Ocean's Daughter

Beauty in the water,
angel on the beach.
Ocean's daughter,
thought love was out of reach.


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"Fucking hell, Branson. Are you listening to anything that I'm saying? She's a fucking mermaid. She has a fucking tail and lives underwater. And your biggest concern is whether or not she's hot?" Branson is looking at me with this goofy grin and I want to hit it right off his face because oh my fucking lord he's acting fucking mental.

"Well, what else do you want me to say?" he says, shrugging. "I mean either you've had one too many spills from the board and are hallucinating about mythical creatures, or you're serious. And if you're serious- then, c'mon, Luke- is she hot?"

I roll my eyes, punch him in the gut, and then tell him, "Well, for a girl with a fucking tail…hell yes."