
I blink and scrunch my eyes in intense pain when the bright light hits my corneas, waking up has never been easy for me, "Mum, close the curtains... I need a mental health day." I mumble.

Then I hear my Mother gasp "Becca?! Mu-ya Bambino, oh my god... honey you're awake... finally awake." she then walks a few feet away, her shoes are echoing on the floor, I then hear her shout "Nurse, she's a wake, wide awake!"

Nurse? I'm in a hospital! I suddenly feel the scratchy sheets and smell the bleach as my senses go in to overdrive, suddenly it becomes apparent that a tube forcing air through my nose and I start to gasp as my brain realises, it must be serious.

Nobody gets tubes up their noses unless its serious. I try to think back -what could have caused this - but there is a barricade, and its stopping me, my mind is stopping me.