Sequel: The Most Unexpected Faces ›
Status: Finished <3 sequel is up :)
The Hand of Destiny
'Cause The Hardest Part Of This Is Leaving You
I was not surprised that Andy wasn’t lying next to me when I woke up. He was probably asleep in the lounge, where I last saw him – still deep in thought at 1 am this morning- when I checked on him. I was surprised however, to see a small piece of paper folded up on the pillow next to me.
I picked up the square of paper and unfolded it, there was already deep creases in it from where it had obviously been unfolded and folded many times before being placed next to me.
Ashley, I have gone to see Kier. X
That’s it? That’s all he wrote?!
He’s gone to see Kier, but to do what?
Make up? Break up?
I let out an exasperated sigh, everything’s going to shit lately…
Still, he could have at least talked to me! If he’s gone to break up with him he’s left me to wonder and worry about him. The thing is though, after Kier kicked him out they were as good as over. If he was going to break up with Kier surely he would have just talked to him later or phoned him? No maybe not, if he is going to officially end it with him he probably wants to do it in person. Hell, he may have even gone to apologise and as much as I would love to pretend I do I don’t know everything, particularly what’s going on between Andy and Kier.
But I can’t just sit around and wait without knowing.
I jumped up and pulled on my jeans, grabbed the first shirt I saw, shoved my feet in my boots (no time for a jacket!) and ran out of my apartment.
I flagged down a taxi and told the guy Andy’s address – well, I think it’s his address, the one time I heard him say it my apartment had just burnt down and I was homeless so I had other things to think about.
When we arrived (too slow for my liking but hey-ho it's morning traffic) I paid the driver and half-walked/half-ran into the building and started making my way to Andy’s apartment.
When I reached his door I stopped. I didn’t barge in or even knock.
If Andy was talking to someone he had history with about their relationship (Andy and Kier’s relationship not Andy and mine, wait, do we have a relationship?) then they probably want to talk properly without me interrupting.
I don’t know why I came down really, I guess I was having one of my ‘do now, think later’ moments. I went to sit on the window sill opposite the apartment. Then I heard something smash.
“What the hell Andy? Get out!” someone shouted.
A lower voice spoke, this one didn’t shout though.
“Stop yelling Kier, it’s not achieving anything.”
Andy was ignored.
“Why the hell are you here??”
“To talk to you.” He said as evenly as before. “But I see you are busy, mainly with being a hypocrite and a whore.” Anger seeped into Andy’s voice.
“Well in case you haven’t noticed, I’ve moved on. You cheated on me while we were in a relationship. When I kicked you out that should have registered as ‘it’s over’ with you but evidently it didn’t. Now leave, you can get your shit later. Just go.”
“You know what? I will. Jinxx told me you’re a dick and I didn’t listen, guess I should have. It was one kiss Kier, and you chose to react like this. So I’m going to take the offer Jinxx gave me this morning and move in with him. If you need me – which I seriously hope you never will – that’s where I’ll be.
I didn’t realise that I’d moved closer to the door during their argument but I had. So when Andy threw the door open and stepped out he banged into me.
He looked at me and I was worried for a second, would he be mad at me for coming and the listening in? (Yeah, I could deny it but it’s a bit obvious due to my close proximity to the door).
But instead he smiled and wrapped his arms around me.
I was not surprised that Andy wasn’t lying next to me when I woke up. He was probably asleep in the lounge, where I last saw him – still deep in thought at 1 am this morning- when I checked on him. I was surprised however, to see a small piece of paper folded up on the pillow next to me.
I picked up the square of paper and unfolded it, there was already deep creases in it from where it had obviously been unfolded and folded many times before being placed next to me.
Ashley, I have gone to see Kier. X
That’s it? That’s all he wrote?!
He’s gone to see Kier, but to do what?
Make up? Break up?
I let out an exasperated sigh, everything’s going to shit lately…
Still, he could have at least talked to me! If he’s gone to break up with him he’s left me to wonder and worry about him. The thing is though, after Kier kicked him out they were as good as over. If he was going to break up with Kier surely he would have just talked to him later or phoned him? No maybe not, if he is going to officially end it with him he probably wants to do it in person. Hell, he may have even gone to apologise and as much as I would love to pretend I do I don’t know everything, particularly what’s going on between Andy and Kier.
But I can’t just sit around and wait without knowing.
I jumped up and pulled on my jeans, grabbed the first shirt I saw, shoved my feet in my boots (no time for a jacket!) and ran out of my apartment.
I flagged down a taxi and told the guy Andy’s address – well, I think it’s his address, the one time I heard him say it my apartment had just burnt down and I was homeless so I had other things to think about.
When we arrived (too slow for my liking but hey-ho it's morning traffic) I paid the driver and half-walked/half-ran into the building and started making my way to Andy’s apartment.
When I reached his door I stopped. I didn’t barge in or even knock.
If Andy was talking to someone he had history with about their relationship (Andy and Kier’s relationship not Andy and mine, wait, do we have a relationship?) then they probably want to talk properly without me interrupting.
I don’t know why I came down really, I guess I was having one of my ‘do now, think later’ moments. I went to sit on the window sill opposite the apartment. Then I heard something smash.
“What the hell Andy? Get out!” someone shouted.
A lower voice spoke, this one didn’t shout though.
“Stop yelling Kier, it’s not achieving anything.”
Andy was ignored.
“Why the hell are you here??”
“To talk to you.” He said as evenly as before. “But I see you are busy, mainly with being a hypocrite and a whore.” Anger seeped into Andy’s voice.
“Well in case you haven’t noticed, I’ve moved on. You cheated on me while we were in a relationship. When I kicked you out that should have registered as ‘it’s over’ with you but evidently it didn’t. Now leave, you can get your shit later. Just go.”
“You know what? I will. Jinxx told me you’re a dick and I didn’t listen, guess I should have. It was one kiss Kier, and you chose to react like this. So I’m going to take the offer Jinxx gave me this morning and move in with him. If you need me – which I seriously hope you never will – that’s where I’ll be.
I didn’t realise that I’d moved closer to the door during their argument but I had. So when Andy threw the door open and stepped out he banged into me.
He looked at me and I was worried for a second, would he be mad at me for coming and the listening in? (Yeah, I could deny it but it’s a bit obvious due to my close proximity to the door).
But instead he smiled and wrapped his arms around me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Boom and Kier is gone. (Cilit Bang joke, don't ask...)So, happy now? :P
For those of you wondering Kier is NOT the evil ex-boyfriend mentioned in the description, no you'll be meeting him in a few chapters time *evil grin*
There has been a lot of drama so far (and i'm nowhere near done with plot twists ;P) so the next two chapters will be fun, amusing and not to mention filled with music :D
Thanks for reading, please comment/subscribe/recommend :)
EDIT: Heya, okay, cos i'm an idiot i forgot to mention just what it was that Andy walked in on Kier doing, i'll explain it in the next chapter at the beginning, thanks :P