

Death goes to God when the rest are sleeping. He brushes hair away from Sadie’s face first, touches the tightly wound curls. She doesn’t move. He appears in front of God with his hands folded behind his back. God looks the same as last time.
God is twisting the Milky Way between God’s fingers. “Death. My angels are all in a tizzy because of you.”
“They’re hunting my Sadie and the half-demon, old friend.”
“Oh, shit, really? They shouldn’t be doing that,” God murmurs, leaning forward. God snaps God’s fingers and Raphael appears, looking flustered.
“I’m very busy,” he blurts out, wringing his hands.
“Have you been chasing the demon boy again?” God asks.
“Well, yes.”
God puts a hand to God’s forehead. “I meant to watch the child, not hunt him. Leave the prophet and the child alone, Raphael.”
He bows his head, obedient as always. “Of course.”
He disappears with the soft sound of matter being sucked out of a space. “And the vampire. His head is unfocused.”
God waves a hand. “Bad blood. It happens all the time. Messes up their nose, makes it stronger. Confuses them. It’s fixed.” Death thanks God and leaves.
The rest are still sleeping, Valentine snuffling softly into the back of Balor’s neck. Sadie has both fists curled under her face, the curve of her full lips softened. He settles next to her. He’ll tell them all of their safety when they awake. For now, he watches.