shoved up against a locker. Again? What is the deal today? Shit. Fuck it all, it was Kelsey again.
“Hey, little fairy. Sprinkle any fag dust anywhere today?” she sneered. Oh, sweet Jayy Von Monroe. Get this cunt away from me. “Leave me alone, Kelsey. I don’t even fucking talk to you.” I squirmed out from her, but she managed to pull me back against the locker. Jeez, how much does this bitch bench press? The entire football team? Not attractive. “Oh, so you’re gonna fight back little fairy?” She started pushing me repeatedly against the locker, and I just closed my eyes. Suddenly, everything stopped and I felt someone pulling me away from the lockers. I opened my eyes to meet Victor’s concerned look. “Are you okay??” I looked around to see the hallway was filled with people just watching me and Kelsey, without even trying to stop her. “I-I ran to find Micha…I saw what was happening. I hope she didn’t hurt you too badly,” Victor explained breathlessly. I searched for the guy that Vic was talking about and saw this big hunk of cowboy-oh. That must be who Paige was talkin’ about. Da-amn. “Kelsey, what is wrong with you? Do you even realize how many people saw you? That was so fucking wrong…” That was all I heard of Micha because I was so distracted by his fucking hotness. He was a COOWWWBOYYYYY if I ever saw one. Mmm-mm. Tan, tall, and blue-eyed. Too bad he’s dating Satan. And batting for the straight team.
Micha walked over to me, eyeing me and Victor standing so close. I remembered our little scene in the locker room and blushed. Oh fuck. The guy almost saw me NAKED. FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK- “Hey…do you want a ride home or something?” Micha offered. I nodded and waved goodbye to Victor. He smirked at me, making me blush even harder. What the… We got to my locker and I grabbed what I needed. I decided I would have him drop me off at Paige’s house. I turned around to see Victor and Micha putting in Paige’s address into the navigation of Micha’s phone. “Y-you’re coming with?” I asked. Victor did that cute half-smile again (oh lort) and nodded. “Micha’s my best friend.” Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

After the most awkward car ride of my life, we pulled into Paige’s driveway. I had texted her, letting her know I would be coming over but she didn’t know I was bringing “Cowboy” and Victor. We piled out of the car and headed to the door. I knocked a couple times, and Paige answered. Oh boy, was her face priceless.

“What the hell are you doing here?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Paige: http://tinypic.com/r/25gfh1f/6
Micha: http://tinypic.com/r/15pfora/6
Adam: http://tinypic.com/r/t5magm/6
Victor: http://tinypic.com/r/ruaesl/6
Kelsey: http://tinypic.com/r/2safrjs/6