Flashbacks and Nightmares


Tamara saw a slim, pretty girl, dressed in rags. She was humming a tune so quitley, Tamara didnt hear it.
A plump lady, in an aprom came in
"Hello, Mrs. Sorf!" The girl said
"Hello, are you okay?" The plum lady asked
Tamara thought the lady looked like her foundation teacher.
The thin girl nodded, "yes... And you Mrs.Sorf?"
"I'm good, dear, I must get back to cooking now, dont work yourself to hard, that Edgar bloke is not going to enjoy kissing a sweaty maid now is he?" Mrs. Sorf said, pinching the thin girls nose, making both of then giggle.
Mrs. Sorf walked out and the girl carried on working
"Edgar... He's never going to ever like a smelly poor maid like me.." She murmered

Tamara woke up, she stood up, and went into her kitchen, it looked just like the one in her blackout....