Flashbacks and Nightmares


Tamara looked outside, could the flashback really have been in this kitchen? She sighed, and went outside, looking round, goosebumps appearing on her arms. She was terrified. She looked at the strange bump in the ground, and the rock with strange dents on it.
'Better dig it up and flatten it out, toatally NOT my thing...oh well!" She thought, heading for her shed. She started to dig, for ages.... Finally her spade hit something hard, she pushed up the earth and looked down. It was dark, a bit too dark to see, she went inside and cooked up a quick pasta for herself and ate it, when she heard a bang from out in the garden.
'Nothing..' She thought. Once she had finished she brought out a torch and carried on uncovering the odd hard thing. She finally finished, and pulled the heavy box out the ground. It looked luke a coffin. She realised the lid wasn't attached to anything. She opned the lid, revealing a sight that made her skin crawl.... A rotting corpse, its eyes on Tamara